Telerik UI for Silverlight 2016.1.217 Full Source & Demos » Developer.Team

Telerik UI for Silverlight 2016.1.217 Full Source & Demos

Telerik UI for Silverlight 2016.1.217 Full Source & Demos
Telerik UI for Silverlight 2016.1.217 Full Source & Demos | 914 Mb

Telerik UI for Silverlight includes a wide range of controls—from small UI components such as Rating to powerful data-driven controls like GridView. The suite provides a variety of data visualization tools which allow you to display and edit your data in many different ways. Manipulate your row data in a GridView or Spreadsheet and then visualize it through PivotGrid, or any of the other charting and diagramming tools. Choose from a number of components for daily or business planning such as ScheduleView where users can easily plan their day and GanttView which allows users to visualize and manage any project planning data. Telerik UI for Silverlight comes complete with customizable UI controls for a variety of needs and options, which makes it the ideal choice for any Line of Business Application.

Professional-Looking Themes
Give your applications the slick professional look by applying our built-in themes. Telerik UI for Silverlight ships with more than ten professionally designed themes. Windows8 and Windows8Touch, let you apply styling in real-time. While the new Office 2013 theme mimics the look and feel of Microsoft Office 2013.

Themes include:
Visual Studio 2013

Exceptional Performance and User Experience
Telerik UI for Silverlight enhance user experience by providing both UI and data virtualization. Use Telerik UI Controls to display large amounts of data, with virtually no performance trade-off. What you get is exceptional performance and a sleek end-user experience. Telerik UI Controls make your apps fast by:

Producing minimal and clean XAML
Allowing you to load only the data within the current viewport of the application
Implementing lazy loading – loading data only when it is requested
Minimizing memory usage, robust code free from memory leaks

Document Processing

Two new components enable you to process the most common spreadsheet and PDF file formats without having Microsoft Office or other third-party libraries installed. Your application users will be able to create, load and modify documents in a variety of formats including:


Enable your application to seamlessly export and import documents or convert them from one format to another. All thanks to the intuitive and easy-to-use APIs.

MVVM Support
Software development is made easier with the ability to drag-and-drop a complex control from our toolbox, wire up a few events, receive quick functionality, and then move on to the next work item. Those functionalities, however, do not guarantee that the software created is well structured, easily extensible, and unit testable. MVVM resolves those issues. Telerik UI for Silverlight fully supports MVVM, allowing you to create reliable, well-structured and easily maintainable applications.

Touch Support
The built-in touch support and the Windows8Touch theme make your Telerik UI for Silverlight powered applications run smoothly on a touch device.

Intuitive API
Telerik UI for Silverlight has a short learning curve and is easy to use. The suite provides for:

Seamless integration with your Visual Studio Toolbox for quick drag and drop usage
Feature configuration using Design-time Wizards
Easy to learn API
The Telerik UI Controls API is a close mirror of Microsoft. If you’ve worked with the Silverlight Framework and Microsoft’s XAML Controls, you’ll get up and running fast in Telerik UI Controls for Silverlight

Export Support
Export the data that different controls display with a functionality that enables your users to view and manipulate their data even after an application is closed. Telerik UI for Silverlight provides you out-of-the-box export functionalities and options. Most of the data-driven controls allow you to export data to a variety of formats.

UI for Silverlight Q1 2016 SP1


    VerticalContentAlignment has no effect on the AutocompleteBox.
    No items are returned by the AsyncFilteringBehavior if the ItemsSource contains objects of a nested class.


    VerticalContentAlignment's value is updated from "Center" to "Stretch". 


    The busy indication of the BusyIndicator is not visible if it is placed inside a tab in TabControl.


    An exception is thrown when rapidly recreating series with Direct2D render options.


    EditableComboBox foreground does not change through Windows8Touch palette.


    MouseOver and Focused brushes are modified for Windows8Touch theme.


    Selecting date from DataFormDateField provides inconsistent DateTime.Kind results when using keyboard and mouse navigation.


    DateTimePicker loses focus if it has been hovered for Wondows8Touch theme.


    Resizing grouped Shape and ContainerShape stops unexpectedly.
    Editing ViewModel's property via SettingsPane works only for the first selected Shape.


    Provided a way to access the MainWindow's (or any other Window's) resources in the generated ToolWindow instances.
    Added ToolWindowCreated, PaneGroupCreated and SplitContainerCreated events that are raised when the control's DefaultGeneratedItemsFactory creates elements at runtime.
    Added override for the DockingPanesFactory's CreatePaneForItem() that accepts the RadDocking instance.

DragDrop Manager

    Drag is started when you click on an element with opened ContextMenu (or RadContextMenu).


    When setting the HorizontalHeaderAlignment to center, this changes only the content position but not the expand\collapse button itself.


    MajorTick foreground cannot be changed through the palette for Windows8, Windows8Touch, Office2013 and VisualStudio2013 themes.


