Download Winsoft NFC Library for Android v6.6 Full Source for Delphi/C++ Builder 10 - 11

Winsoft NFC Library for Android v6.6 Full Source for Delphi/C++ Builder 10 - 11

Winsoft NFC Library for Android v6.6 Full Source for Delphi/C++ Builder 10 - 11
Winsoft NFC Library for Android v6.6 Full Source for Delphi/C++ Builder 10 - 11

Delphi and C++ Builder NFC library for Android.


Uses Android NFC API
Supports reading, writing and formatting NFC tags
Supports Android Beam data transfer
Supports foreground dispatch and reader mode
Supports host-based card emulation
Supports ISO-DEP, NDEF, NFC-A, NFC-B, NFC-F, NFC-V, MIFARE Classic and MIFARE Ultralight tags
Available for Delphi/C++ Builder 10 - 11
Source code included in registered version
Royalty free distribution in applications


1. unpack file to some folder
2. copy all files from Delphi11 subfolder
(when using Delphi 11) to Examples\Delphi\ReaderMode subfolder
3. open demo example Demo.dproj located in
Examples\Delphi\ReaderMode subfolder and compile it

What's new

Version 6.6
added Delphi/C++ Builder 11 files

  TNfcAdapterState = (asOff, asOn, asTurningOff, asTurningOn);
  TNfcDeactivationReason = (drDeselected, drLinkLoss);
  TNfcMode = (moReader, moForegroundDispatch, moBeam, moCardEmulation);

  TReaderFlag = (reNfcA, reNfcB, reNfcF, reNfcV, reNfcBarcode, reNoNdefCheck, reNoSound);
  TReaderFlags = set of TReaderFlag;

  TAdapterStateChangedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AdapterState: TNfcAdapterState) of object;
  TBeamCompleteEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
  TDeactivatedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Reason: TNfcDeactivationReason) of object;
  TProcessCommandEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Command: TArray<Byte>; var Response: TArray<Byte>) of object;
  TTagDiscoveredEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Tag: TNfcTag) of object; // Tag has to be var because of C++ Builder
  TTagRemovedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;

  ENfcError = class(Exception);

  TNfc = class
    constructor Create(Mode: TNfcMode = moReader);

    function Beam(const NdefMessage: TNdefMessage): Boolean;
    function Beam(const Uri: Jnet_Uri): Boolean;
    function Beam(const Uris: TArray<Jnet_Uri>): Boolean;
    function Beam(const FileName: string): Boolean;
    function Beam(const FileNames: TArray<string>): Boolean;

    procedure Disable;
    procedure Enable(Flags: TReaderFlags = [reNfcA, reNfcB, reNfcF, reNfcV, reNfcBarcode]; PresenceCheckDelay: Integer = -1);

    function Ignore(const Tag: TNfcTag; DebounceTime: Integer): Boolean;

    procedure ShowBeamSettings;
    procedure ShowSettings;

    property Adapter: JNfcAdapter read;
    property AdapterEnabled: Boolean read;
    property BeamEnabled: Boolean read;
    property Mode: TNfcMode read;
    property SecureNfcEnabled: Boolean read;
    property SecureNfcSupported: Boolean read;

    property OnAdapterStateChanged: TAdapterStateChangedEvent read write;
    property OnBeamComplete: TBeamCompleteEvent read write;
    property OnDeactivated: TDeactivatedEvent read write;
    property OnProcessCommand: TProcessCommandEvent read write;
    property OnTagDiscovered: TTagDiscoveredEvent read write;
    property OnTagRemoved: TTagRemovedEvent read write;

  TNfcTag = record
    property Id: TArray<Byte> read;
    property IsIsoDep: Boolean read;
    property IsMifareClassic: Boolean read;
    property IsMifareUltralight: Boolean read;
    property IsNdef: Boolean read;
    property IsNdefFormatable: Boolean read;
    property IsNfcA: Boolean read;
    property IsNfcB: Boolean read;
    property IsNfcF: Boolean read;
    property IsNfcV: Boolean read;
    property IsoDep: TIsoDep read;
    property MifareClassic: TMifareClassic read;
    property MifareUltralight: TMifareUltralight read;
    property Ndef: TNdef read;
    property NdefFormatable: TNdefFormatable read;
    property NfcA: TNfcA read;
    property NfcB: TNfcB read;
    property NfcF: TNfcF read;
    property NfcV: TNfcV read;
    property Tag: JTag read;
    property TechList: TArray<string> read;

