Download TMS FMX UI Pack v3.7.8.8 Full Source for RAD Studio XE7-RAD Studio 11 Alexandria

TMS FMX UI Pack v3.7.8.8 Full Source for RAD Studio XE7-RAD Studio 11 Alexandria

TMS FMX UI Pack v3.7.8.8 Full Source for RAD Studio XE7-RAD Studio 11 Alexandria
TMS FMX UI Pack v3.7.8.8 Full Source for RAD Studio XE7-RAD Studio 11 Alexandria

Set of highly configurable and styleable components for cross-platform FireMonkey software development.

Architecture based on orginal FireMonkey classes
New independent architecture built-up from scratch
Not easy to extend/customize
Easily extendible with many customization options/events
Performance degrades when FMX object count increases
Faster performance, high quality graphics
Basic design-time integration
Enhanced design-time integration
Supports the FMX framework only
Supports multiple frameworks (FMX, VCL, LCL and WEB)
High level of compatibility with older FMX code

Menu control with hierarchical structure
Variable number of hierarchical menu items collections
Smooth scrolling & swiping on touch devices
Highly customizable
FireMonkey style-aware

TTMSFMXTouchKeyBoard & TTMSFMXPopupTouchKeyboard
Multiple predefined keyboards (QWERTY, QWERTZ, AZERTY, DVORAK, Cellphone and Numeric)
Customizable keyboard
Automatic OS-aware keyboard adaption (Mac & Win)
Special function key highlighting
Popup version included

Number & pattern passlock control
Pass lock entry & pass lock learn mode
Customizable appearance
Configurable pass code length

A checkbox with configurable checkmark image
Several built-in presets
Custom checked/unchecked text
Custom checked/unchecked bitmap

Custom dialog with expandable text and footer
Support for displaying custom buttons
Support to include various types of input controls
Support to include a progress bar
Support for HTML formatted content text
Optional images

TTMSFMXWebBrowser / TTMSFMXWebBrowserPopup
Wrapper around the native webbrowser component on Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Android *
Load HTML strings
Execute jаvascript
Forward and backward navigation
Before navigation and navigation complete events
Additional popup webbrowser variant

Inherits from TButton and adds an image (TTMSFMXImage) and a HTML enabled text
Provides easy design-time and run-time access to image and HTML text

Highly configurable progress, thumb and background appearance
Configurable minimum, maximum and step with tick marks
Formatted value & tickmark text
Customization events

Import / Export to FireMonkey signature file
Compatible with VCL signature files
Save / load to / from stream
Save to an image
Configurable stroke color and thickness for each line sequence

Bitmapcontainer support
Extensive control over appearance
Flexible structure for hosting controls inside the panels
Capability to define logical sections in panels
Capability to collapse/expand control

HotSpots can be rectangle, ellipsis, polygon or rotated rectangles, rotated ellipsis
HotSpot events for hovering, hints, click, double clicks
Includes design time HotSpot editor with magic wand tool for automatic polygon selections
Clipped or non-clipped HotSpot hover-image or clicked-image
Each HotSpot has a Down, Selected, Blink property for displaying clipped or non clipped clicked image after click on HotSpot
Supports image zoom
Support for single or multiselect
HotSpots can show in selectable color or overlay image when selected, down, or blinking
Design-time and runtime usable hotspot editor
Compatible with VCL HotSpot files

Support for HTML formatted text, including hyperlinks in header, footer, items
Adds support for grouping with checked state
Inherits from TSpeedButton

Highly styleable cross platform FireMonkey control
Collection of fully customizable tiles
TileList control with smooth scrolling with inertia, direct navigation, single & multi select
Built-in support for searching & filtering
Built-in support for reordering tiles
Can be displayed in a page mode or scroll mode
Support for HTML formatted text, including hyperlinks in header, footer, items
Support for navigation through styleable header and footer arrows and bullets
Optional detailview per tile
Built-in support for use with LiveBindings, allows to bind any tile element to data

Inherits from and extends TButton
Support for TTMSFMXImage and TTMSFMXBitmapContainer
Different predefined style and color kinds
Support for iOS backbutton style
Used in TTMSFMXTableView

Control that displays an image with optional stretching and aspect ratio
Can display the image proportional with cropping
Supports loading an image directly, with a linkedimage (reference to TImage) or through the TTMSFMXBitmapContainer
Used in various components

Container with a TBitmap collection
Designtime support to add / remove multiple images
Used in various components

Inherits from and extends TText
Support for HTML formatting capabilities
Used in various components

Multiple animation and shadow effect enabled pages
Pages with the ability to contain multiple FireMonkey controls
Pages are separately styleable
Optional header and footer

Display a FireMonkey control inside a fully customizable transparent popup window
Positioning relative to a control, with optional popup direction
Optional Header and footer text
Optional Header and footer buttons

Rating control with a separately styleable on and off state
Count and value properties

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