Ext.NET Pro 3.2.1 MVC & WebForms » Developer.Team

Ext.NET Pro 3.2.1 MVC & WebForms

Ext.NET Pro 3.2.1 MVC & WebForms
Ext.NET Pro 3.2.1 MVC & WebForms | 90 Mb

EXT.NET is an ASP.NET component framework built with Sencha Ext JS. Focus on your software’s business logic and take advantage of 100+ components and 600+ examples in the Examples Explorer! Ext.NET boosts your productivity! We offer 100+ components and 600+ examples. Browse the examples using the sidebar menu on the left, check their source code, open in a separate window if you like. Ext.NET is an advanced ASP.NET (WebForms + MVC) component framework integrating the cross-browser Sencha Ext JS jаvascript Library.

If you are looking to build a rich, modern web application with cutting edge web technologies, unparalleled cross-browser compatibility and an advanced MVC architecture then Ext.NET is for you!

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Threading" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.Generic" %>

<script runat="server">
    protected void UpdateTimeStamp(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
        X.Msg.Notify("The Server Time is: ", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()).Show();

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head runat="server">
    <title>DirectEvents Summary - Ext.NET Examples</title>
    <link href="/resources/css/examples.css" rel="stylesheet" />
        .box, .box-wihtout-event {
        	width  : 100px;
        	height : 50px;
        	border : 1px solid #000;
            cursor : pointer;
        	text-align       : center;
        	margin-bottom    : 4px;
        	background-color : white;
        .red  {
        	color  : #fff;
            cursor : default;
        	background-color : red; 
        .blue  {
        	color : #fff;
        	background-color : blue; 
    <form runat="server">
        <ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server">
                <ext:DirectEvent Target="Button2" OnEvent="UpdateTimeStamp" />
                <ext:DirectEvent Target="Button3" OnEvent="UpdateTimeStamp" />
                <ext:DirectEvent Target="Span1" OnEvent="UpdateTimeStamp" />
                <ext:DirectEvent Target="Ext.select('div.box', true)" OnEvent="UpdateTimeStamp" />
        <h1>Summary of DirectEvents</h1>
        <p>The action of each of the following samples will trigger a DirectEvent Ajax request to the server and return a Notification Window to the browser.</p>
        <h2>Add a &lt;Click> DirectEvent to &lt;ext:Button></h2>
        <ext:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Click Me" OnDirectClick="UpdateTimeStamp" />
        <h2>Add a &lt;Click> DirectEvent with confirmation to &lt;ext:Button></h2>
        <ext:Button ID="Button4" runat="server" Text="Click Me">
                <Click OnEvent="UpdateTimeStamp">
                    <Confirmation ConfirmRequest="true" Title="Title" Message="Sample Confirmation Message..." />
        <h2>Add a Click DirectEvent to &lt;asp:Button></h2>
        <asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="Click Me" />
        <h2>Add a Click DirectEvent to a standard html &lt;input> button</h2>
        <input id="Button3" type="button" value="Click Me" />
        <h2>Add a Click DirectEvent to html &lt;span> element</h2>
        <span id="Span1" style="cursor: pointer;">*Click Me*</span>
        <h2>Add a Click DirectEvent to several html &lt;div> elements by using a Target Query</h2>
        <p>By using a Target Query we can attach the same DirectEvent (or Listener) to several html elements or Controls and fire a server-side event.</p>
        <p>The target(s) do not require an "id" and do not need a runat="server" attribute. The elements can be any html element available on the Page.</p>
        <p>The following Target Query will select all &lt;div> elements on the Page that contain the css class "box", but do not contain the css class "red".</p>
        <div class="box">Click Me</div>
        <div class="box-wihtout-event red">Not Me</div>
        <div class="box blue">Click Me too!</div>

* Version 3.2.1 CHANGELOG *

[r6486] [#836] Fixes the issues present on examples explorer.
[r6489] Fixes a small typo on ResourceManager's SourceFormatting description.
[r6494] [#839] Click on ImageCommand must focus a cell, but it didn't.
[r6495] GridPanel/RowExpander/Remote_Mode example formatting and cleaning up.
[r6496] [#833] Calendar examples: added a workaround for the drag&drop issues.
[r6497] [#843] "Reference resolver cannot be null" exception with Json.NET 7.0.1.
[r6501] [#842] TextField's RightButtons and LeftButtons could break a layout.
[r6502] [#842] Reverted the fix that is made in the previous revision. It caused something else broken.
[r6504] [#848] Remmoved a trailing comma in extnet/src/form/Picker.js.
[r6505] [#850] Fixes build configurations on vs 2012, 2013 and 2015 solutions.
[r6507] [#847] If store with AutoLoad="false" receives a "reload()" call, it broke layout.
[r6508] [#851] GridPanel with locking and summary war broken.
[r6510] Revised the DataView/Advanced/Grouping examples fixing a few issues.
[r6511] [#853] Store's AutoLoad="false" was ignored if RemoteFilter="true".
[r6512] [#857] Tooltips were not shown on mouseover on Touch devices (but with mouse).
[r6513] Fixed a spelling error in the comment.
[r6514] [#861] Unlicensed popup pulling non-https fonts.
[r6517] [#859] ClientIDMode="AutoID" could break dynamic rendering.
[r6520] [#860] A few Draw examples failed with 404 Not Found error.
[r6521] [#865] Fixed the SignalR example that was broken after NuGet packages update.
[r6522] [#866] ComponentLoader didn't respect "showMask: false" setting.
[r6523] [#867] CheckColumn didn't stop editing on click.
[r6524] [#868] CheckColumn: a cell focus frame was cut off.
[r6527] [#869] MenuPanel saving selection didn't work.
[r6528] [#870] DropDownField threw a jаvascript error on Tab key press.
[r6530] [#871] GridPanel's HideHeaders didn't work on the fly.
[r6531] [#872] PagingStore didn't clear a loading flag on load.
[r6532] [#873] TextField with RightButtons and LeftButtons could raise a jаvascript error in some scenario.
[r6533] [#871] Missed a header's top border if the header is initially hidden and then shown.
[r6535] [#668] DateField with Type="Month" as GridPanel Column's Editor collapses on click inside a picker in Chrome. Corrected the initial fix.
[r6536] [#874] Button's AutoLoadingState hung if return false in its DirectEvent's Before handler.
[r6537] [#876] PieSeries Titles were not applied to Legend.
[r6538] [#877] ComponentView fields could lose focus on click.
[r6539] [#878] DragTracker's drag region element was not visible.

[r6488] [#836] Finishes implementation of RowExpander's CacheSingleExpandRows option.
[r6509] .NET Framework v4.5.2 config bindings for Ext.Net + Examples + MVC.
[r6526] [#854] Added .NET v4.6 build configurations.

[r6487] [#836] Partially implements RowExpander's CacheSingleExpandRows option.
[r6498] [#844] Updated to Json.NET 7.0.1 (was 6.0.8).
[r6499] [#843] Corrected the initial fix according to Json.NET 7.0.1 upgrade.
[r6506] Applies VS changes to unnecessary source files' settings.
[r6518] [#863] Update Examples Explorer menu links to point to Ext JS 5.1.1 documentation
[r6519] [#864] Update all NuGet packages for Ext.NET, Examples Explorer and MVC Examples Explorer
[r6525] [#831] Initial commit of ARIA theme went with not required items in AssemblyInfo.cs. Cleaned up.
[r6529] Ignored VS 2015 .vs folder on SVN commit.
[r6542] Removed NET451 build options. Please use NET452.