Telerik Kendo UI R3 2016 Professional 2016.3.914 Commercial with Source » Developer.Team

Telerik Kendo UI R3 2016 Professional 2016.3.914 Commercial with Source

Telerik Kendo UI R3 2016 Professional 2016.3.914 Commercial with Source
Telerik Kendo UI R3 2016 Professional 2016.3.914 Commercial with Source | 132 Mb

Build apps that look-and-feel native on iOS, Android and BlackBerry. Target multiple phone and tablet platforms with a single UI codebase, using only HTML5, j@vascript, and Kendo UI Mobile. Present rich visual information on any browser and any device. Enjoy hardware-accelerated, touch-aware data visualization widgets, including animated charts, graphs and gauges. Quickly create awesome cross-platform HTML5 apps using an end-to-end framework, engineered for unmatched performance, minimal footprint and ease of use for j@vascript beginners.

Don't waste time assembling a вFrakenstein framework of j@vascript plug-ins. Kendo UI has it all: rich UI widgets, a simple and consistent programming interface, a rock-solid DataSource, validation, internationalization, a MVVM framework, themes, templates and the list goes on.

Kendo UI helps you build a modern, interactive user experience while still delivering broad support for all major browsers (new and old) and mobile devices like iOS, Android and BlackBerry.

Kendo UI R3 2016

September 14, 2016
All components

    New widget: A Dialog Widget
    Replace deprecated gulp plugin 'gulp-minify-css' with 'gulp-clean-css'
    Update UI for ASP.NET Core Mvc Getting Started instructions
    Remove Grunt from the project
    Update `kendo-ui-core` NPM package
    Build task for CommonJS format
    Enable Localization for kendo.progress
    Ensure widget instance is available when using WebComponents


    Wrong disabled text color in MetroBlack theme
    Outdated sources in Kendo UI Professional Bower package
    Wrong sprite_2x for Office365 theme
    Fix popup close without effects should hide wrapper #5326
    Wrong border-color of checked checkbox in the Default theme
    Image is cut on half when flip effect is performed
    Hover over tipped element leaves highlighted rectangle under MS EDGE
    Wrong left padding on k-textbox


    AngularJS bindings inside headerTemplate are not applied


    Virtualized widget cannot set model to selected object
    Rendered items does not correspond to the dataItems in virtualization mode + AngularJS
    IE10: Disabled button is still clickable


    Loading animation in the Mobile Fiori theme is broken


    Virtualization support without a value mapper
    Multiple separators
    `AutoWidth` configuration option
    Add an option to Autocomplete to not show all items on length = 0
    "Clear" button
    Footer template
    "No data" template
    List widget doesn't support PgUp/PgDown for keyboard navigation


    Virtualized widget cannot set model to selected object
    Rendered items does not correspond to the dataItems in virtualization mode + AngularJS
    VirtualList does not clear the selected value if valueMapper returns null
    IE - when the page is scrolled in Right To Left the popup window's position is wrong
    MultiSelect and AutoComplete focused items not visually recognizable in Office365 theme


    IE10: Disabled button is still clickable


    Button overlap badge in buttongroup


    Cannot select start of epoch - '1/1/1970', when UTC (Dublin) timezone is used


    Support milliseconds as a base unit
    Make the point stack value available in templates and events
    API for accessing the plotArea, panes, series and points
    Add support for using a function for the pie/donut chart connector color


    100% Stacked Bar Chart is not clipped during panning
    Sticky hover is lost when hovering the plotArea
    setOptions cannot disable mousewheel of the chart
    Category axis in secondary pane overlap
    dragEnd does not report updated axis range after panning
    Category axis placed in non-default pane does not respect the specified crossing value
    PlotArea background should be rendered only in the charts area
    Panning and zooming should be allowed only in the area between the axis lines.


