Download DevExpress VCL & FMX Controls 21.1.3 Full Source

DevExpress VCL & FMX Controls 21.1.3 Full Source

DevExpress VCL & FMX Controls 21.1.3 Full Source
DevExpress VCL & FMX Controls 21.1.3 Full Source

DevExpress VCL components are feature-complete and built for speed regardless of data complexity or size. DevExpress VCL components are reliable and well tested so that mission critical applications behave as expected, each and every time.

DevExpress data-aware controls are powered by our legendary server-side data processing engine so that users can shape and analyze information at lightning speeds, without sacrificing features or capabilities. Because of our tireless commitment to performance, reliability and technological innovation, you can confidently build data-centric applications that amaze, be it financial trading applications using real-time feeds or information driven enterprise-grade business intelligence solutions.

With dozens of high-performance VCL components, the DevExpress VCL Subscription helps you deliver compelling, easy-to-use business solutions fast. Emulate the look, feel and capabilities of Microsoft Office or replicate the dock-based UI of Visual Studio or Adobe Photoshop and take your Delphi and C++Builder applications to an entirely new level with familiar features end-users have come to rely upon. It's everything you need to build your best in one integrated suite.

And because technology never stands still, DevExpress continues to release innovative, high-impact components for the VCL such as the Tile Control, Adorner Manager, Camera Control and Barcode Control, allowing your UI to easily evolve without abandoning your existing codebase or the proven VCL platform.

The DevExpress VCL Subscription includes dozens of high-performance user interface components for next-gen decision support systems. Whether you need to build a fully customizable analytics dashboard or incorporate Excel-like pivot tables, this subscription has everything you'll need to create apps that inform and engage.

The DevExpress VCL product line allows you to create applications that emulate the touch-first experience that lies at the heart of Windows 10, without abandoning your existing VCL investments. Whether you need to create a tile-based modern UI application for Windows 10, or need to quickly convert an existing project to a Microsoft Surface touch-first application, the DevExpress VCL Subscription will help you take your business solutions forward so you can deliver new, immersive experiences to delight your users.

100% VCL. 100% DevExpress
If you are new to third-party controls, take a moment to review the broad range of products we offer for the VCL platform and see if our tools can deliver the functionality you require. We are here to help and ready to assist you in any way we can.

If you've used third-party controls in the past, and have been disappointed by quality, performance or reliability, we ask that you give our products a chance and see for yourself why we are different. Our support team is on call and ready to discuss your needs and focus on your requirements. We know how difficult it is to invest in tools again once you’ve been burned by others, so our commitment to you is simple. We’ll do everything we can to earn your confidence and your business. Tell us how we can help.

Resolved Issues
This list includes all issues that were resolved after 20.2.6 and before or in 21.1.3.
ExpressBars Suite
T987615 – "Invalid class typecast" exception occurs when a form derived directly from TdxCustomRibbonForm is maximized or when the Ribbon Display Options menu is displayed if the form hosts a TdxRibbon control whose SupportNonClientDrawing property is True
T1009519 – A toolbar pop-up menu, a sub-menu, or the Quick Customization Pop-up Menu is incorrectly positioned on the secondary monitor, whose DPI differs from the system DPI, if an application is built with the per-monitor DPI awareness (v2) option in its manifest
T1001815 – A toolbar pop-up menu, submenu, or the Quick Customization Pop-up Menu opens on another monitor if the pop-up position is in close proximity to the screen edge
T931373 – cxDateEdit - The OnEditValueChanged event occurs before the OnValidate event if an editor's value is changed by the pop-up calendar window
T1007641 – Opening a project that contains a bar manager whose UseSystemFont and Scaled properties are set to True and False resets the IDE's font to "System" in certain cases
T1009064 – Ribbon - An AV occurs on opening the standard Customization Form if the Ribbon control displays no tabs
T977548 – Ribbon - Office 2019 style - An AV occurs when applying fonts to UI elements in certain cases
T964153 – Ribbon Form - Ribbon control's groups and tabs have no separator if the Style property is set to a value other than rs2007 and rs2010 and the form's DisableAero property is set to False
