Download Winsoft Optical Character Recognition RT v1.3 Full Source for Delphi/C++ Builder 7 - 11

Winsoft Optical Character Recognition RT v1.3 Full Source for Delphi/C++ Builder 7 - 11

Winsoft Optical Character Recognition RT v1.3 Full Source for Delphi/C++ Builder 7 - 11
Winsoft Optical Character Recognition RT v1.3 Full Source for Delphi/C++ Builder 7 - 11

Delphi and C++ Builder optical character recognition component.

Uses Windows OCR engine and WinRT API
Requires Windows 10
Supports Delphi/C++ Builder 7 - 11
Source code included in registered version
Royalty free distribution in applications

  ERtOcrError = class(Exception);

  EWinRtError = class(Exception)
    property ErrorCode: HRESULT read write;

  TLanguage = record
    DisplayName: string;
    LanguageTag: string;
    NativeName: string;
    Script: string;

  TLanguages = array of TLanguage;

  TSRect = record
    X: Single;
    Y: Single;
    Width: Single;
    Height: Single;

  TWord = record
    Text: string;
    Rect: TSRect;

  TWords = array of TWord;

  TLine = record
    Text: string;
    Words: TWords;

  TLines = array of TLine;

  TStatus = (stCompleted, stCanceled, stError);

  TResult = record
    Status: TStatus;
    Lines: TLines;
    Text: string;
    TextAngle: Double;

  TCompletedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Result: TResult; CustomData: Pointer) of object;

  TCompletionProc = reference to procedure(const Result: TResult);

  TRtOcr = class(TComponent)
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
    procedure Cancel;
    procedure Recognize(const Language: TLanguage; CustomData: Pointer = nil);
    procedure Recognize(const Language: TLanguage; Completion: TCompletionProc);
    property AvailableLanguages: TLanguages read;
    property MaxImageDimension: Cardinal read;
    property About: string read write stored False;
    property Picture: TPicture read write;
    property OnCompleted: TCompletedEvent read write;

What's new

Version 1.3
added Delphi/C++ Builder 11 files

Only for V.I.P
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