    Certain custom colors could not be applied to the ColorPicker component


    Copy maxlength attribute to the visible input element
    Enhance the search box behavior, so that no data is requested initially
    Support for defaultSelected settings
    Virtualization support without a value mapper
    `AutoWidth` configuration option
    Add an option to Autocomplete to not show all items on length = 0
    "Clear" button
    Footer template
    "No data" template
    Support filtering when value is paste
    List widget doesn't support PgUp/PgDown for keyboard navigation


    Flash of unbound value occurs during loading
    The dropdown popup appears in wrong position on mobile devices
    Rendered items does not correspond to the dataItems in virtualization mode + AngularJS
    VirtualList does not clear the selected value if valueMapper returns null
    JS error when calling setDataSource with read DataSource in virtual mode


    Context menu - is throwing TypeError after use of


    OData v4 datasource transport serializes date filters without converting to UTC


    Widget displays value out of range
    Cannot select start of epoch - '1/1/1970', when UTC (Dublin) timezone is used


    Widget displays value out of range
    Cannot select start of epoch - '1/1/1970', when UTC (Dublin) timezone is used


    drawDOM does not overlay same-z-index elements correctly in Chrome
    Drawing API requires Popup to be loaded
    "Maximum call stack exceeded" error when calling exportImage


    Enhance the search box behavior, so that no data is requested initially
    Support for defaultSelected settings
    Virtualization support without a value mapper
    `AutoWidth` configuration option
    Add an option to Autocomplete to not show all items on length = 0
    Footer template
    "No data" template
    Skip item selection on blur when list is filtered
    Support filtering when value is paste
    List widget doesn't support PgUp/PgDown for keyboard navigation
    Copy title attribute value to the focusable element


    Widget display '[object Object]' when clear text with the 'text' method
    Widget throwns an exception when using a calculated field for dataTextField
    Virtualized widget cannot clear the selected value
    The dropdown popup appears in wrong position on mobile devices
    Rendered items does not correspond to the dataItems in virtualization mode + AngularJS
    VirtualList does not clear the selected value if valueMapper returns null
    Widget appends its popup in the wrong place when put in PanelBar


    Resizing of tables, columns and rows
    New Table Wizard dialog
    Add support for immutable containers in the editor widget
    Add custom handlers for (de)serialisation of HTML content in Editor


    javascript error is thrown when pressing Esc key on a dropdown's popup
    Editor scolls to end when pasting from clipboard in Inline mode
    ImageBrowser deletes file even if destroy action returns error
    The color of font element cannot be changed by forecolor tool in IE and Firefox
    InsertHtml command unnecessarily scrolls page with inline editor
    Table cannot be inserted when all or keepNewLines option is enabled
    When upload fails uploaded file is listed in FileBrowser

Excel Export

    Excel Export - Multi-line content exported as a single line
    Excel export fails for rows with no cells defined


    Allow filtering using "isnull" and "isnotnull" operators only


    Add support for range and selected date
    Split editable options


    kendo.toString and format of big numbers


    Add a reference to the group value in the groupFooterTemplate
    Expose sort, filter and page events on for the Grid
    Grid should persist the horizontal scroll position after column auto-fitting
    Performance issue with Kendo UI Grid with grid bound to local data and filter row mode enabled


    Grid filter flickers on IE 11 when the widget is loaded inside Window.
    Server wrappers should generate text for filter and column menus
    Incorrect progress is reported by saveAsPDF / pdfExport when using automatic page breaking
    Error is raised when edited row is deleted and model field is modified
    Grid column auto-fitting should take into account filter and column menu icons
    Grid "Working offline" offline demo is lacking a reference to the mobile css file
    Grid dirty cell indicator is misplaced in RTL mode
    PDF Export javascript error when Grid is not pageable
    Demo is not styled properly
    Grid's pager is not responsive in Edge browser


    fix possible memory leak in mobile list view


    Support for defaultSelected settings
    Virtualization support without a value mapper
    New preventable add/remove events
    `AutoWidth` configuration option
    Add an option to Autocomplete to not show all items on length = 0
    "Clear" button
    Footer template
    "No data" template
    Support filtering when value is paste
    AngularJS bindings inside headerTemplate are not applied
    List widget doesn't support PgUp/PgDown for keyboard navigation
    Copy title attribute value to the focusable element


