Download Telerik UI for Blazor 3.4.0 Retail

Telerik UI for Blazor 3.4.0 Retail

Telerik UI for Blazor 3.4.0 Retail
Telerik UI for Blazor 3.4.0 Retail

Blazor gives you the ability to write rich web apps with C# rather than jаvascript. Telerik UI for Blazor components have been built from the ground-up to ensure you experience shorter development cycles, quick iterations and cut time to market.

Template Support
With native components, the Telerik UI for Blazor Grid templates can fully utilize the best features of Blazor to highly customize the user experience.

Native Blazor Validation Integration
The UI for Blazor suite supports and integrates seemlessly into Blazor's Forms and Validation infrastructure. All Telerik UI for Blazor Input components work out of the box when placed inside an EditForm, respond to EditContext changes and provide default invalid styles.

Modern design
Telerik UI for Blazor provides Material, Bootstrap and Default themes that you can use to achieve modern design of your Blazor application. Thanks to the Theme Builder you can even customize the existing themes or create a new one to fit your needs.

What is Blazor

Blazor is a new framework by the Microsoft ASP.NET team that introduces a next generation component model that allows developers to write Single Page Applications (SPA) without jаvascript. If Blazor sounds new to you that’s because it has only been in development less than a year, and as an experimental project. Initially the Blazor framework targeted the Mono WebAssembly runtime (the .NET runtime compiled to wasm), thus allowing .NET to run on the client’s browser inspiring the name “Blazor” (Browser + Razor).

In this configuration the application’s resources including .dll files are delivered to the client and executed the Mono WebAssembly runtime. While the WebAssembly deployment of Blazor is sill in active development a server-side deployment option was introduced called Razor Components.
Blazor Component Model

The Blazor component model is refreshingly simple in its design. Components can contain markup (HTML) and logic (C#) in a single Razor (cshtml) file. The component is capable of handling data binding, events, and dependency injection all without jаvascript.

The Counter Component below demonstrates the basic composition of a Blazor component.

The counter component uses a basic HTML button to increment a counter field which is displayed within a paragraph tag. Because Blazor operates as a single page application all of the interactions in the component happen on the client. Updates to the browser’s Document Object Model (DOM) are handled by the Blazor framework though data binding.

What is Razor Components

Recently Microsoft has announced plans to support the framework when running server-side in a mode called Razor Components. Even more recently, an announcement was made that the same component model will be backwards compatible with ASP.NET Core (MVC) and Razor Pages. All of these cutting edge news and bits dropping around Blazor has our team at Telerik excited for the future of ASP.NET development. Much like Blazor running on WebAssembly, Razor Components allows developers to write Single Page Applications (SPA) without jаvascript.

The key difference between Blazor and Razor Components is the way the application is deployed. Instead of Blazor running via WebAssembly on the client, the Blazor framework runs on the server as an executable. In this mode, ASP.NET Core hosts the application and provides a communication channel using SignalR technology. Using SignalR the application sends UI updates and receives changes and events as binary packets of data over a web socket connection. Since only the changes are sent over the connection, the payload is small and efficient.

Since Razor Components utilizes the Blazor framework, components can be used in both deployment types.

UI for Blazor 3.4.0


New Skeleton Component
Material Theme - v.5.5.0
Bootstrap Theme - v.5.5.0
Default Theme - v.5.5.0
Update DPL version to 2022.2.613
Compatibility with .NET 7 Preview 5
Components should use "k-" state classes instead of "k-state-" classes


ToODataString() method incorrectly serializes nullable DateTime filter value
Groups with load on demand cannot be deserialized


Integrate TelerikSkeleton component inside the popup while loading data


WCAG 2.1 AAA and Section 508 compliance
Header Template
Header title button should be disabled when topmost view is reached
TopView Parameter


If the Min parameter excludes a whole month of the current year and you navigate to next year, you cannot navigate back to the current year from the Decade view
Calendar navigates to wrong decade from century view


ColorPicker generates incorrect value when decimal separator is comma


Integrate TelerikSkeleton component inside the popup while loading data


Multiple identical values for the TextField cause incorrect selection


WCAG 2.1 AAA and Section 508 compliance
Remove unnecessary k-dateinput span element and render state classes only on wrapper element


