Download TMS WEB Core v2.1.2.0 (May 2, 2023) D10.4 and D11.3 Retail Version

TMS WEB Core v2.1.2.0 (May 2, 2023) D10.4 and D11.3 Retail Version

TMS WEB Core v2.1.2.0 (May 2, 2023) D10.4 and D11.3 Retail Version
TMS WEB Core v2.1.2.0 (May 2, 2023) D10.4 and D11.3 Retail Version

Save valuable time and create rich user experiences with our framework for modern web applications. All our tools are backed by a dedicated team of experienced developers. You can count on an excellent service, a lively community and our continuous innovations. TMS Software is your partner for modern WEB client applications, with a lot of free learning tools, how-to guides and a passionate community of developers & support!

TMS Software Delphi Components RADical Web
Modern SPA web application model
Pure HTML5/CSS3/jаvascript based applications
Standard component framework for common UI controls and access to browser features
Debugging in Pascal code via the browser
Backed by a solid, proven & actively developed Object Pascal to jаvascript compiler

TMS Software Delphi Components Reuse skills and components
Component based RAD development integrated in the Delphi IDE and the Visual Studio Code IDE
A truly revolutionary & innovative TMS FNC component framework that is now also web enabled, allowing to create UI controls that can be used on VCL, FMX, LCL and WEB!
Open to consume other existing jаvascript frameworks & libraries
Open to use HTML/CSS for design
Open to use other jQuery controls or even other jаvascript frameworks
Offers Pascal class wrappers for jQuery controls from the jQWidgets library
Easy interfacing to REST cloud services including to TMS XData for database

RADical Web
Modern SPA web application model
Pure HTML5/CSS3/jаvascript based applications
Standard component framework for common UI controls and access to browser features
Debugging in Pascal code via the browser
Backed by a solid & proven Delphi Pascal to jаvascript compiler that was years in development
Take advantage of the Electron or Miletus framework for building cross platform desktop applications
PWA support: Start building progressive web applications out of the box

Reuse skills and components
Component based RAD development integrated in the Delphi IDE
A truly revolutionary & innovative TMS FNC component framework that is now also web enabled, allowing to create UI controls that can be used on VCL, FMX, LCL and WEB!
Open to consume other existing jаvascript frameworks & libraries
Open to use HTML/CSS for design
Open to use other jQuery controls or even other jаvascript frameworks
Offers Pascal class wrappers for jQuery controls from the jQWidgets library
Easy interfacing to REST cloud services including to TMS XData for database

Easy Deployment
Application consists of HTML & jаvascript files only that can be easily deployed on any light or heavyweight webservers
Use any existing load-balancing software and/or techniques for highest performance
Small and convenient debug webserver is included for fast RAD development

TMS Software Delphi Components Easy Deployment
Application consists of HTML & jаvascript files only that can be easily deployed on any light or heavyweight webservers
Use any existing load-balancing software and/or techniques for highest performance
Small and convenient debug webserver is included for fast RAD development

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