Telerik Reporting Q1 2015 SP1 (version Retail » Developer.Team

Telerik Reporting Q1 2015 SP1 (version Retail

Telerik Reporting Q1 2015 SP1 (version Retail
Telerik Reporting Q1 2015 SP1 (version Retail | 70 Mb

JustDecompile is available for free download individually, or it can be purchased with priority support as a part of DevCraft - the most comprehensive HTML5 and .NET toolbox. JustDecompile is fast. In fact, really fast. When tested against the leading competitors, for .NET framework decompilation time, JustDecompile came out 10 times faster than the leading commercial decompiler. Try it and verify the results for yourself.

Gain access to the complete stack of products to help you build stunning apps twice as fast:

Over 420 UI controls for HTML5 and all .NET technologies
Five powerful productivity, code quality and debugging tools for faster development
Reporting and data access

The JustDecompile API is open to the community. This means you can create your own JustDecompile extension and we will promote it in the growing Telerik community of 1,000,000+ developers. Among the extensions: Reflexil, for assembly editing and De4Dot, for deobfuscating obfuscated assemblies. Browse all available extensions on the Extensions Page. The JustDecompile Plugin Manager lets you easily download and administer your extensions right inside JustDecompile. You can download, install, uninstall, enable, disable, read license agreements or directly go to each plugins’ official website without ever exiting the JustDecompile UI.

Easy Assembly Management
JustDecompile quickly loads the core framework assemblies for .NET 2, .NET 3.5, .NET 4, .NET 4.5, .NET 4.5.1 WinRT Metadata and Silverlight. Loading the assemblies you want to browse is simple. Create your own custom Assembly Lists so that you don’t have to load the same assemblies over and over again. JustDecompile is following all new developments in the .NET world. JustDecompile supports the new version of C# and the Windows Runtime cross-platform application architecture on Windows 8 (WinRT). Alongside WinRT support, JustDecompile now supports two new file formats APPX (which is used for packaging Windows 8 apps) and WinMD (WinRT meta data files). Plus, the Silverlight XAP decompilation works from both your local file system and the web.

Fast Code Navigation
The JustDecompile robust search method, quickly navigates to the code of interest. With the addition of Full Text Search, the search is even more comprehensive. Dialogues help you navigate to code symbols and types. Simply type the name of the object you’re looking for, or take advantage of the CamelCase search.

Creates Visual Studio Projects
JustDecompile can create a Visual Studio project from a decompiled assembly. Export lost projects or obtain multiple classes without the need to copy and paste code. So you’ll never lose another project again.

One Engine, Three Tools
Combined with JustCode, JustDecompile allows you to decompile and navigate to code in project references. Plus, JustCode now offers the option to debug decompiled third party assemblies without ever leaving Visual Studio. Combined with JustTrace, JustDecompile will enable you to examine the source code of functions, you’re profiling, right inside JustTrace even if the source code is not available.

View Decompiled Code in Tabs
With the JustDecompile tabs you can easily switch between different methods and assemblies in one JustDecompile instance. Easily see and compare the decompiled code of two different methods without leaving the user interface of your current JustDecompile instance.

Visual Studio Extension
You can decompile referenced assemblies in a Visual Studio project with the help of a JustDecompile context command, right from the Solution Explorer.

Extract Resources From Assemblies
You can save resources from assemblies by right clicking on the desired resource and saving it.

Usage Analysis
The Find Usages features will bookmark the usages of the currently selected code symbol in any of the loaded assemblies.

Command Line Support
JustDecompile has the ability to export code directly from the command prompt. For ease of use you can add %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Telerik\JustDecompile\Libraries to your Path environment variable. To generate the Visual Studio project for an assembly from the command prompt, use the command JustDecompile.exe [/lang:csharp] /out:[OutputDirectory] /target:[PathAndAssemblyName].

Integrate With Windows Explorer Context Menu
The JustDecompile Explorer context menu allows you to decompile an assembly after browsing to it in Windows Explorer, without having to open JustDecompile from the start menu.

