Teterik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2015 (version 2015.3.930) » Developer.Team

Teterik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2015 (version 2015.3.930)

Teterik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2015 (version 2015.3.930)
Teterik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2015 (version 2015.3.930) | 83 Mb

Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development – including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year – we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.

Complete Set of Features and Controls
Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development – including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year – we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.

Mobile Support and Responsiveness
No need to build a mobile version of your project since the web sites and apps built with Telerik ASP.NET controls work equally well on desktop and mobile devices.

Use the Page Layout Framework to build responsive ASP.NET applications
Leverage the adaptive, fluid, elastic and responsive capabilities featured in most controls to offer user experiences tailored to each end-user's device
Gain productivity since touch events are handled in the same manner as those triggered by a keyboard or a mouse
Get a better user experience with the two mobile skins especially designed for touch devices that come included in the suite

20 Built-In Professional Grade Skins
Give your applications a sleek, professional look by setting a single property. By applying one of the 20 professionally-designed skins that come with Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX, including two engineered with mobile devices in mind, you save design and front-end development time. No need to be a CSS wizard to create or customize the Telerik skins with our web-based Visual Style Builder.

Exceptional Performance and User Experience

We constantly optimize the performance of UI for ASP.NET AJAX to meet your end users’ expectations. This is why the controls:

Produce minimal and clean HTML and CSS
Minimize j@vascript by loading only what’s needed
Reduce postbacks for a better user experience
Compress data transferred between browser and server (Pages, j@vascript, ViewState, JSON data, etc.)
Use built-in CDN support and CSS sprites to deliver content faster to end-users (Telerik covers all CDN costs for you)
Minimize memory usage and have robust code, free from memory leaks

UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2015 (version 2015.3.930)

Spreadsheet (Beta)
NEW The new component will allow you to deliver Excel-like look and feel ​to your web apps. The intuitive UI and UX design is influenced by MS Excel and Google Spreads and offers support for XSLX import/export, worksheet and content management and formatting, column and row resizing and selection, cell merge and many more.

See demos

    If you are looking for a way to create new skins or to customize existing ones with ease, the new Theme Builder is the right tool for you. You can give it a spin at http://themebuilder.telerik.com


    Add Property for Setting Default Cell Alignment When Exporting to Excel Format


    fonticons.css is not loaded when the control is inherited


    Modal functionality for the RadAjaxLoadingPanel
    Improve RadAjaxLoadingPanel to announce the page loading status in JAWS


    Fluid Capabilities for RadProgressArea


    maxFileCount does not change, but files deleted via API are still counted towards total
    uploadRemoved client event has bug where get_fileName() returns bad data
    RadAsyncUpload throws error when file is uploaded in Medium Trust


    PDF417 standard for RadBarcode is added
    Added Rotation property


    RadButton with button type checkbox or radio has incorrect margin in Internet Explorer when skin is set to Silk or Glow
    Fix the compatibility of RadButton in Lightweight with image in cookieless session
    RadButton hovered state is persisted when a dialog is opened on OnClientClicked
    The layout of Image Button is different in classic and lightweight mode 


    RadDateInput does not parse correctly the dates where the Day, Month or AM/PM are composed of more than one word
    Disabling Autocorrect in RadDatePicker


    When the DateInput-DateFormat is set to ddd MM/dd/yy and Australian regional settings are used the date does not get properly selected
    When cultures in which the AM and PM symbols consist of two words are used and the user select a PM time it always gets parsed the respective AM
    When culture that uses Um Al Qura Calendar (Saudi Hijri) is set on the page, a server-side exception is thrown
    RadDatePicker does not work properly with DateFormat set to ddMMyyyy
    The bottom border of RadDateTimePicker pop up button is missing in MetroTouch skin when render mode is Mobile


    Lightweight RenderMode of ColorPicker + Elastic abilities


    RadComboBox CheckedItems incorrectly returns 0 on RadWizard NextButtonclick event if RadComboBox is in RadWizard
    Highlighted text of the previously selected Item is lost after loading more Items- [ShowMoreResults/VirtualScrolling=Enabled]- Firefox
    RadComboBox - a Separator Item cannot be persisted after a postback
    On a page with two RadComboBoxes with CheckBox support enabled, the SelectedIndexChanged and TextChanged Server-side events are not fired correctly


    When the Dock's EnableAnimation property is set to true the animation breaks the expanding and collapsing functionality and causes incorrect behavior on docking into dock zones under IE8


    Open Link in New Window option in the RadEditor hyperlink context menu
    The Mobile Editor becomes official
    Improve Mobile Editor under Windows Phone
    Revamp the RadEditor's ApplyClass command behavior


