Delphi Development Tools for Software Developers

TMS VCL UI Pack v13.4.0.1 Full Source for D7-D12 Athens

TMS VCL UI Pack v13.4.0.1 Full Source for D7-D12 Athens
TMS VCL UI Pack v13.4.0.1 Full Source for D7-D12 Athens

Our bundle of over 600 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and much more... Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with well over 600 components in one money and time saving bundle for Delphi & C++Builder.
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EurekaLog Update 1 (3116)

EurekaLog Update 1 (3116)
EurekaLog Update 1 (3116)

EurekaLog is the new Delphi and C++Builder exception tracer tool that gives your application (GUI, Console, Web, etc.) the power to catch all exceptions, memory leaks and detect infinite-loops and deadlocks. It generates a detailed log with the call stack at the point that raised the exception, showing unit, class, method and line number, (see this example), and displays it on screen and optionally sends it back to you via email or to a Web Server (using the HTTP-S/FTP protocols or sending directly to your preferred "Web Bug Tracker" software), thus helping speed up the process of bug-location and resolution by a factor of 10!
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FastReport 2024.2.5 VCL Enterprise + FastCube 2024.1 Full Source

FastReport 2024.2.5 VCL Enterprise + FastCube 2024.1 Full Source
FastReport 2024.2.5 VCL Enterprise + FastCube 2024.1 Full Source

FastReport VCL is an add-on component for generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport provides all the tools necessary for developing reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo. Report generator FastReport VCL is a modern solution for integrating Business Intelligence in your software. It has been created for developers who want to use ready-made components for reporting. FastReport VCL, with its simplicity of use, convenience and small distribution size is able to provide high functionality and performance on almost any modern PC.
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ReportBuilder 23.00 Enterprise (Tokyo/Rio/Sydney/Alexandria/Athens, 32/64bit)

ReportBuilder 23.00 Enterprise (Tokyo/Rio/Sydney/Alexandria/Athens, 32/64bit)
ReportBuilder 23.00 Enterprise (Tokyo/Rio/Sydney/Alexandria/Athens, 32/64bit)

ReportBuilder is the de-facto standard for Delphi reporting solutions. The genesis of ReportBuilder was the desire to deliver a product that does for reporting what Delphi does for application development. In that spirit, ReportBuilder provides both a RAD environment and an object-oriented platform for solving the reporting equation. The RB story continues to be written every day as we continue to evolve the product and collaborate with the RB community. It’s our passion.
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TMS WEB Core v2.7.2.0 Retail for D11-D12 Athens

TMS WEB Core v2.7.2.0 Retail for D11-D12 Athens
TMS WEB Core v2.7.2.0 Retail for D11-D12 Athens

Save valuable time and create rich user experiences with our framework for modern web applications. All our tools are backed by a dedicated team of experienced developers. You can count on an excellent service, a lively community and our continuous innovations. TMS Software is your partner for modern WEB client applications, with a lot of free learning tools, how-to guides and a passionate community of developers & support!
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