Fastest Decompiler
JustDecompile is fast. In fact, really fast. When tested against the leading competitors, for .NET framework decompilation time, JustDecompile came out 10 times faster than the leading commercial decompiler. Try it and verify the results for yourself.

Telerik Reporting Q1 2015 SP1 (version

March 24, 2015
Report Designers (Visual Studio Integrated & Standalone Report Designer)

Fixed: Table/List/Crosstab child items cannot be deleted
Fixed: The SqlDataSource wizard doesn't work with stored procedures that have non default schema name
Fixed: The SqlDataSource wizard loads the stored procedures list slower than in previous versions
Fixed: Dialogs need improvements for different DPI
Fixed: CSVDataSource Wizard in some scenarios throws 'Duplicate column name' error when entering CSV as text

Standalone Report Designer

Fixed: Format tab Expression option is not enabled when you select a Graph title for edit

Visual Studio Report Designer

Fixed: Upgrade Wizard and HTML5 report viewer template cannot start on VS 2013 Web API project
Fixed: Adding Telerik Report Viewer with existing type report definition do not add project reference
Fixed: The viewers Configure Report Source dialog should load the existing report types asynchronously
Fixed: Upgrade Wizard starts for each project in Visual Studio 2012 and newer
Fixed: ReportSource Load Report Dialog closes on attempt to use Type name or Object instance
Fixed: Select Report Type dialog has a wrong title

Report Model

Fixed: New line string is not serialized correctly

Report Processing

Added: Logical operators allowing only true or false part to be evaluated


Fixed: Graph's Axis with numeric scale should use default format
Fixed: Toggle visibility action expands/collapses all report detail instances
Fixed: Graph's LineSeries.LineStyle.LineWidth property cannot be controlled by the respective ConditionalFormatting rules
Fixed: RTL justification last line is on the left

RTF Rendering

Fixed: Word order reversed in RTF when rendering RTL text
Fixed: Table item cannot be exported in RTF if its data source returns zero records

HTML Rendering

Fixed: Lists in HtmlTextBox cannot be justified
Fixed: Toggle visibility action adorners (+/-) create more requests than necessary

REST WebAPI Report Service

Fixed: MsSqlStorage timeout occurs
Fixed: Report engine stores unsupported value for the Redis IStorage implementation

HTML5 Report Viewer

Fixed: Events do not provide access to the arguments, including error messages
Fixed: The item template suggested binding redirects are missing publicKeyToken
Fixed: Loading message is not displayed during the report/reportbook definition instantiation
Fixed: Available values parameter's editors 'clear selection' and 'select all' change the browser URL

Silverlight Report Viewer

Fixed: Native Silverlight printing is incorrect when page range is set

WPF Report Viewer

Fixed: Printing hangs occasionally when the report document contains only one page
Fixed: Cascading report parameters - when the major parameter is multivalue the dependent parameter is not updated correctly
Fixed: Data state is not preserved when using the reports history

WinForms Report Viewer

Fixed: Printing hangs occasionally when the report document contains only one page
Fixed: SaveFileDialog on export shows the report Name/DocumentName in the Filter (Save as type) drop-down
Fixed: Cascading report parameters - when the major parameter is multivalue the dependent parameter is not updated correctly
Fixed: Data state is not preserved when using the reports history

Product Dependencies

Telerik Reporting
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4

- Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient ( or later)

HTML5 Report Viewer
- Telerik Kendo UI (2013.2.918 or later) - jQuery (1.9.1 or later)

ASP.NET WebAPI REST Report Service
- Microsoft ASP.NET Web API (4.0.20710.0 or later) - Newtonsoft.Json ( or later)

ServiceStack REST Report Service
- ServiceStack (

ASP.NET MVC Extension of the HTML5 Report Viewer
- Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Framework (4.0.20710.0 or later)

WPF Report Viewer
- Telerik UI Controls for WPF (2015.1.225.40)

Silverlight Report Viewer
- Telerik UI Controls for Silverlight (2015.1.225.1050)

Database cache
- Telerik Data Access ORM (2015.1.220.1)


[b] Only for V.I.P
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