    Virtualized MultiSelect does not fire its change event if there are no initially selected values
    Widget copies tags on multiple value method calls
    Cannot remove a programatically set value from virtualized widget
    Clicking the 'X' in the tag does not remove the tag, but it duplicates it
    Cannot select value that is not present in the first page (after first page is loaded)
    The filter text disappears after selecting an item in the MultiSelect with autoClose: false
    Selected items are not cleared in tag mode
    Rendered items does not correspond to the dataItems in virtualization mode + AngularJS
    VirtualList does not clear the selected value if valueMapper returns null
    Preselected items in Multiselect are cleared upon filtering
    JS error after selected items are cleared through the API
    add two spaces and then click on multiselect , it will show empty list
    MultiSelect and AutoComplete focused items not visually recognizable in Office365 theme


    Wrong notification border color in Fiori theme


    Pasted number should be validated against min/max range
    Improve accessibility of non-active widget
    Restrict typed decimal digits
    Turn on/off number rounding
    Add aria-title attribute to the presentation input element


    Update the model when numeric value is decreased\increased by the arrows (AngularJS)
    Keyboard jiggling in Win Phone 10 (Edge)
    upArrowText and downArrowText are not localizable


    The dropdown popup appears in wrong position on mobile devices


    Small visual glitch on expand/collapse of panel


    Widget bound to flat data throws an exception when try to apply "Include Fields" filter


    Grouping by Date/Resource
    Grouping by Date/Resource


    javascript error is thrown in IE when press arrow keys when scheduler is not focused
    Inconsistent time slot selection when navigating away from the last slot available in Day, Week and WorkWeek Views


    Wrong draghandle border color in type-default themes


    Support user-defined names
    Allow selecting cell date/time values from a picker
    Allow selecting cell values from a list


    Spreadsheet should remove the disabled state of cells before pasting
    Valid cells with applied validation display as invalid in Spreadsheet, after its content has been exported to XLSX
    "No data" template shown when not applicable
    Validation not working correctly in Mozilla Firefox
    Error when Spreadsheet is initialized in a hidden container
    Hiding a column leaves ghost merged cell visible
    Long pasted text with spaces is split on multiple lines when copied from Excel cell.
    Deleting a row doesn't trigger the datasource destroy action
    Undo/Redo command is executed twice
    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'row' of undefined
    Broken appearance of font-size toolbar field
    Multi-line content pasted in a cell is visible near top-corner when active


    Support milliseconds as a base unit


    Category axis in secondary pane overlap
    Category axis placed in non-default pane does not respect the specified crossing value


    Strange border under the active tab in IE
    Wrong active state in Material/MaterialBlack themes
    Different top/bottom and left/right padding in TabStrip content


    Widget displays value out of range


    ToolBar is unable to hide buttons in the overflow container


    Add 'upload' method to manually start the upload process
    Add aria-label attribute to the corresponding elements of Upload
    Add a remove() method for removing a single file
    Enhance successful upload handling
    Add getFiles() method to retrieve currently selected files
    Configuration of allowed file types
    Improve Drag and Drop functionality
    Display remove button when removeUrl is not defined
    Add a clear() method for bringing the widget to initial state


    Upload widget incorrect tab order
    Remove button in material theme is missing 'focus' state


    Use a simplified version Regular Expression used by email validation rule


    Automatically resize nested components upon activate


    setOptions should remove existing dimensions if nulls are provided
    Window removes inline styles from its originating element if scrolling is disabled
    Themes visual glitches on MS EDGE


[b] Only for V.I.P
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