    Opening MobileTableProperties dialog resets table percent values to pixels
    Default ContextMenu does not show up when TrackChanges has been enabled
    Setting a list to an aligned text loses the alignment
    When we remove a list, which has been indented, the indent of the text is stripped
    Changing the type of a list doesn't affect its nested lists
    The Insert External Video dialog does not clear the set values when it is being closed
    Using Paste tool in Editor triggers a paste command with an empty command name under IE
    Selection of an image is impossible if an Area is mapped over the entire image under Chrome
    IE11 crashes when cancelling Table Properties and reselecting the table
    JS error is thrown when selecting an image in paragraph in full HTML page mode and switching from HTML to Design under Chrome
    Unlink command remains disabled for images in RadEditor
    Pressing Toggle Floating Toolbar button scrolls the page to the top
    Uploaded image in Image Manager is not selected
    javascript error is thrown when pressing enter on an EditorToolStrip tool when EnableAriaSupport is enabled
    Incorrectly positioned cursor when pressing Tab key in an empty paragraph
    Cannot unlink anchor with a class name
    The Content Area Height does not respect min height of Content Area Iframe under iOS mobile devices
    The titles of the Paste HTML dialogs are updated with a delay
    Floating toolbar does not show when RadEditor is in full screen mode
    When a new paragraph is inserted before a link, the link element is cloned on both the paragraphs(all browsers except IE)
    Fix state of tools on initial load of the editor


    Lightweight rendering of FileExplorer + Elastic capabilities


    The pager in FileExplorer is not updated properly after refreshing the control
    Scroll into view does not scroll folders correctly in the tree view in RadFileExplorer
    Configuration property is not expandable in DesignTime PropertiesWindow


    Added Client-side range validation for Between filter


    RadFilter does not work properly with a System.Guid
    Lightweight Date Filter input is misaligned with the other filter elements in BlackMetroTouch and MetroTouch skins
    Lightweight Date Filter input text is covered by the DateTimePicker buttons
    RadFilter does not work with SqlDataSource
    The filtered state of RadGrid is not being persisted.


    Remove the decoration of scroll bars in RadFormDecorator


    Scroll position is lost after an AJAX request for a decorated element in Chrome
    javascript error is thrown when RadHtmlChart is clicked and a decorated select by RadFormDecorator presents on the page
    Button decorated by RadFormDecorator with Bootstrap skin can only be clicked on the text
    Labels of decorated Radio Buttons by RadFormDecorator are displayed inline-block in Chrome
    Cursor type text style is applied to the decorated Radios and Checkboxes in Lightweight rendering that uses font icons in IE
    The selection is incorrect when Select Items are dragged in a decorated Select element under Chrome and IE
    When RadFormDecorator in Lightweight render mode is present on the page the GridClientSelectColumn checkbox cannot be selected in Firefox and IE.


    Add Column Resizing
    Added OnClientRequestStart event to Gantt
    RadGantt Improvements
    Add Client Task Template
    Add RTL Support for RadGantt


    RadRadialGauge with Scale-Labels-Position Outside causes IE7/IE8 alert for slow running script


    Section 508 improvement: WAI-ARIA role attributes are applied to RadGrid’s form textboxes, checkboxes, filter boxes and expand/collapse buttons
    Section 508 improvement: Tooltips are provided for the "Expand / Collapse All" grid icons in the case of grouping and hierarchy
    Added Excel-like filtering functionality
    Batch edit indication for deleted rows
    Improve: Add RadGrid rowDragging Client-side event in the ClientEvents
    Accessibility improvements for expand/collapse and checkbox columns
    Batch edit - indicating deleted rows
    Support for frozen columns with grouping
    Expose a property to let the developers determine if RadGrid is currently exporting a file
    Improve: Column resizing
    Improve: ColumnClientFreeze to work even with FrozenColumnsCount=0
    Improve: Add RadGrid Property for Setting Default Cell Alignment When Exporting Excel
    Improve: Add tooltips for the expand / collapse all icons in the case of grouping and hierarchy
    Improve: Expose a server-side method to get the header cell by column UniqueName when multicolumn headers are used


