Download FastReport VCL Enterprise v2022.3.4 for Delphi 7 - Delphi 11 Alexandria Full Source

FastReport VCL Enterprise v2022.3.4 for Delphi 7 - Delphi 11 Alexandria Full Source

FastReport VCL Enterprise v2022.3.4 for Delphi 7 - Delphi 11 Alexandria Full Source
FastReport VCL Enterprise v2022.3.4 for Delphi 7 - Delphi 11 Alexandria Full Source

FastReport VCL 6 - new generation of reporting tool for Delphi 7-XE8, C++Builder 2005-XE8 and Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3 Rio. FastReport VCL is an add-on component for generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport provides all the tools necessary for developing reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo. Report generator FastReport VCL is a modern solution for integrating Business Intelligence in your software. It has been created for developers who want to use ready-made components for reporting. FastReport VCL, with its simplicity of use, convenience and small distribution size is able to provide high functionality and performance on almost any modern PC.

Fast and reliable engine for report production
Yes, that is what heavy corporate reporting requires! FastReport is specifically optimized for speed and every day proves itself on heavy workloads in real businesses! If your clients want to get reports quickly - then they just need FastReport!
These are the capabilities of just report production engine:
Band-oriented report generator. A wide range of band types allows the creation of any kind of report
Code-based reports
Multi-page and multi-template reports
Cross-tabs allow creation of tabular reports with complex row and column headers from a single dataset, either a table or a query. (For full OLAP reports, we suggest you use FastReport OLAP instead)
Interactive reports
And all of these features can be combined in a single report!
Report designer
Powerful modern editor which includes a large set of tools for visually designing and modifying report templates
Can be incorporated into your application to give users their own report design!
Clean and simple classic interface - business users like to work with the designer straight away, without taking six months of orientation!
Report Wizard - even easier than using the visual designer - step by step report creation!
Separate tabs for "Design", "Data" and "Code" - a full-featured report development environment!
We place great importance on the protection of your data.
Source code. Professional and Enterprise Editions of the product include all the source code for FastReport. This is very beneficial for companies that want to adapt the product to their own special needs. Avoid �rogue’ components and be in full control of all your software code, giving you absolute security!
Reports only have access to data specified by your application and data can be made read only
Encrypted templates and reports (by Rijndael-like algorithm). Data can protected by a secure document password
Web-based reports support the use of secure channels

and Interactivity
Built-in script shell that supports 4 languages: PascalScript, C++ Script, BasicScript and JScript
Interactive forms, drill-down (drop) reports, call another report with detailed information from the preview window with one mouse click
Flexible and open architecture. If FastReport doesn’t do enough for you, you can enhance it by creating and connecting your own objects (export filters, functions and database engines) to your reports
Inheritance of report templates
Reports can be independent of your application, so the application does not require recompilation when a user requires changes in a report
Any kind of data.
FastReport supports many libraries for database access: FireDAC, ADO, BDE, DBX, IBX and FIBPlus, so providing access to practically all databases, including Oracle and many third-party libraries
Data generated within your application
Passing out of both static and dynamic records
International localization
UNICODE. Reports can use any language in the world, and even multiple languages simultaneously, maintaining true internationality!
The FastReport interface is localized for fourteen languages
The file format allows reports to be translated at a local level
Documentation and help files are available in English, German, Polish and Russian.

Fast and reliable engine for report production
Yes, that is what heavy corporate reporting requires! FastReport is specifically optimized for speed and every day proves itself on heavy workloads in real businesses! If your clients want to get reports quickly - then they just need FastReport!

These are the capabilities of just report production engine:

Band-oriented report generator. A wide range of band types allows the creation of any kind of report
Code-based reports
Multi-page and multi-template reports
Expressions post processing
Cross-tabs allow creation of tabular reports with complex row and column headers from a single dataset, either a table or a query. (For full OLAP reports, we suggest you use FastReport OLAP instead)
Interactive reports
And all of these features can be combined in a single report!

Report designer
Powerful modern editor which includes a large set of tools for visually designing and modifying report templates
Can be incorporated into your application to give users their own report design!
Clean and simple classic interface - business users like to work with the designer straight away, without taking six months of orientation!
Interactive object editors
Extended script debugger
Improved guide lines for more precise report editing
Report Wizard - even easier than using the visual designer - step by step report creation!
Separate tabs for "Design", "Data" and "Code" - a full-featured report development environment!
Flexible designer architecture allows creating of your own editors of both already existing objects and new ones
Report objects
The Table object allows you to build a tabular report with variable number of rows and/or columns.
Wide variety of barcodes PDF417, DataMatrix, Aztec, MaxiCode and many more
The Map Object supports different maps formats like OSM and ESRI. Supports GPX
Gauges allow adding more visual representability
We place great importance on the protection of your data.

