RapidDesign » Developer.Team

RapidDesign 2.0.1 VS2012-VS2017

RapidDesign 2.0.1 VS2012-VS2017
RapidDesign 2.0.1 VS2012-VS2017 | 164 kB

RapidDesign is a Visual Studio extension. Thanks to RapidDesign working with Visual Studio is much faster and more pleasant. RapidDesign consists of two very powerful tools that help you focus on you goal and forget all about mindless browsing through the toolbox and property grid. RapidDesign is great for new users and also for power users that like to use the mouse and keyboard to the fullest. Working with RapidDesign makes you discover Visual Studio designers once again.
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RapidDesign is a Visual Studio extension

RapidDesign is a Visual Studio extension
RapidDesign is a Visual Studio extension | 1 Mb

RapidDesign consists of two very powerful tools that help you focus on you goal and forget all about mindless browsing through the toolbox and property grid. RapidDesign is great for new users and also for power users that like to use the mouse and keyboard to the fullest. Working with RapidDesign makes you discover Visual Studio designers once again.
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