Download RAD Studio 11.2 Patch 1 1.0 from October 04, 2022

RAD Studio 11.2 Patch 1 1.0 from October 04, 2022

RAD Studio 11.2 Patch 1 1.0 from October 04, 2022
RAD Studio 11.2 Patch 1 1.0 from October 04, 2022

Today Embarcadero released a patch for RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder 11.2 Alexandria. This patch addresses some issues in RAD Studio 11.2, including some missing files for the new iOS Simulator platform, an issue when using runtime packages on Win64, and Win64 debugging via PAServer. The patch readme with the list of publicly reported issues addressed is below in this blog post (and in the patch readme file), which also explains the installation process.

RAD Studio 11.2 Patch #1 Readme
This patch addresses some issues in RAD Studio 11.2, including some missing files for the new iOS Simulator platform, an issue when using runtime packages on Win64, and Win64 debugging via PAServer.

Manual Installation
After downloading and expanding the ZIP file, you should run the patch.R112.patch1_install.bat file or manually expand the into the respective subfolders of the RAD Studio installation folder. Either way you’d still need to follow the specific steps below to correct the IDE library path configuration. You might also want to reinstall PAServer for Windows found in the expanded ZIP file, as described above.

Library Path Configuration
The RAD Studio 11.2 installation has an error in the configuration of the library path. Due to this configuration problem, linking with runtime packages fails, as reported in Quality Portal as RSP-39031 (Win64 build with runtime packages can’t find Win64 DCP files).

To address the issue you can alternatively:

Install the .reg file included in the patch download. We recommend you to follow this step only if you have a fresh install with no migrated settings and no third party component installed.
Use the IDE Tools Options dialog, select Language – Delphi – Library page and there the Windows 64-bit platform. Replace $(BDSCOMMONDIR)\Dcp with $(BDSCOMMONDIR)\Dcp\$(Platform)
Open the Windows Registry Editor application (regedit), and make the following changes:
In the key HKCU\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0\Library\Win64 change the “Search Path” value to
In the key HKLMSOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Embarcadero\BDS22.0\Library\Win64 change the “Search Path” value to “$(BDSLIB)\\$(Platform)\\release;$(BDSUSERDIR)\\Imports\\$(Platform);

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