T1000936 – TcxBarEditItem - cxComboBox - The OnDrawItem event does not fire for an inactive editor whose DropDownListStyle property is set to lsFixedList
T979884 – TdxBarCustomPopupMenu descendants - The "TdxBarAccessibilityHelper.GetDefaultAccessibilityObject fails" exception occurs when a user presses the Alt key while a TdxBarWindowItem object has focus in a bar's popup menu
T1000423 – TdxBarDockControl scales based on the DPI value of the bar manager instead of its parent
T970037 – TdxBarPopupMenu and TdxRibbonPopupMenu - A popup menu uses all CPU core time when visible if the menu is not invoked by the toolbar or Ribbon UI
T1053518 – TdxCustomStatusBar descendants - The size grip overlaps right-aligned text in the rightmost panel of the status bar
T960957 – TdxCustomStatusBar descendants do not scale an image specified by a text panel's PanelStyle.ImageIndex property based on the current DPI
T1011828 – TdxRibbonGalleryItem - Gallery items added using the ItemLinks property do not display KeyTips
T1046570 – The "Caption" editor of the item customization pop-up menu cannot change an item's caption to an empty string
T967692 – The TdxBarSubItem.BarSize property value is not scaled based on the current DPI
T1009097 – A data-aware View does not display dataset data in grid mode after it is edited in a data-aware control bound to the same dataset
T983967 – A filter item bound to an FMTBcd field dismisses the field's numeric type information when assigned to a data controller's criteria from a filter control
T1031883 – DB Table and DB Banded Table Views - An AV occurs after calling the EnableControls procedure if a record in a detail View is focused
T1010349 – Only one of two or more data-aware DevExpress container controls bound to the same dataset updates its item DataBinding settings in certain cases
T1005601 – The "RecordIndex out of range" exception is thrown when calling a data controller's Cancel procedure after a record insert operation if a data-aware DevExpress editor is bound to the data controller's dataset
ExpressDocking Library
T963411 – A drag-and-drop operation can undock and position a dock panel so that its right or bottom edge is offscreen
T1004746 – An editor on an auto-hide dock panel throws an exception twice when input validation fails
T1000423 – TdxBarDockControl scales based on the DPI value of the bar manager instead of its parent
T986854 – TdxDockingController.LoadLayoutFrom~ procedure call incorrectly restores dimensions of the TdxFloatDockSite control if it is on a monitor whose DPI differs from the monitor where the main form is displayed
T965581 – TdxHorizContainerDockSite and TdxVertContainerDockSite containers position nested panels incorrectly if at least one of them has the AlignWithMargins property set to True.
ExpressEditors Library
T985698 – A property editor for TPicture, TGraphic, and their descendants converts an image pasted from the clipboard to a 32-bit TdxSmartImage object and discards the image's transparency information
T1029217 – cxComboBox - The onclick event does not occur during an incremental filtering operation if the editor's ItemIndex property value is changed to -1
AS5313 – cxDateEdit - Implement an option that switches the visibility of the time part in unfocused editors that display values whose fractional part is equal to 0
T1001467 – cxFilterControl - A click on the "Add" button for the "Is any of" condition deletes it if the filter control uses the token display style and has an active value editor
T986547 – cxLookupComboBox - The ItemIndex property value is incorrect when the Properties.onchange event occurs if the EditValue property value matches the focused record in the Properties.ListSource dataset and the Properties.ListOptions.SyncMode property is True
T1028584 – cxRichEdit - The onchange event occurs multiple times in response to an editor handle create operation
T980313 – cxTreeList and cxVerticalGrid - It is impossible to invoke an in-place cell editor in a container control after it is scrolled by a touch gesture
T902847 – dxFormattedLabel incorrectly clips its text when certain fonts are used
T691110 – FilterPopup is drawn incorrectly when its Items' texts are too long
T990532 – Find Panel - Compact Layout - The "Close" button has a different horizontal offset compared to the Filter Panel
T987683 – In-place cxLookupComboBox - The editor displays no values for a column/row bound to the fkLookup dataset field
T978106 – In-place editors paint their dropdown window with a disparate background color if certain skins are applied
T1004875 – SVG Images - An SVG element's outline width is incorrectly calculated if world transformation is applied to the element or one of its parents
T959802 – TcxButton - Fade animation produces painting artifacts if it starts when a control above/under the button is hidden and the SpeedButtonOptions.Transparent property is set to True
