Peganza Pascal Expert v9.11.0 for Delphi 2007 - 11 Alexandria

Peganza Pascal Expert v9.11.0 for Delphi 2007 - 11 Alexandria
Pascal Expert is our new plug-in for Embarcadero's Delphi IDE (RAD Studio). It was released in October 2015. Pascal Expert main task is to make a static code analysis. It only needs the source code, unlike other similar tools that perform an analysis of the running program. Pascal Expert will help you better understand your code and support you in producing code of higher quality, consistency, and reliability. It will point out possible issues and errors in your code.
Pascal Expert is a subset of our standalone static code analyzer Pascal Analyzer. Pascal Expert displays the same results as Pascal Analyzer, but integrated in the Delphi IDE, which makes it an ideal tool when working with code, as it lets you find problems earlier, and fix them at once.
If you want to also buy the full-fledged Pascal Analyzer, you will find favorable pricing. Similarly, if you already use Pascal Analyzer, you will get a very large discount when buying Pascal Expert. See our web site for more details. Pascal Expert can be installed for these Delphi IDE versions:
Delphi 11 Alexandria
Delphi 10.4 Sydney
Delphi 10.3 Rio
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo
Delphi 10.1 Berlin
Delphi 10 Seattle
Delphi XE8
Delphi XE7
Delphi XE6
Delphi XE5
Delphi XE4
Delphi XE3
Delphi XE2
Delphi XE
Delphi 2010
Delphi 2009
Delphi 2007
Pascal Expert parses your source code in the same way as the compiler. The results are displayed as messages on a tab page in the Output window in the RAD Studio IDE. This tab page is normally located at the bottom of the window.
Version 9.11.0 March 27, 2023
fixed issues with compilation directives
new section in the Conventions Report, CONV23-"Class fields that do not start with 'F'"
new sections in the Conventions Report, CONV24-CONV27, reporting parameters that do not confirm to selected prefix
new section in the Conventions Report, CONV28-"Old-style function result"
new section in the Conventions Report, CONV29-"With statements"
improved interpretation of $IF-expressions
fixed some issues concerning generics
WARN63-"Mismatch parameter value (32/64-bits)" only reported the first location encountered. Now the list of warnings consists of two parts with a description for each item.
new section in the Conventions Report, CONV30-"Private can be changed to strict private"
new section in the Conventions Report, CONV31-"Protected can be changed to strict protected"
fixed an error parsing "inherited", caused false positive for STWA3-"Subprogram calls itself unconditionally"
REDU24-"Local identifiers never used" could not be deselected
option "Show implementation line numbers" did not work correctly
fixed issues with compilation directives
new section in the Conventions Report, CONV23-"Class fields that do not start with 'F'"
new sections in the Conventions Report, CONV24-CONV27, reporting parameters that do not confirm to selected prefix
new section in the Conventions Report, CONV28-"Old-style function result"
new section in the Conventions Report, CONV29-"With statements"
improved interpretation of $IF-expressions
fixed some issues concerning generics
WARN63-"Mismatch parameter value (32/64-bits)" only reported the first location encountered. Now the list of warnings consists of two parts with a description for each item.
new section in the Conventions Report, CONV30-"Private can be changed to strict private"
new section in the Conventions Report, CONV31-"Protected can be changed to strict protected"
fixed an error parsing "inherited", caused false positive for STWA3-"Subprogram calls itself unconditionally"
REDU24-"Local identifiers never used" could not be deselected
option "Show implementation line numbers" did not work correctly
Only for V.I.P
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