Virtual Treeview 5.51 » Developer.Team

Virtual Treeview 5.51

Virtual Treeview 5.51
Virtual Treeview 5.51 | Free For All

Virtual Treeview is a treeview control built from the ground up. More than a decade of development have created one of the most flexible and advanced Delphi tree controls available today. Virtual Treeview started off with the claim to improve many aspects of existing solutions and introduced several groundbreaking technologies and principles.

As the name indicates, the control uses a different paradigm for tree management than other controls of this kind. It does not read the data it manages (except its size), not even the captions of a node. Everything is retrieved from the application via events (or descendants via overridden methods).

Virtual Treeview has been carefully designed and thoroughly tested. The control has proven its concept as well as its great usability in many commercial products and freeware projects.

Although JAM Software has taken Virtual TreeView under its wing, the control remains open source. Developers are welcome to participate!

List of changes:
Fixed issue #479 : The style hooks for the VCL styles are now registered for TVirtualStringTree and TVirtualDrawTree instead of TBaseVirtualTree, which makes it easier to use own style hooks in derived classes.
Partial fix for issue #478: The standard VCL property StyleElemets (public in TControl in RAD Studio XE3 and higher) is now supported and published for TVirtualStringTree and TVirtualDrawTree (XE3 and higher). This means you can define if the font and the backgrounbd color is taken from the VCL style or the control's properties. Leaving out seBorder is not yet working well, more work will be necessary.
Fixed issue #473 : Return type of GetUtilityImages should be TCustomImageList
Fix for issue #470 : VCL Styles and sorting failure
Added missing inherited to CMMouseEnter()
Fixed issue #468 : Redundant code in CreateSystemImageSet()
Fixed issue #482 : AutoScale() could cause exception during form load.
Added fix for #466: No parent window if column created in constructor
Fixed issue #446 : ScrollIntoView does not work properly after applying patch from issue #339
Improvements for toAlwaysSelectNode option: Selection of next sibling has been improved in case the currently selected node is being removed.
Added missing begin/end-block in MeasureItemHeight()
Improved fix for issue #438 : Now correctly initializing member of property TVTColors.UnfocusedColor
Improved fix for issue #447 : DoMeasureItem() was called for Node instead of Child.
Minor improvement in appearance of border lines in HTML export.
Fixed issue #480 : Warning when compiling Delphi XE2 packages
Fixed #472: Redundant conditions in TVclStyleScrollBarsHook.WMMouseMove
Fixed #476: Simplify TVTDragImage.WillMove()
Fixed issue #485 : unit VirtualTrees does not compile with {$TYPEDADDRESS ON}