T983587 – TcxContainer descendants - A skinned container control ignores an editor's Style.Color, Style.BorderColor, and Style.TextColor property values when painting the editor's hot-tracked and focused states
T999605 – TcxSpinButton - Assigning a control to the Associate property freezes the IDE if the spin button is located on TToolBar
T979944 – TdxCustomGalleryControl descendants - The control does not gray out its content if the Enabled property is set to False
T984585 – TdxOpenFileDialog and TdxSaveFileDialog - A confirmation message freezes the application if it has the TcxShellComboBox editor whose Properties.IncrementalSearch property is set to True
T1003001 – TdxOpenFileDialog and TdxSaveFileDialog - Add support for skins in confirmation dialogs
T1014888 – TdxSaveFileDialog and TdxOpenFileDialog - A file in an open folder becomes selected if the folder is opened with a double click and the mouse pointer is over the file
T969313 – TdxSaveFileDialog and TdxOpenFileDialog - The dialog returns an incorrect path to a file selected in a virtual folder
T995829 – TdxSaveFileDialog and TdxOpenFileDialog do not update the FileName, Files, and FilterIndex property values before raising the OnFolderChange, onselectionchange, or OnTypeChange event
T973930 – The "Could not parse SQL Timestamp string" exception occurs when one filter criterion is defined in Custom Filter mode on the "Date Filters" page of an Excel-inspired filter popup if a TSQLTimeStampField dataset field is assigned to the filtered item
T1030223 – The "Out of range" exception occurs during an incremental item filtering operation if the editor's Style.StyleController property value is modified within the onchange event handler
T1052380 – The TdxSkinLookAndFeelPainter.GetToggleSwitchTextColor function's implementation includes an incorrect inherited function call
T1009495 – The TdxTaskbarProgress control does not display progress on a task bar if the progress state changes before the main application form is created
ExpressEntityMapping Framework
T1004869 – "E2010 Incompatible types: 'TDateTime' and 'TdxLinqExpression'" error occurs when compiling a project that uses the dxEMF.Linq.Expressions unit and the System.SysUtils.Now and System.DateUtils.Today functions
T1007328 – An AV occurs on adding the TdxEMFDataSet component to a form in RAD Studio Delphi XE
T970492 – Ignore the character case of the prefix in f-prefixed field names that define columns in entity classes
T970681 – TdxEMFDataSet throws the 'Not implemented' exception on posting data to a field mapped to TdxNullableBoolean
T973524 – A chart element's text misses a line feed character every time a user saves a chart to a stream
T961266 – Localization – The LoadFromStream procedure incorrectly converts non-ASCII characters
ExpressGantt Control
T961962 – A TcxLocalizer.Locale property value change does not change default column captions to the corresponding localized resource strings
T949852 – Add support for a sheet row drag and drop
T957931 – Add support for customizable fields in sheets
T974362 – Add support for recurring tasks
T983155 – Add the capability to customize sheet columns at runtime
T967077 – Add the capability to persist layout settings between application runs
T966408 – An AV occurs when the active Timeline View's TimescaleUnit or TimescaleUnitMinWidth property value is changed at design time
T1011970 – Export to XML - An exported document does not include a value token for extended task and resource attributes that do not have valid field identifiers
T1002188 – Timeline View - The "Division by zero" exception is thrown if a user changes the TimescaleUnit property value for the empty View
ExpressLayout Control
T1009316 – A layout item added to a group at runtime changes the caption layout of other items in the group if the group applies wrapping to nested items
T993297 – A right-aligned item becomes unaligned when its parent group applies wrapping to nested items
T1015107 – An auxiliary item that is located outside the visible scrollable area remains hidden after it was focused
T987868 – Enhance performance during layout scrolling and customization operations
T1034209 – TdxCustomLayoutCheckableItem and descendants - An associated action's OnUpdate event does not occur
T968831 – The layout control does not create layout items for controls placed into it within a form's OnCreate event handler
T985853 – All controls with a translucent background are drawn black at design time in RAD Studio 10.4.2 if the form's DoubleBuffered property is set to True
T983623 – An AV occurs on closing an application with a statically linked DLL file that references the dxFontHelper unit
T1020329 – An AV occurs when a unit that uses TdxStringComparer or TdxIStringComparer is finalized after the dxCoreClasses unit
T973005 – SVG Images - An SVG element's outline width is incorrectly calculated if world transformation is applied to the element or one of its parents