    Optimized GridViewRow/Cell automation API. This change should improve general performance on touch-enabled devices, or other UI Automation environments.


    Design time error with Office2013 theme in Silverlight.
    Copying special characters results in incomplete pasted text in Excel.
    Infinite measure cycle occurs when loading a lot of items and having disabled UI virtualization.
    Scrolling performance is bad when ValidatesOnDataErrors.IsViewMode is used and the data source is System.Data.DataView.
    Implicit row's style should be not cleared when the SelectStyle method of RowStyleSelector returns null.


    "Space" key input is handled when a TextBox control is added to the control's ItemTemplate.


    ArgumentNullException is thrown when the Location of a ViewModel implementing INotifyLocationchanged is changed.


    Letter can be typed after select all in MaskedTextInput with Mask="Pddd". 

MS Controls

    Vertical Scrollbar minimum size is too small for ExpressionDark theme.
    Thumb in Horizontal Scrollbar is not visible with Windows8, Office2013 and VIsualStudio2013 themes.


    Validationerrors are cleared on LostFocus if the selected value is not changed.


    RadMenuItems' and DropDownMenu's default FocusVisualStyle is removed in all themes. 


    Added ExpanderStyle property of the RadPanelbarItem for controlling the Style of the Expander path.

PDF Viewer

    Improved memory usage when rendering big images.
    Decreased memory usage when rendering text and graphics.


    InvalidCastException is thrown when importing PdfLiteralString with escaped characters.
    Some glyphs are overlapped in the imported document since ShowTextArray operator does not respect FontSize and HorizontalScaling when positioning text fragments.
    Import/export of document causes memory leak because FlateDecode does not dispose CompressedStream instances.


    RibbonWindows' buttons hover/press area is too small in Windows8 theme.


    RTF format provider: Improved compatibility with WordPad and RichTextBox when exporting transparent colors.


    When Redo action is executed after deleting a table with applied style, the rows after the first row in the restored table lose their style.
    Formatting in headers/footers is lost when performing mail merge.
    When RadRichTextBox is declared before RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI in XAML, current font is set to 'Verdana'.
    When several paragraphs are selected and ParagraphProperties dialog is opened/closed, the properties of the paragraph with the cursor are applied to all paragraphs.
    Memory leak when typing and deleting content.
    Memory leak when changing the AssociatedRichTextBox property of StylesGallery.
    Docx format provider: Symbols ('sym' element) with locally set font family are displayed as squares on import.
    The header of Row properties tab in Table Properties dialog is not localized.


    Double click on the disabled slots shows the EditAppointmentDialog when an appointment is selected.
    VisibleRangeCommand is fired twice when the view is changed with the headers in ScheduleView.
    VisibleRangeChanged event is triggered more times when initially loading the control and ActiveViewDefinitionIndex is set.
    The view is moved to the second day in the VisibleRange when changing the DayStartTime of TimelineView runtime.
    The TimeLineView is corrupted, when scroll into view an appointment that is not in the visible range.
    The binding of ActiveViewDefinitionIndex is broken, when the ViewDefinitions are added in code-behind.
    Clicking on a read-only slot creates an appointment in a certain scenario.
    Last appointment is not shown when there are more than 4 appointments for a day in MonthViewDefinition and the theme is Windows8Touch.
    Appointments are stretching even when StretchAppointments is set to "false".
    ScheduleVeiw doesn't save the TimeZone of the exception occurrences when exporting to iCal. 


    If more than one range is referred in Indirect function, returned value is 0, instead of Reference error.
    Slow import of documents containing many UnionExpressions.


    Improved the logic for searching formulas in Insert Function dialog. 


    Paste works on a protected sheet when the MessageShowing event is handled.
    If more than one range is referred in Indirect function, returned value is 0, instead of Reference error.
    Slow import of documents containing many UnionExpressions.


    Setting SelectionMode to Single does not clear SelectedItems collection.
    SelectedItem is changed on selecting other items when SelectionMode is Multiple or Extended.
    Setting SelectedItem to null does not clear SelectedItems.
    SelectedItem and SelectedIndex cannot be set to the same value after SelectedItems were cleared.
    Selecting range of tiles does not work properly when all tiles were deselected and immediately selected while holding the Shift key.


    Improved vertical scrolling performance.
    Optimized GridViewRow/Cell automation API. This change should improve general performance on touch-enabled devices, or other UI Automation environments.


    IsExpandedBinding does not work correctly when alternation is applied.


    When selection is changed from child to parent item with mouse, the FocusVisual stays on the child.


    Added HostCreated event to RadWindow, which is raised after the WindowHost creation. 


    Window is cropped when maximized on display with DPI higher than 100%.


    RadWindow gets unwanted border when it has been Minimized in Windows8/Windows8Touch themes


[b] Only for V.I.P
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