Telerik UI for WinForms Q2 2015 SP1 (version 2015.2.728) Retail » Developer.Team

Telerik UI for WinForms Q2 2015 SP1 (version 2015.2.728) Retail

Telerik UI for WinForms Q2 2015 SP1 (version 2015.2.728) Retail
Telerik UI for WinForms Q2 2015 SP1 (version 2015.2.728) Retail | 135 Mb

Telerik UI for WinForms includes more than 90 user interface controls you can use to fulfill the most demanding desktop or tablet application requirements. All-way customizable GridView, Form, Chart, Scheduler, RichTextBox and other essential controls enable you to build any Line of Business or Modern application in less time while staying under budget.

All Telerik Windows Forms controls come with full theme support. You can use any of the 19 included themes (Windows 8, Office 2013, Visual Studio 2012), or build new ones with the intuitive and unique Visual Style Builder tool. The built-in themes help you effortlessly deliver sleek and consistent, next-generation user experiences across your desktop and tablet applications.

Despite having animations and rich visual effects, Telerik UI for WinForms controls feature excellent performance aimed at helping developers like you improve your productivity and deliver better and faster applications in less time.
UI for WinForms enables easy development of complex, high-performing apps by:

Minimizing the amount of required repainting and layout rearrangements
Empowering all data controls with a data engine guaranteeing blazing-fast data loading and updates
Allowing you to exercise fine-grained control over the component's appearance and behavior using simple CSS-like syntax
Setting attractive defaults for controls supplied by the Telerik Presentation Framework
Providing easy integration with CAB and its underlying infrastructure

UI for WinForms Q2 2015 SP1 (version 2015.2.728)

July 28, 2015

    Setting certain shapes to DataPointElement causes the element not to paint.
    NullReferenceException when setting the ShowPanZoom property before the chart is populated with data.
    NullReferenceException  when the trackball is enabled and series are removed and added back.
    NullReferenceException when a data point with null value is hovered with the mouse.
    Setting the IsVisibleInLegend property of a Series at design time, causes exception(s) at runtime.
    Corrupt legend when the series IsVisibleInLegend property is set to false at at design time.
    Clip region in ChartSeriesDrawPart not restored in the Draw method.
    Application hangs if you add a PieSeries having all of its data points with zero values and set the ShowSmartLabels property to true.
    The smart labels positions are calculated for series that do not display labels. 
    Flickering with even small amounts of data.
    Incorrect position of the chart track ball when the LabelFitMode of the axes is set to MultiiLine.
    Track ball not displayed if series with null values is added first to the Series collection.


    When the text is changed the items are not synchronized.


    The header text is not changed when the form's Localizable property is set to true.


    Incorrect animation and position of the popup when multiple alerts are shown.


    Containers framework
    Routing functionality
    Connection bridges
    Touch support


    There is a gap between the vertical scrollbar and the diagram when the horizontal scrollbar is not visible.
    RadDiagramShape.IsDraggingEnabled property is not respected if it is set before the shape is added to RadDiagram.
    Setting the ToolTipText of RadDiagramShape is not applied to the inner LightVisualElement.


    Magnetic behavior for floating windows.
    Extended the behavior of Floating Windows with option for being owned by the main Form or act like normal Forms.


    Canceling the DocumentTabStrip.SelectedIndexChanging and the ToolTabStrip.SelectedIndexChanging events does not take effect.
    The ActiveWindowChanged event is not fired in MDI scenario when more than 1 RadDock control  is available.
    The current window is not properly set when the layout is loaded and the control does not have preset Active window.
    The underlying control is not shown when the window state is set to AutoHide and the tool windows are added in the Form.Load event handler. 
    The ActiveWindowChanged event is not fired when a DocumentWindow is floating.
    Cannot add ToolWindows from the Advanced Layout Designer if a ToolWindow with the same name is already present in the form but not added in the same dock control.


    RadForm is not properly scaled when the OS DPI is different than 96.
    Setting the Size property at run time is not respected when the MinimumSize is set at design time for an MDI child RadForm.


    ItemChanged event which is fired when properties of summary task, task and milestone are changed.