T1008125 – TDBLookupComboBox displays its drop-down window behind a skinned/Ribbon form that casts a shadow if the form's FormStyle property is set to fsStayOnTop in certain cases
T985138 – TdxCloudStorage - An AV occurs when the Google Drive data provider obtains file structure information
T997901 – The "Runtime error 216" occurs on closing an application that uses Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)
T964101 – The mouse pointer switches from the built-in crHandPoint equivalent to crDefault on Windows 8 or later
T973022 – Hamburger Menu - A group whose ShowCaption property value is False does not collapse when a user expands another group and the view's OptionsBehavior.Common.AllowMultipleGroupExpansion property value is False
T1030953 – Hamburger Menu - Accelerator characters do not work in the Navigation Pane
T970351 – Hamburger Menu - An AV occurs on expanding a group that follows the currently expanded group whose ShowCaption property is set to False, provided that the OptionsBehavior.Common.AllowMultipleGroupExpansion property is set to False
T1030752 – Hamburger Menu - The control does not pass a mouse click event to the form if an overlay is closed by a mouse click
T1006976 – Hamburger Menu - The custom header style is incorrectly applied to groups if the OptionsView.HamburgerMenu.NavigationPaneMode property is set to npmFull
T1081979 – The control ignores clicks on tabs after an unhandled exception is thrown in the OnHide event handler of the control's tab sheet
T1051211 – "The document format is not recognized as valid PDF" exception occurs when loading a document whose trailer section's dictionary contains an invalid "Prev" entry
T1019882 – "The document format is not recognized as valid PDF" exception occurs when loading a PDF document that contains an incorrect offset of a cross-reference table
T1009483 – A PDF document container's FileAttachments.Remove method does not remove attachments
T1003966 – A transparency group displays rotated objects in certain cases
T951629 – Add a possibility to make a visible signature in PDF documents
T966187 – An AV can occur if a PDF document contains a cross-reference table with an incorrect generation number and the table's trailer has the Prev parameter
T960569 – An AV occurs during the control's destroy operation that precedes a text search operation
T1031102 – An AV occurs on rendering text field values if the field's resource dictionary is missing
T1019181 – An AV occurs when document save routines write a CID Type 2 font descriptor
T1003918 – An AV occurs when reading a document whose trailer stores invalid information
T968754 – An AV occurs when the control displays a hint for an interactive form field without appearance characteristics
T968355 – Document import routines build incorrect encoding tables for full embedded TrueType fonts in certain cases, which can result in incorrectly displayed text
T981250 – Document navigation works incorrectly in certain cases due to an incorrectly calculated zoom factor if the OptionsZoom.ZoomMode property is set to pzmPageWidth
T992105 – Implement an API for PDF document attachment management
T408004 – Implement the capability to manage pages in a PDF document and save changes
T467744 – Implement the page rotation functionality in a PDF document
T1029953 – In certain cases, text field content is incorrectly displayed due to incorrect text height calculation at the display command generation phase for Widget Annotations
T980291 – It is impossible to select text that uses the Type 0 font that does not have information about Unicode encoding
T965896 – Memory leaks occur if a PDF document contains circular references to content rendering forms
T1008174 – Navigation to the previous document state works incorrectly in the rotated document View if the control's LookAndFeel.ScrollMode property value is scmSmooth
T1020903 – Pages render semitransparent images as opaque in certain cases
T1006765 – Password verification routines incorrectly parse multi-byte character input
T1008776 – Text is displayed incorrectly if the text-showing operator moves a text string to the next line and applies word spacing and/or character spacing to the string
T1005037 – Text that uses an embedded CIDFontType2 font is displayed incorrectly if the font's file contains the incorrect CMap table
T1010820 – The "Invalid class typecast" exception occurs on reading width values of Type 0 font glyphs, which are specified as a reference
T1014445 – The "Invalid pointer operation" exception occurs in certain cases when semi-transparent images are rendered
T1025118 – The Font.Size property value does not affect the search box size in the Find Panel
T964434 – The global dxX509SelectCertificate function does not assign a certificate to the ACertificate parameter and always returns False
T990548 – Viewer freezes on closing the document in certain cases if the OptionsSelection.Annotations property value is True
ExpressPivotGrid Suite