  TIsoDep = record
    procedure Close;
    procedure Connect;
    function Transceive(Data: TArray<Byte>): TArray<Byte>;

    property Connected: Boolean read;
    property ExtendedLengthApduSupported: Boolean read;
    property HigherLayerResponse: TArray<Byte> read;
    property HistoricalBytes: TArray<Byte> read;
    property IsoDep: JIsoDep read;
    property MaxTransceiveLength: Integer read;
    property Tag: JTag read;
    property Timeout: Integer read write;

  TNfcA = record
    procedure Close;
    procedure Connect;
    function Transceive(Data: TArray<Byte>): TArray<Byte>;

    property Atqa: TArray<Byte> read;
    property Connected: Boolean read;
    property MaxTransceiveLength: Integer read;
    property NfcA: JNfcA read;
    property Sak: SmallInt read;
    property Tag: JTag read;
    property Timeout: Integer read write;

  TNfcB = record
    procedure Close;
    procedure Connect;
    function Transceive(Data: TArray<Byte>): TArray<Byte>;

    property Connected: Boolean read;
    property MaxTransceiveLength: Integer read;
    property NfcB: JNfcB read;
    property Tag: JTag read;

  TNfcF = record
    procedure Close;
    procedure Connect;
    function Transceive(Data: TArray<Byte>): TArray<Byte>;

    property Connected: Boolean read;
    property MaxTransceiveLength: Integer read;
    property NfcF: JNfcF read;
    property Tag: JTag read;
    property Timeout: Integer read write;

  TNfcV = record
    procedure Close;
    procedure Connect;
    function EasAlarm: TArray<Byte>;
    function GetSecurity(Block, Count: Byte): TArray<Byte>;
    function LockAfi: TArray<Byte>;
    function LockBlock(Block: Byte): TArray<Byte>;
    function LockDsfid: TArray<Byte>;
    function LockEas: TArray<Byte>;
    function ReadBlock(Block: Byte): TArray<Byte>;
    function ReadBlocks(Block, Count: Byte): TArray<Byte>;
    function ResetEas: TArray<Byte>;
    function ResetToReady: TArray<Byte>;
    function SetEas: TArray<Byte>;
    function Transceive(Data: TArray<Byte>): TArray<Byte>;
    function WriteAfi(AFI: Byte): TArray<Byte>;
    function WriteBlock(Block: Byte; Data: TArray<Byte>): TArray<Byte>;
    function WriteBlocks(Block, Count: Byte; Data: TArray<Byte>): TArray<Byte>;
    function WriteDsfid(DSFID: Byte): TArray<Byte>;

    property BlockCount: Integer read;
    property BlockSize: Integer read;
    property Connected: Boolean read;
    property DsfId: Byte read;
    property Ic: Integer read;
    property Inventory: TArray<Byte> read;
    property MaxTransceiveLength: Integer read;
    property NfcV: JNfcV read;
    property ResponseFlags: Byte read;
    property SystemInformation: TArray<Byte> read;
    property Tag: JTag read;

  TNdef = record
    procedure Close;
    procedure Connect;
    function MakeReadOnly: Boolean;
    function Write(NdefRecord: TNdefRecord): Boolean;
    function Write(NdefRecords: TArray<TNdefRecord>): Boolean;
    function Write(NdefRecords: array of TNdefRecord): Boolean;

    property CanMakeReadOnly: Boolean read;
    property Connected: Boolean read;
    property IsWritable: Boolean read;
    property MaxSize: Integer read;
    property Ndef: JNdef read;
    property Records: TArray<TNdefRecord> read;
    property Tag: JTag read;
    property &Type: string read;

  TNdefFormatable = record
    function Format: Boolean;
    function FormatReadOnly: Boolean;

    property NdefFormatable: JNdefFormatable read;
    property Tag: JTag read;

  TMifareUltralightNTag = (muUnknown, mu203, mu210, mu212, mu213, mu215, mu216);

  TMifareUltralight = record
    procedure Close;
    procedure Connect;

    function PageCount(NTag: TMifareUltralightNTag = muUnknown): Integer;
    // MIFARE Ultralight protocol always reads 4 subsequent pages
    function Read4Pages(Page: Integer): TArray<Byte>; // 4 pages are returned
    function Read4Pages(Page, Count: Integer): TArray<TArray<Byte>>; // Count * 4 pages are returned
    function Read4Pages(Pages: TArray<Integer>): TArray<TArray<Byte>>; // Length(Pages) * 4 pages are returned
    function WritePage(Page: Integer; Data: Cardinal): Boolean;
    function WritePage(Page: Integer; Data: TArray<Byte>): Boolean;
    function WritePages(Page: Integer; Data: TArray<Cardinal>): Boolean;
    function WritePages(Page: Integer; Data: TArray<TArray<Byte>>): Boolean;
    function WritePages(Pages: TArray<Integer>; Data: TArray<Cardinal>): Boolean;
    function WritePages(Pages: TArray<Integer>; Data: TArray<TArray<Byte>>): Boolean;
    function Transceive(Data: TArray<Byte>): TArray<Byte>;