    Export of View Definitions to pdf and excel with GridViewPdfExport and GridViewSpreadExport.
    Support for the Excel group rows feature when exporting. Applies both to hierarchy and grouped rows.
    Pinned rows & columns in export to excel


    HtmlViewDefinition produces invalid layout.
    Property Builder - setting the HeaderImage of a column results in Object Reference exception.
    The Row property in the event arguments of the RowValidating event is null when the user deletes a row.
    Pdf export does not export correctly more than one child templates from second level.
    Unbound hierarchy mode with 3-level relation throws exception.
    Invalid processing of the CellValueNeeded event when sorting/filtering is applied in virtual mode.
    The BindingSource position changed and AlternatingRowColor does not work properly in self-reference RadGridView.
    Virtual mode - StackOverflow exception when you try to group.
    Incorrect current row when using the ResetBinding and AddNew methods of the BindingSource.
    GridViewColumns add empty strings in the localization files.
    Two sequential rows from different hierarchy level have the same (alternating) color in self-reference hierarchy.
    Self-referencing hierarchy does not work, when ColumGroupsViewDefinition is applied.
    Scrolls to the top/left when copy and paste operations are performed.
    Setting the Name of a column to a string which is a part of an expression a stack overflow exception is thrown.
    RadMultiColumnComboBoxElement does not always bestfit the columns when the AutoSizeDropDownToBestFit is set to true.
    ViewRowFormatting event not raised if the row is GridSearchRowElement.
    Invalid cast exception in GridCheckBoxHeaderCellElement when fitlering, even though EnableHeaderCheckBox is set to false.
    TargetException when changing data source and the AddNewBoundRowBeforeEdit property is set to true.
    Incorrect filtering is performed in self-reference hierarchy.
     Load layout exception when the DataType of a column is set to System.Drawing.Bitmap or custom type.
    Sorting a date time column containing nulls causes an exception.
    When the GridViewDecimalColumn.Minimum is changed, the spin editor in the filter cell is initialized with the minimum value.
    NullReferenceException when clicking over the filter icon and the multiple selection is enabled.
    Sorting a column containing nulls causes an exception.
    ExportToExcelML - exporting many rows takes too much time.
    When exporting with the new GridViewSpreadExport an exception occurs.
    Filter error message box of the filter menu has ControlDefault theme even though another theme is set to RadGridView.


    When the control is positioned in RadPageViewPage the user cannot add controls to the other pages at design time.  


    The ListElement.ItemsSortComparer is not taken into consideration when sorting.


    Exporting document with encryption occasionally throws FormatException.
    Single and Double Quotes are not recognized as valid keyword start characters.
    ShowTextArray operator interprets number values with opposite direction.
    When negative sign is right after array start the number is parsed as positive number.
    Importing RadFixedDocument from byte array causes ObjectDisposedException on export.
    TextLead parameter should be interpreted with opposite sign when used by MoveToNextLine content stream operator.
    When StrokeLineThickness is not set during path import the path geometry is later exported with thickness 0 instead of 1.
    BitmapSource created with GetBitmapSource method cannot be used to encode image because of ObjectDisposedException.


    Images with SMask are not displayed.


    Export to OpenXML format, specifically ".xlsx". See PivotGridSpreadExport provider .
    PivotGridPdfExport provider allowing export to native pdf format using Document Processng Libraries.


    The exported Excel file with decimal cells is not displayed correctly in Excel.
    Cannot set the Number Format (string format) of calculated field.


    The control does not have its binding context set, hence controls in the container don't have it either.
    Can not set the AssociatedControl property at design time if popup editor is dragged on user control.


    Performance in RibbonUI when the AssociatedRichTextEditor is changed.
    Performance in RibbonUI when the table related tabs are shown.
    Cannot be used in projects which target .NET 4.5 and above.
    Spellcheck button in RibbonUI is not updated when RadRichTextEditor.IsSpellCheckingEnabled is changed.


    NullReferenceException when setting the DefaultTimeZone.
    Some occurrences of a recurring appointment disappear when changing the time zone.


    There is a compile time error when the AllowAutomaticScrollToControl property is set at design time. 


    Introduced PdfSettings property in PdfExportSettings class which is used to specify settings when a workbook is exported to PDF.


    PictureElement that does not have SizeElement is imported with zero size.
    Setting style name that does not exist in the style repository throws null reference exception, which is not correct type of exception.


    Option to change between click and drag-drop behavior.


    ArgumentException when drag/drop a node between two RadTreeView controls and a screen-tip is shown.


    Text in Headers and Footers is not replaced.
    Fixed Open XML SDK validation errors related to invalid child elements.
    Html format provider fails to export more than 9 paragraphs associated with one list level.
    Fields in headers and footer are not updated when UpdateFields() method is invoked.
    Mail merge does not preserve the style properties of the merge field.
    Mail merge doesn't respect document variables.

Telerik Presentation Framework

    Opening the Edit UI Elements editor at design time in Visual Studio 2008 throws an exception.


[b] Only for V.I.P
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