T977731 – TcxPivotGridChartConnection - The "List index out of bounds" exception is thrown when two grand total types are selected and the SourceData property is set to sdSelected
T974715 – The TcxPivotGridChartConnection component ignores value formatting if the pivot grid control has only one field in the data area
ExpressPrinting System
T1025707 – Export to PDF - An exported document's structure includes the flag that specifies a digital signature presence while a document does not contain a digital signature
T1007801 – Export to PDF - Images with alpha channel information are exported from TdxSmartImage objects with a black background
T1004836 – Grid Report Link - Master-Detail - The "Stack overflow" exception occurs on creating a report for Views whose OptionsBehavior.RecordScrollMode property is set to rsmByPixel if the report link's OptionsExpanding.ExpandMasterRows property is set to True
T993590 – Images of the same size are all replaced by one of these images when they are printed in Windows 10 (OS Build 2004 or later)
T1007755 – Images of the same size are all replaced by one of these images when they are printed in Windows Server 2019 (OS Build 1809 or later)
T963837 – In-place cxProgressBar - An incorrect value is printed if the Properties.ShowTextStyle property is set to cxtsPercent and the value range specified by the Properties.Min and Properties.Max properties is less than 100
T1005844 – Layout Control/View Report Link - Layout item captions are not printed
T1030603 – Table and Banded Table Views - A call of a detail view's StoreToStream procedure results in an AV
T962924 – TdxPDFViewerReportLink - Page margins are calculated incorrectly and document content is shifted in certain cases
T1012400 – The "Code 3: The system cannot find the path specified" error is thrown when opening the "PDF Export Options" dialog in certain cases
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
T1010574 – A data-aware View that is not in grid mode cannot move focus to another dataset record if a data-aware View in grid mode is bound to the same dataset
T963403 – A skin palette is not applied to SVG images displayed in column headers
T997067 – All Views except Chart - An AV occurs when a RestoreFrom~ method call deletes columns that are absent in previously stored View information if one of them is focused
T982944 – All Views, except for Chart Views - Record navigation does not change a View's Controller.FocusedRecord property value if the View is locked for updates using its BeginUpdate/EndUpdate method block
T1006228 – An AV occurs if a cell's ViewInfo was being recreated during a mouse click
T1022293 – Chart View - Master-Detail - The View height is too large in per-pixel scroll mode
T988490 – Chart View - The "Stack overflow" exception occurs when the chart legend displays a number of items
T997930 – Excel-inspired filter popup - cxDateEdit - A popup's editor displays a selected value incorrectly if the container control item's Properties.Kind property is set to ckDateTime or the global FormatSettings.DataSeparator setting has a custom value
T964985 – In-place cxCheckGroup scales incorrectly
T1012999 – Incremental search in the pop-up Quick Customization menu throws the "Invalid class typecast" exception in certain cases
T1015506 – Master-Detail - "RowIndex out of range" exception occurs when closing a form with the TcxGrid control that has a focused record if the OptionsSelection.MultiSelect and OptionsSelection.UnselectFocusedRecordOnExit properties are set to True
T970383 – Scrollbar elements are drawn in black if a skin is active and the clDefault color is assigned to the skin's corresponding elements in the Skin Editor
T989777 – Server Mode - Table and Banded Table Views - The OnFindCriteriaBeforeChange and OnFindCriteriaChanged events are not published in a data controller
T970917 – Table and Banded Table Views - A click on a column header does not select it in a detail view
T966812 – Table and Banded Table Views - A detail View is cropped at the bottom when it is expanded for the first time if the system DPI exceeds 96 and the View has an embedded navigator
T993839 – Table and Banded Table Views - A modal Edit form allows users to edit a column whose Properties.ReadOnly property is set to True
T1022358 – Table and Banded Table Views - A newly applied filter is applied again after an Enter keystroke or when focus moves to an adjacent cell if the grid View's FilterRow.ApplyChanges property is set to fracImmediately or fracDelayed
T983786 – Table and Banded Table Views - A right-click on a group row does not invoke a pop-up menu assigned to the grid control if it is associated with a TcxGridPopupMenu component and the group row has no summary
T965024 – Table and Banded Table Views - A scroll stop position is calculated incorrectly if the grid control's height changes during the scroll animation