Source code. Professional and Enterprise Editions of the product include all the source code for FastReport. This is very beneficial for companies that want to adapt the product to their own special needs. Avoid ‘rogue’ components and be in full control of all your software code, giving you absolute security!
Reports only have access to data specified by your application and data can be made read only
Encrypted templates and reports (by Rijndael-like algorithm). Data can protected by a secure document password
Be confident in the security and confidentiality of your reports!

Flexibility and Interactivity
Built-in script shell that supports 4 languages: PascalScript, C++ Script, BasicScript and JScript
Interactive forms, drill-down (drop) reports, call another report with detailed information from the preview window with one mouse click
Flexible and open architecture. If FastReport doesn’t do enough for you, you can enhance it by creating and connecting your own objects (export filters, functions and database engines) to your reports
Inheritance of report templates
Reports can be independent of your application, so the application does not require recompilation when a user requires changes in a report
Delivery to Cloud storages
It's easy to save report templates, prepared reports or exported results to different places: E-mail, FTP, DropBox, OneDrive,, GoogleDrive.

Any kind of data.
FastReport supports many libraries for database access: FireDAC, ADO, BDE, DBX, IBX and FIBPlus, so providing access to practically all databases, including Oracle and many third-party libraries
Data generated within your application
Passing out of both static and dynamic records
International localization
UNICODE. Reports can use any language in the world, and even multiple languages simultaneously, maintaining true internationality!
The FastReport interface is localized on dozens of languages
The file format allows reports to be translated at a local level
Documentation and help files are available in English, German, Polish and Russian.

Version 2022.3
+ Added new Outlook Web mail transport
+ Added new Gmail Web mail transport
- Fixed Unicode namas in GDrive transport

+ Added GCI example for Lazarus
+ Added support of '*' mask in server IP lists

+ Added new hints to the reports designer which shows the full text of the Memo object
+ Added fast comments in syntax memo editor for selected text (Default hotkey is Ctrl + /)
+ Added new hints to Syntax Memo editor
+ Added Step over and StepReturn debug modes
+ Added fast adding of selected text in syntax memo to watches list from the context menu
- Fixed TfrxDesignerForm.GetCurrentForm (TFrame support added)
- Fixed bug with the report designer component editors when editors has same property names with different flags(paMultiSelect)
- Fixed B4(JIS) paper size
- Fixed destroy of CodeCompletion thread when user scripts assign to Report.Script.Parent
- Fixed genaration of Unicode names for objects when Drag&Drop form DataTree

+ Added new ShiftMode - smPartMaxHeight stretches every part of split object to maximum height of a band part and correct every part height.
+ Added hash calculation for pictures used in a report to export filters (ExportFilter.CalculatePictureHash property) and prepared report(TfrxReport.PictureCacheOptions.CalculateHash)
+ Added printing of translucent mask emulation via dither algorithm for printers without alpha blend support(May not support all printers)
+ Added TfrxTableCell.onbeforeprint/onafterprint/OnAfterData script events for static table object
+ Added new Memo object property ClearEmptyLines, it deletes all empty lines inside Memo object after GetData method
- Fixed bug when combination of MemoView.AutoWidth = True and Align = baWidth are used to arrange objects on a container
- Fixed bug with incorrect shift value of underlying objects when first object on a container moved to the next page
- Correct Removing of editors when packages unloaded
- Fixed split mechanism of static Table object

+ Added PDF interactive form support for Listbox and Combobox objects
- Fixed unicode password in PDF export
- Fixed PDF exporting of HTML tags for Embarcadero edition
- Fixed export of translucent vector Graphic(SVG) when AllowVector is set to False
- Fixed XLSX Export for non-Unicode versions of Delphi
- Fixed bug in PDF export with European ligatures via EMF (ETO_GLYPH_INDEX)
- PDF export does not export clip text now when whole line does not fit

+ Added new openssl libs (static crt and x64 support)
- Fixed generation of CBuilder 2007 headers
- Fixed HiDPI PerMonitorV2 issues

- Fixed preview page settings units

[Report object]
+ Added new Code11 barcode
+ Added basic Rotation to TfrxShapeView object
+ Added Linux support for TfrxPDFView in Lazarus
+ Added Rotation property to TfrxPDFView
+ Added support of RTL attributes in TfrxHtmlView object
+ Added support of TfrxHtmlView object into Lazarus
- Fixed bug in QR EPC barcode
- Fixed bug in Datamatrix C40 encoding when size of data is equal to the code size limits
- Fixed bug with 2D barcodes scaling in PDF export for dpi unaware application
- Fixed processing of TfrxHTMLView's expressions for data fields
- Fixed bug in GS1-128 code
- Fixed RichView split in double pass report
* Updated support of Laz Chart to version 2.2.0

* Updated Swiss Resources
* Updated German Resources

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