FMSoft uniGUI Complete Professional with Runtime & Theme Pack v1.90.0.1506

FMSoft uniGUI Complete Professional with Runtime & Theme Pack v1.90.0.1506

FMSoft uniGUI Complete Professional with Runtime & Theme Pack v1.90.0.1506
FMSoft uniGUI Complete Professional with Runtime & Theme Pack v1.90.0.1506

uniGUI Web Application Framework extends Web application development experience to a new dimension. uniGUI enables Delphi developers to create, design and debug web applications in IDE using a unique set of visual components. Each component is designed to provide same functionality of its counterpart visual component in Delphi VCL. This provides a very comfortable development environment very close to native VCL application development with an easy learning curve. uniGUI Web applications can be deployed to a server using one of the available deployment options such as Windows Service, Standalone Server or ISAPI Module.

Product Highlights:

Based on industry's most advanced jР°vascript library Sencha Ext JS.
Includes OEM license for Sencha Ext JS. (Please see licensing for details).
A unique platform to create stateful web applications.
Complete IDE support for creating projects, designing forms, frames and handling data modules.
Advanced support for scripting client side jР°vascript events.
Library core is fully optimized to achieve highest level of scalability.
Including advanced Stress Test Tool utility.
Comes with various deployment options: ISAPI Module, Standalone Server and Windows Service.
Supported Delphi versions: Turbo Delphi Pro, Delphi 2006, Delphi 2007, Delphi 2009, Delphi 2010, Delphi XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, X5, XE6, XE7, XE8, Delphi 10 Seattle and 10.1 Berlin (Win32 & Win64 platforms).
C++ Builder supported.
Supported Browsers: IE 9+, Microsoft Edge, FireFox, Chrome, Safari and Opera

1.90.0 (Equinox)


[UNG-2783] - ReCaptcha
[UNG-2784] - ShowProgress
[UNG-2785] - IconCombobox
[UNG-2786] - PivotGrid
[UNG-2819] - NativeImageList - Image Files
[UNG-2826] - UniMap
[UNG-2848] - CalendarPanel (Mobile)
[UNG-2863] - Grid - RowWidget
[UNG-2877] - Grid - WidgetColumn
[UNG-2878] - Grid - WidgetColumn2
[UNG-2883] - FileUpload - Button
[UNG-2886] - FileUpload - Multiple


[UNG-2789] - TreeView, TreeGrids: New UseArrows property.
[UNG-2820] - Improved Exit procedure method for Standalone mode and HyperNodes
[UNG-2823] - Mime type for csv should be "text/csv"
[UNG-2828] - Improved JS event declarations to reduce source code size.
[UNG-2831] - UniServerModule: New soDontLoadJQueryLib option.
[UNG-2833] - Optimized deletion of JS event functions
[UNG-2835] - TUniImage: New FitWidth property.
[UNG-2837] - TUnimSelect: New Picker property.
[UNG-2842] - UniFileUpload: New ReleaseCacheFile method.
[UNG-2844] - TUniTimer: New Sequenced property.
[UNG-2855] - TUniForm: New BorderStyle.bsNoneSizeable option.
[UNG-2858] - uniDBGrid: New ClearFilters method.
[UNG-2874] - SSL DLLs upgraded to latest version.
[UNG-2879] - Server Control Panel: New "User Objects" resource monitor.
[UNG-2882] - TUniFileUpload: New Images, ImageIndex, ButtonOnly & ButtonWidth properties.

New Feature

[UNG-2766] - New ShowProgress, UpdateProgress, HideProgress methods.
[UNG-2768] - HTML5 InputType property for UniXEdit controls
[UNG-2769] - UniDBGrid: New ColumnByName method.
[UNG-2770] - UniServerModule: New WhiteIPList? property.
[UNG-2771] - UniMainModule: New Title property.
[UNG-2772] - UniDBGrid: New PagingBarAuxControl property. (Embedded control in PagingBar)
[UNG-2773] - New ShowToast method.
[UNG-2776] - UniComboBox: New IconItems property.
[UNG-2777] - New UniReCAPTCHA Component.
[UNG-2780] - UniPanel: New Background property.
[UNG-2781] - UniTabSheet, UniFrame: New Background property.
[UNG-2782] - New UniDBPivotGrid component.
[UNG-2796] - TUniListBox: New ScrollToSelected property.
[UNG-2797] - TUniListBox: New ScrollToRow method.
[UNG-2801] - TUniCanvas: New OnCanvasReady event.
[UNG-2806] - New JSCallDefer, JSCallGlobalDefer IUniJSInterface functions.
[UNG-2809] - New JSCreateVar, JSDeleteVar IUniJSInterface functions.
[UNG-2810] - New TJSObject.CreateLocal method.
[UNG-2816] - TUniBaseForm: New BlurActiveControl method.
[UNG-2818] - TUniNativeImageList: Ability to directly add images files
[UNG-2824] - New UniMap Component
[UNG-2843] - New UnimCalendarPanel component.
[UNG-2845] - New UnimFieldContainer component.
[UNG-2861] - uniDBGrid: New RowWidget porperty.
[UNG-2862] - uniDBGrid: New OnRowExpand/OnRowCollapse events
[UNG-2875] - uniDBGrid: New Column->WidgetColumn property.
[UNG-2876] - New Components: TUniProgressbarWidget, TUniSliderWidget, TUniSparklineLineWidget, TUniSparklineBarWidget, TUniSparklinePieWidget, TUniSparklineTriStateWidget, TUniButtonWidget
[UNG-2881] - New Component: TUniFileUploadButton
[UNG-2885] - New Component: TUnimFileUploadButton
[UNG-2887] - UniFileUpload: New MultipleFiles & MaxFiles properties.