T1007933 – Table and Banded Table Views - Focus does not move to the first cell of a record appended by the Down keystroke
T1039288 – Table and Banded Table Views - Master-Detail - An AV occurs when removing all detail rows that belong to the expanded master row if the master grid level's Options.TableForEmptyDetails property is set to False
T1007715 – Table and Banded Table Views - The record insert operation throws the EDatabaseError exception if the grid View is grouped by a column bound to a dataset field whose ReadOnly property is set to True
T1100621 – Table and Banded Table Views - The TcxStatusKeeper component saves the expanded state of a nested detail view if its master view is collapsed
T968270 – The default cell height is calculated incorrectly on a monitor with DPI more than 96 if data cells use an extra padding defined in the TdxVisualRefinements.Padding global settings
T1004793 – The ExportGridDataToExcel and ExportGridDataToXLSX procedures include the first row of footer summaries in an outline
T1004806 – The ExportGridDataToExcel and ExportGridDataToXLSX procedures raise the 'List index out of bounds (0)' exception when footer summaries are exported from an empty View
ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
T1004196 – A double-click on a parent node's cell closes its in-place editor if the OptionsBehavior.Expandondblclick property is set to False
T959937 – A skin palette is not applied to SVG images displayed in nodes and column/band headers
T992823 – Changing the size of a column in a band changes the size of other columns in this band after an AdjustColumnsWidth procedure call
T1045749 – Scrollbars do not update their states when a user rotates the mouse wheel to scroll content
T1042434 – TcxDBTreeList - The "Stack overflow" exception occurs on assigning True to the bound dataset's Active property if this dataset is empty
T992180 – The "List index out of bounds" exception occurs when modifying the number of nodes or columns in a filtered tree list's BeginUpdate/EndUpdate block
T1052952 – The "Stack Overflow" exception occurs on an attempt to load a form with the TcxDBTreeList control bound to a TDataSet component on a previously loaded form
T992014 – The AdjustColumnsWidth procedure requires multiple calls to make columns fit horizontally the entire client area
T994750 – The onfocusedNodeChanged event does not fire when the last visible node is deleted
ExpressRichEdit Control
T970426 – All formatting symbols have a vertical offset
T987595 – An AV occurs when a user resizes or moves a floating object over a distance of more than one-page height if the active document view is not paginated
T1038861 – Destroying TdxRichEditControl hides the caret in the application that gets focus in certain cases
T1004341 – Draft View - Paragraph characters are hidden for right-aligned paragraphs
T1005608 – TdxRichEditDocumentServer - The IdxRichEditField.Update procedure throws the "Invalid class typecast" exception
T982318 – The vertical ruler incorrectly displays a page's top margin
ExpressScheduler Suite
T981265 – Add the capability to show the Resource information in the Scheduler's Modern hint
T1010691 – Day View - Regular size navigation buttons overlap a day or resource header in certain cases
T1014898 – The "Start" and "Finish" editors are swapped in the "Set Date Range" dialog
T1003349 – The resource navigator produces painting artifacts if all its buttons are hidden in Hybrid scrollbar or Touch mode
ExpressSkins Library
T1059447 – Basic, Office2019Black, Office2019Colorful, Office2019DarkGray, and Office2019White skins - The upper paragraph indent marker overlaps the lower indent marker on the top ruler of TdxRichEditControl
T1046860 – dxToggleSwitch - State indicator captions blend with the background if a dark-colored palette is in effect for the Basic, Office2019Black, or TheBezier skin
T973721 – Form - Secondary forms behind the main form display their shadows over it in certain cases
T953555 – Implement simple background effects for Fluent Design forms
T970383 – Scrollbar elements are drawn in black if a skin is active and the clDefault color is assigned to the skin's corresponding elements in the Skin Editor
T971055 – TdxSkinController - The OnSkinForm event occurs twice due to the changing of the SkinPaletteName, UseImageSet, UseSkins, or ShowFormShadow property values
T732045 – TdxSkinController inherits the default SkinPaletteName and ShowFormShadow property values from the most recently opened project
T1049836 – The caption of the Ribbon application's button blends with its background if the Office2019White or Office2019DarkGray skin is applied
T960438 – The EdxDirectXError exception is thrown when TdxOpenFileDialog is invoked if its LookAndFeel.RenderMode property is set to rmDirectX
T1038347 – The Office2019DarkGray and Office2019White skins - The background color for the read-only editor state is incorrect
T1003589 – Dictionaries incorrectly load if the HIGHCHARUNICODE compilation directive is switched on in certain cases