    Dragging item down and right causes GridItemDropIndicator to disappear
    InsertItem controls are misplaced with UseStaticHeaders=true, EditMode=InPlace and InsertItemDisplay=Bottom
    Specified cast is not valid error is thrown when RadGrid contains checkboxes upon initiating a form insert with the Bind statement
    Filtering through the header context menu with a string containing a single quote causes a SyntaxError
    RadGrid with keyboard navigation does not properly display the detailed tables
    RadGrid filter types Checklist and Combined are not working properly on mobile devices
    RadGrid accessibility issue: The popup edit form does not read the popup window title with JAWS
    ItemStyle HorizontalAlign should be copied when reorder a column
    RadGrid keyboard navigation does not expand a hierarchy item the second time
    Filter icon of GridDateTimeColumn is not located correctly
    ResolvedRenderMode=Classic is added to the controls' markup when edit them via the designer of Visual Studio 2010
    Field label when EditMode is Popup is incorrectly rendered for a ReadOnly column in Mobile RenderMode
    RadPivotGrid displays an extra empty row under the header in Bootstrap skin
    RadGrid header background is missing in IE8/9 (Lightweight render mode only)
    Column headers not announced when moving through the cells
    CheckBox does not work in a grid HeaderTemplate when render mode is Mobile
    Columns with Display=False text is not available when exporting
    The ExpandCollapseColumn does not behave as expected when ExpandImageUrl and CollapseImageUrl are set
    javascript error is thrown when closing RadWindow with RadGrid and executing AJAX request in IE11
    Calling clearSelectedItems does not clear the item selection
    The 'Check All' CheckBox is misaligned when CheckList filtering is enabled
    The header of Grid Popup edit form is distorted when Bootstrap framework is included on the page
    Bug in IE8 with resizing and hiding columns
    RadGrid EditMode=Batch throws server exception when new record is added and then deleted
    Red flag in Batch edit mode does not show up when RenderMode is Lightweight
    Layout of RadGrid CheckList filtering is broken when RenderMode=Lightweight
    When you open the RadDatePicker PopUp in the filter item and you click on another filter icon, the popup is not closed
    When GridRowIndicatorColumn is used the drag to group is not working properly
    When the data is initially grouped and later grouping is disabled the group expand/collapse column is still rendered
    RadGrid - When there are no items in the grid and the pager is visible, the MinValue and MaxValue properties of the RadNumericTextBox are not set
    Grid throws javascript error when try to resize a column in IE8
    When GridRowIndicatorColumn is used some of the grid columns are not rendered
    When EnableLinqExpressions is disabled after deleting the records from the last page of RadGrid No records is displayed
    GridDateTimeColumn does not render the picker correctly when the grid is in Lightweight render mode
    Picker bottom border is missing in the edit form when skin is set to Bootstrap and RenderMode is Lightweight
    The PopUp edit form does not display properly when RadGrid is using Bootstrap Skin, PopUp edit mode and enabled scrolling for the popup


    Added maxDateGroups property for date categoryAxis in RadHtmlChart
    Added baseUnitStep property in RadHtmlChart XAxis
    Added AutoBaseUnitSteps collection for the x-axis in RadHtmlChart


    RadHmlChart databinding with different than the default culture


    Lightweight rendering of ImageEditor + Elastic abilities


    RadImageEditor CropBox cannot be resized and dragged in IE11 under hybrid devices
    Improve RadImageEditor French Localization


    Animation is played outside of the ImageArea
    If the RadImageGallery is placed in a wrapper that has text-align set to value different than left the next image is not properly displayed


    RadInputManager Required mode should behave as RequiredFieldValidator. If the textbox have only spaces, the validation should fire as it is empty
    New line at the beginning of Multi-Line RadTextBox is ignored by the browser


    RadLightBox Native Fullscreen Mode
    Native Fullscreen support for RadLightBox


    Close button is partially hidden in Chrome and Opera when closing LightBox with enabled resize animation


    RadMediaPlayer – When enter full screen mode the Playlist is not resized properly if Position=Vertical is set


    Item's bindTemplate method is not applied properly under lightweight


    Integrate RadClientDataSource with RadNavigation control
    Add Client-side Templates for RadNavigation control
    Add Content Template for the RadNavigation control
    RTL support for RadNavigation
    Add Demo Showcasing Expand/Collapse on Hover Functionality


    Content icon of RadNotification in Lightweight RenderMode is larger in IE


    Flickering RadOrgChart when tapping on it on iOS Safari and Chrome


    RadPanelBar child items do not get highlighted when selected in Metro Skin in Programmatic State Persistence scenario


    AllowRadPersistenceManager to store/load only certain settings
    Allow RadPersisitenceManager to store only certain settings and controls


    Lightweight RenderMode for RadPivotGrid
    Add NoRecordsTemplate for RadPivotGrid
    Wave validation improvements for RadPivotGrid


