Download Addict Pro v4.90.2105 + Addict Plus Pack v4.90 Full Source

Addict Pro v4.90.2105 + Addict Plus Pack v4.90 Full Source

Addict Pro v4.90.2105 + Addict Plus Pack v4.90 Full Source
Addict Pro v4.90.2105 + Addict Plus Pack v4.90 Full Source

Addictive Software is pleased to announce the release of Addict 4. We've built the latest version on over a decade of experience delivering high quality spell check and thesaurus component software for every version of Delphi since 1.0.

Addict 4 is a professional native VCL component suite that provides end-to-end solutions for adding spelling check and thesaurus support to your applications.

With Addict, developers can easily add:

A first-class spelling checker capable of checking nearly any control available.
Live-spelling (wavy red underlining of misspelled words) to Edit controls, Memo controls, RichEdit controls and many 3rd party controls.
Automatic thesaurus lookup and word replacement to add contextual thesaurus support to your applications.
Complete text parsing, dictionary, suggestion, auto-correction and thesaurus APIs for integration into nearly any application.

New features of Addict 4 include:

Full support for Delphi and C++Builder through XE7.
New and improved UI for spelling and configuration dialogs
Live-spelling (wavy red underlines) support for Memo and Edit controls
Greatly improved phonetic suggestions
New edit controls with built in live-spelling and auto-correct as you type
Unicode dictionary support
Full Unicode support when using Delphi or C++Builder 2009 or better
Backwards compatibility with our market leading Addict 3 for easy upgrades
Component help reference fully integrates with development environment

Read on for more information on Addict or download a demo application or trial-run version of Addict to see the latest features in action for yourself.

spelling check
Addict's spelling component provides the developer a full featured spelling check component that can easily integrate modern spell checking capabilities into your application with only a single line of code. Addict's core engine and dialogs were built to replicate and in many ways exceed the look and feel of spelling engines residing in commercial word processors.

Adding AddictSpell to an application (with the same functionality as the example above) is typically done with just a single line of code:

AddictSpell.CheckWinControl( RichEdit1, ctAll );

This same line of code is used to perform a spelling check on most Edit, Memo and RichEdit components. In addition, Addict supports nearly all of the more popular third party controls such as TRichView, PlusMemo, DevExpress Editors, WPTools and more.

This same level of simplicity carries through to the configuration system. If your users want to ignore HTML, correct DUal capitals automatically or even correct common misspellings as they type, it's all easily accessible and already provided through Addict's configuration dialogs.

Live-spelling is the term we use to refer to the identification of misspelled words with wavy red underlines in edit controls. This allows a user to act upon each identified problem with a context menu. From the context menu a user can do nearly any action that they could do from the traditional spelling-check dialog; add auto-corrections, add the word to the dictionary, choose the properly spelled word as a replacement and more.

Addict comes with an updated version of Roget's Thesaurus, containing over 1000 context topics. Additional thesaurus files can be compiled with the Thesaurus compiler (available in the PlusPack).

The thesaurus component uses the same parsing architecture as does the spelling checker. Thus the thesaurus can work on simple word lookups, or do automatic selection and word replacement for strings, edit controls, memo controls, rich edit controls and many third party controls.

AddictThesaurus.LookupWinControl( RichEdit );

And like the spelling checker, adding a thesaurus lookup to an existing edit control only takes the single line of code you see above.

Only for V.I.P
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