T988859 – TdxRichEditControl - A context pop-up menu for the misspelled word does not include spellchecker commands if a custom pop-up menu is assigned to the Rich Edit control
T966736 – "You cannot change part of an array" exception is raised when a user attempts to change an array formula expression that occupies only a single cell
T1005998 – A defined name does not update its reference when a worksheet is deleted if it was specified as the defined name's scope
T995663 – A formula expression returns incorrect results in certain cases if it includes the VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP function that accepts a defined name as the table_array parameter
T1025840 – A MATCH function call with specific parameters in a formula expression results in memory corruption in certain cases
T1029505 – An AV occurs when the INDIRECT function is calculated in an application built with a 64-bit compiler
T974013 – An in-place editor applies a cell value change very slowly if the change occurs immediately after the "Hide all columns" and "Unhide all columns" operations
T1012447 – An unary plus operator in a formula expression causes memory corruption in certain cases
T1004271 – Changing a caption in a defined name does not update references to this name in formula expressions
T1009150 – Clipboard operations exclude the first character from each copied cell in an application built with RAD Studio 10.3 Rio or newer
T963679 – Comparison operations in array formulas return 0 instead of FALSE in certain cases
T969180 – Document import routines parse a defined name reference incorrectly if it refers to a worksheet whose name starts with a digit
T977339 – Enhance the cell pack algorithm for scenarios where all cells change their styles
T1006589 – Export to CSV - Implement a table alignment option that makes the cell count the same in all rows
T953966 – ​Implement a stream-based XML parser for XLSX load routines to reduce document load times and decrease memory consumption
T971288 – It is impossible to convert an array formula expression into its non-array variety
T994088 – Operators do not exclude microseconds when comparing date-time values
T988583 – Operators do not exclude microseconds when comparing date-time values
T1010579 – The "-700000 is not a valid date and time" exception occurs when assigning the cxDateUtils.NullDate constant to a cell object's AsDateTime property
T1008141 – The "Integer overflow" or "XXX is not a valid date and time" exception occurs when a value that exceeds the MaxDateTime constant is converted to a date/time value
T997049 – The "Unexpected token was found ("#0" in"")" exception occurs when loading an ODS document if its metadata includes an empty date/time field
T987414 – The built-in "m/d/yy h:mm" formatting pattern (code 22) ignores locale settings
T1002005 – The control applies incorrect encoding if a loaded XLSX, XLTX, or ODS file includes XML headers without encoding settings
T1009344 – The control incorrectly handles references to worksheets whose names include an apostrophe
T998954 – The INDEX function containing references to entire columns/rows returns an incorrect result
T971146 – The ISTEXT function can return an incorrect result when it accepts a range in a non-array formula expression
T962661 – The SUMPRODUCT function does not return the same results as in Excel in certain cases
T1015812 – The TdxSpreadSheetCell.SetAsRTF function returns False if an accepted RTF string has a single set of font attributes applied to all characters
T977275 – The Unhide command available in a column or row context menu takes much time to complete when applied to all hidden columns or rows in a non-empty document
T1005224 – XLS/XLSX Export - An exported document has an incorrect structure if the source document has a column with the maximum index, and the column has a custom style
T965947 – XLS/XLSX Export - Document export routines save border styles of all cells adjacent to a cell with a custom border style
T968424 – XLSX Import - The "The "-1" shared string index is invalid" exception occurs on loading certain documents
ExpressTile Control
T960529 – A control assigned to a tile item's DetailOptions.DetailControl property is destroyed when the tile item is destroyed
T963953 – A pressed tile has a distorted border
T970821 – Add an ability to finish drag and drop of tile items or a tile group without animation
T969693 – An AV occurs when a tile item is deleted at design time
T981946 – TdxTileBar - The RestoreFrom~ methods do not create tile elements if True is passed as the AChildrenCreating parameter
ExpressVerticalGrid Suite
T970910 – An empty vertical grid cancels an edit operation so that it cannot add a record beforehand
T970913 – Implement an option to control if an empty vertical grid cancels an edit operation that adds a record

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