    // NTAG commmands
    function Authenticate(Password: Cardinal): Word;
    function GetVersion: TArray<Byte>;
    function FastRead(StartPage, EndPage: Byte): TArray<Byte>;
    function Read(Page: Byte): TArray<Byte>;
    function ReadCounter: TArray<Byte>;
    function ReadSignature: TArray<Byte>;
    procedure Write(Page: Byte; Data: Cardinal);

    property Connected: Boolean read;
    property MaxTransceiveLength: Integer read;
    property MifareUltralight: JMifareUltralight read;
    property Tag: JTag read;
    property Timeout: Integer read write;
    property &Type: Integer read;
    property TypeDescription: string read;

  TMifareClassic = record
    procedure Close;
    procedure Connect;

    function ReadBlock(Block: Integer; KeyA, KeyB: TArray<Byte> = nil): TArray<Byte>;
    function ReadBlocks(Block, Count: Integer; KeyA, KeyB: TArray<Byte> = nil): TArray<TArray<Byte>>;
    function ReadBlocks(Blocks: TArray<Integer>; KeyA, KeyB: TArray<Byte> = nil): TArray<TArray<Byte>>;

    function WriteBlock(Block: Integer; Data: TArray<Byte>; KeyA, KeyB: TArray<Byte> = nil): Boolean;
    function WriteBlocks(Block: Integer; Data: TArray<TArray<Byte>>; KeyA, KeyB: TArray<Byte> = nil): Boolean;
    function WriteBlocks(Blocks: TArray<Integer>; Data: TArray<TArray<Byte>>; KeyA, KeyB: TArray<Byte> = nil): Boolean;

    property BlockCount: Integer read;
    property BlockSize: Integer read;
    property Connected: Boolean read;
    property MifareClassic: JMifareClassic read;
    property MaxTransceiveLength: Integer read;
    property SectorCount: Integer read;
    property Size: Integer read;
    property Tag: JTag read;
    property Timeout: Integer read write;
    property &Type: Integer read;
    property TypeDescription: string read;

  TNdefRecord = record
    class function CreateExternalRecord(const Domain, &Type: string; const Data: TArray<Byte>): TNdefRecord;
    class function CreateApplicationRecord(const PackageName: string): TNdefRecord;
    class function CreateMimeRecord(const MimeType: string; const MimeData: TArray<Byte>): TNdefRecord;
    class function CreateTextRecord(const Text: string; const LanguageCode: string = 'en'): TNdefRecord;
    class function CreateUriRecord(const Uri: string): TNdefRecord;

    property ExternalText: string read;
    property IsAbsoluteUri: Boolean read;
    property IsEmpty: Boolean read;
    property IsExternalType: Boolean read;
    property IsMimeMedia: Boolean read;
    property IsText: Boolean read;
    property IsUnchanged: Boolean read;
    property IsUnknown: Boolean read;
    property IsUri: Boolean read;
    property IsWellKnown: Boolean read;
    property NdefRecord: JNdefRecord read;
    property Payload: TArray<Byte> read;
    property PayloadUtf8: string read;
    property Text: string read;
    property TextLanguageCode: string read;
    property TnfDescription: string read;
    property Uri: string read;

  TNdefMessage = record
    constructor Create(const NdefRecord: TNdefRecord);
    constructor Create(NdefRecords: TArray<TNdefRecord>);

    property Records: TArray<TNdefRecord> read;
    property NdefMessage: JNdefMessage read;

// utilities

function BytesToHex(Bytes: TJavaArray<Byte>; Separator: Char = ':'): string;
function BytesToHex(const Bytes: TArray<Byte>; Separator: Char = ':'): string;
function BytesToHex(const Bytes: TArray<Byte>; From, Count: Integer; Separator: Char = ':'): string;

function BytesToHexReverse(Bytes: TJavaArray<Byte>; Separator: Char = ':'): string;
function BytesToHexReverse(const Bytes: TArray<Byte>; Separator: Char = ':'): string;
function BytesToHexReverse(const Bytes: TArray<Byte>; From, Count: Integer; Separator: Char = ':'): string;

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