[UNG-2767] - Event Editor can show duplicate events.
[UNG-2774] - UniTreeMenu: Calling Items.Clear causes memory issues when SourceMenu is assigned.
[UNG-2775] - TUnimSelect: ItemIndex issue when there is a blank item.
[UNG-2779] - Decimal & Thousand separators are not set in when login form is shown.
[UNG-2787] - HyperServer: Issue with handling windows messages in Nodes.
[UNG-2788] - Tree node expand issue in "uni_sencha" theme.
[UNG-2790] - TUniDBGrid: Column can't display numeric fields with literal characters in "DisplayFormat" property.
[UNG-2791] - UniDBGrid: Combobox editor sets "null" when AllowHtml is False.
[UNG-2792] - Issue with unassigned Background property of Frames and Forms.
[UNG-2793] - TUniPicture.ImageUrl method doesn't check for valid Graphics.
[UNG-2794] - UniDBGrid: Column moves to wrong index.
[UNG-2795] - Mobile Form Color is not applied.
[UNG-2798] - HyperServer: Node exit procedure issue.
[UNG-2799] - ISAPI: Automatic redirection to a mobile session adds additional parameters.
[UNG-2800] - TUniCanvas: FloodFill issue when called from code.
[UNG-2802] - Theme: uni_ubuntu focused button color issue.
[UNG-2803] - TUniDBGrid: Filtered grid and header height issue in Chrome.
[UNG-2804] - UniDBGrid: Selection is lost when columns are reconfigured.
[UNG-2805] - UniDBNavigator: Refresh Button should be enabled when dataset is readonly.
[UNG-2807] - UniDBGrid: Edit mode is not set when 0 entered in a blank field.
[UNG-2808] - HyperServer: SSL mode is not relayed to Nodes.
[UNG-2811] - Destroying uniDBGrid before data is loaded may cause JS error.
[UNG-2812] - UniDBGrid: Sometimes Bookmark object DataLink is not set to True.
[UNG-2813] - Build 1497: HyperServer binaries are compiled with wrong Resource file.
[UNG-2814] - Build 1497: Using an old license key causes runtime issues.
[UNG-2815] - UniDBVerticalGrid doesn't work in last Version:1.90.0 build 1497
[UNG-2817] - HyperServer: SSL mode relay implementation issue to HyperNodes
[UNG-2821] - uniDBGrid: Header is getting cropped when a new filter is dynamically added.
[UNG-2822] - UniDateTimePicker: Changing color in runtime issue
[UNG-2825] - Background issue with "uni_carbon" theme when input field has an invalid value
[UNG-2827] - Event functions should not be global vars (Causing memory leak)
[UNG-2829] - UniTreeMenu bug after upgrade to Ext JS 6.7.0
[UNG-2830] - uniDBPivotGrid: Missing JS files while loading the component
[UNG-2832] - Issue in build 1500 which avoids dynamic removal of events.
[UNG-2834] - Missing marker image files in UniMap demo.
[UNG-2836] - UniPanel placed on a UniDBGrid is not accessible.
[UNG-2838] - In some cases memory leak messages aren't shown in Standalone server.
[UNG-2839] - HyperServer: Redirection to a mobile session adds extra parameters to the Url
[UNG-2840] - uniDBGrid: Selection bug when option dgDontShowSelected is set and grid is refreshed.
[UNG-2841] - UniDateTimePicker: Changes in time are ignored when DateMode is dtmDateTime.
[UNG-2846] - TUnimFieldSet must sort components based on Y coordinate.
[UNG-2847] - TUnimForm: Property Visible is not published.
[UNG-2849] - TUnimForm: Bug when scrollable form is not in fullscreen mode.
[UNG-2850] - TUnimForm: Bug when scrollable height is smaller than form height.
[UNG-2851] - UniDateTimePicker: JS error when component is freed at runtime.
[UNG-2852] - unimUrlFrame component doesn't scroll when put in a scrollable container.
[UNG-2853] - TUnimForm: TitleFontColor is not applied.
[UNG-2854] - TUnimForm: Title background color issue.
[UNG-2856] - Windows message loop handle issue in Windows Service applications
[UNG-2857] - FastReports RichEdit objects are not visible in Windows Service mode.
[UNG-2859] - TUniTreeView: Issue when GetNextSibling/GetPrevSibling is called from a Node without a parent.
[UNG-2860] - uniDBPivotGrid: Does not show data when dataset is activated dynamically.
[UNG-2864] - uniDBGrid: MoveToRow() issue in build 1502.
[UNG-2865] - uniDBGrid: Stack overflow when RowWidget is used.
[UNG-2866] - DBControls: Modified is not called when control is updated remotely.
[UNG-2867] - Sometimes mobile chart VCL designer are missing.
[UNG-2868] - uniDBPivotGrid: Internal store is lost after grid is reloaded.
[UNG-2869] - Changing font style from blod to normal doesn't work at runtime.
[UNG-2870] - uniDBGrid: Bug when RowWidget is used in Paged mode.
[UNG-2871] - TUniEdit: Calling SelectAll immediately after setting its text fails.
[UNG-2872] - uniDBGrid: Selection bug when option dgDontShowSelected is set and grid is clicked.
[UNG-2873] - UniServerModule: Only user defined Bindings should be applied.
[UNG-2880] - In an StandAlone SSL server UniSession.SSL is always True even if session is non-SSL.
[UNG-2884] - uniDBGrid: Selection bug when option dgDontShowSelected is set and first row is clicked.
[UNG-2888] - New file upload component fails on ISAPI DLL.
[UNG-2889] - uniDBGrid: 1st row selection bug when option dgDontShowSelected is set

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