WCAG 2.1 AAA and Section 508 compliance
Remove unnecessary k-dateinput span element and render state classes only on wrapper element
Header Template


Setting the Min and Max attributes to dates in the same month and past or present years will not allow you to select a different year with the "Year" navigation button
If the Min parameter excludes a whole month of the current year and you navigate to next year, you cannot navigate back to the current year from the Decade view


WCAG 2.1 AAA and Section 508 compliance
Remove unnecessary k-dateinput span element and render state classes only on wrapper element
Header Template


If the Min parameter excludes a whole month of the current year and you navigate to next year, you cannot navigate back to the current year from the Decade view


WCAG 2.1 AAA and Section 508 compliance
Remove unnecessary k-dateinput span element and render state classes only on wrapper element


If the Min parameter excludes a whole month of the current year and you navigate to next year, you cannot navigate back to the current year from the Decade view


Cannot differentiate Cancel and OK with an empty textbox


Integrate TelerikSkeleton component inside the popup while loading data


Allow scrollbar in the TreeView navigation on the left-hand side when there are too many items


Allow customization of the default operator


Add Class parameter to the FormGroup


Customize FilterOperators shown in the filter list


WAI-ARIA attributes improvement
Customize FilterOperators shown in the filter list
HeaderTeamplate for CheckBox Column
Header Cell Class
Support for unsigned integer types such as ulong, ushort, byte


Incell editor does not trigger blur if pager element is clicked
Data items cannot be casted after grouping
Selecting `null` PageSize throws when the Grid has no data
IsCancelled = true is ignored in OnEdit event when tabbing
GridCommandButton does not render its Id value
Accessibility issue for table headers in Grid
Remove redundant Class parameter for AutoGeneratedColumns tag
Focus out is lost for Numeric and DateTime editors with grid incell editing
Grid can't be navigated in some cases.


Selecting `null` PageSize throws when the Grid has no data


Integrate TelerikSkeleton component inside the popup while loading data


The MultiSelect does not update its tags when selecting items with the keyboard when the component is housed in the ContextMenu


Support for unsigned integer types such as ulong, ushort, byte


NumericTextBox does not allow pasting of values with whitespace (e.g. from Excel)


WCAG 2.1 AAA and Section 508 compliance


Pager input doesn't show entered value when the previous value was selected and deleted
Selecting `null` PageSize throws when the Grid has no data


Editing an occurrence through the form creates a new occurrence but does not remove the initial one from the series
Scheduler Popup is closed before the logic in the OnUpdate and OnCreate handler is performed
Scheduler appointment context menu event does not provide event data like coordinates so you cannot actually show a context menu
Scheduler throws on multi-day appointment drag-drop
Showing/Hiding scrollbar dynamically misaligns the appointments


WCAG 2.1 AAA and Section 508 compliance


The Enabled parameter doesn't work when the Switch is wrapped inside a label HTML element


TabStrip scroll buttons submit a parent Form


WCAG 2.1 AAA and Section 508 compliance
Remove unnecessary k-dateinput span element and render state classes only on wrapper element


Items are not shown after increasing width of the Toolbar


Customize FilterOperators shown in the filter list
HeaderTeamplate for CheckBox Column
Header Cell Class
Support for unsigned integer types such as ulong, ushort, byte


Selecting `null` PageSize throws when the Grid has no data
IsCancelled = true is ignored in OnEdit event when tabbing


Modal Window moves away from the cursor on drag start when there is a vertical page scrollbar and the scroll position is not top


WCAG 2.1 AAA and Section 508 compliance


Introduced Signature flags support.


Block inside a table cell with content that exceeds the cell's width breaks the rendering of a text on the next line in the cell.


A NullReferenceException is thrown on exporting a file with an unsupported theme color type.
Upon export, sheet reference in formulas is lost when using whole row/column references.


PdfFormatProvider: Wrongly exported table width when table preferred width is set to Fixed and it is greater than the available page width.
PdfFormatProvider: An extra empty space appears below the inner table added when a Table is merged into a TableCell.
TableJustification is not imported and respected.

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