    When a CellStyle-Width is set for the PivotGridRowField and scrolling is enabled a white area appears inside the content zone
    PivotGrid throws javascript errors in IE 7/8 and resize browser window
    RadPivotGrid current page is not shown and pager layout is misaligned for BlackMetroTouch skin


    FIX Exact and Half precision do not have effect for the items in the Items collection after the 5th


    OnClientButtonclicking is not triggered when you click on RibbonBarButtonStrip sub button in classic RenderMode
    Using RibbonBarApplicationMenu throws a Renderer = CreateControlRenderer(); error


    Year View for RadScheduler


    Improve ScriptManager.GetScriptManagerUrlsInternal applies caching solely based on the accept-header.
    Encryption for the Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd handler URL


    Wrong value is set when changing it in the OnClientDataBound event of RadSlider


    Lightweight rendering of SocialShare + Elastic capabilities


    Lightweight rendering of Splitter with font icons


    Title of SlidingPane is not centered in modern browsers
    Improve: The Scroll position of a RadPane is not persisted after PostBack in iOS and Android
    The value set to the PanesBorderSize property is not taken into account
    The title of the SlidingPane is truncated in IE8
    Splitter's width in percent is not calculated properly if all Pane's height is fixed


    RadStyleSheetManager skips combining newly added StyleSheet, until the app is restarted


    WAI-ARIA Support for the RadTabStrip control
    WAI-ARIA Support for the RadMultiPage control


    Elastic Capabilities for RadTileList


    Server-side error is thrown when saving RadTileList state with RadPersistenceFramework and all tiles are set with visible=false


    Inconsistent background image on hovering a button with image above/below text in Silk skin
    Missing arrow on expanded ToolBarDropDown in BlackMetroTouch skin


    FIX RadToolTipManager does not dispose its tooltips' HTML elements


    Client-side expand/collapse for RadTreeList
    Add RadTreeList method that finds a TreeListDataItem by its DataKeyValue
    Add a method that finds a TreeListDataItem by its DataKeyValue


    AddNodesTo does not show the added nodes when there are no root nodes
    Not visible RadTreeView Loading icon in MetroTouch and BlackMetroTouch skins


    IMPROVE RadWindows should have their final z-index during animations as well
    Improve: RadFormDecorator should decorate headings through a class added to them


    RadWindow opens with incorrect size when RenderMode=Lightweight
    Maximized RadWindow does not prevent page scrolling when scrolling the iframe in iOS and Android


    WizardStep height does not resize correctly according to its content
    RadWizard does not show its steps when in an initially hidden parent


    Introduced support for Cross Reference Stream
    Introduced API for exporting PDF documents to plain text
    Implemented option to invert colors when creating ImageSource using DecodeArray property
    Introduced support for importing Page Contents from PdfArray
    Introduced support for importing documents with multiple Cross Reference Tables
    Introduced support for import and export of IccBased, Indexed and CMYK color spaces
    Provided the ability to import TrueType font with FontFamily, when there is no available embedded FontFile
    Introduced support for "v" and "y" Bezier geometry operators
    Introduced support for import of "Close and stroke path" path-painting operator


    Exception is thrown when importing an image without filters
    Document Trailer cannot be imported when the trailer is written on a single row. Exception is thrown
    Import of cross reference table throws an exception if the document is created with Telerik Reporting
    PdfReader cannot read line ending with a single carriage return without any line feed
    TextMatrix operator takes its arguments in reverse order
    Path is not visualized when it is interrupted by insertion of a rectangle in the content stream
    When importing standard font with ANSI encoding the exported document contains invisible glyphs
    Clipping transformations are not imported correctly


    The currency number format in Spanish culture (es-VE) cannot be parsed and an exception is thrown
    "INDEX" function is not updated when used in a complex formula
    Importing document containing data validation rule which argument is formula containing list separator in a culture where the list separator is not ',' causes a crash
    A document with ShowGridlines, ShowRowColHeaders and Locked properties set to "true" or "false" cannot be imported
    A date format containing '/' or ':' escaped using '\' or '"' is not interpreted correctly


    RTF Format Provider: Implemented omitting of color definitions in the color table, if a color is set to "auto" or "transparent"
    HTML Format Provider: Images with URI source are handled automatically, without using HtmlImportSettings.LoadFromUri event
    Introduced API which allows merging documents at concrete position
    Introduced support for exporting Watermarks to PDF


    Merging table cells sets the same content to all merged table cells when exporting the document to DOCX
    Export to PDF: ArgumentException is thrown when table spans more that one page
    Export to PDF: Table column width is not calculated correctly if the cell has preferred width set and there is a child element which cannot be split with bigger width


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