Download PNGComponents 2023.08 from August 12, 2023
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PNGComponents 2023.08 from August 12, 2023

PNGComponents 2023.08 from August 12, 2023
PNGComponents 2023.08 from August 12, 2023

PngComponents is a set of components that allows you to include in your application real PNG files. You can read more about them in the Doku subfolder.

This is a source-only release of TurboPack PNGComponents. It includes designtime and runtime packages for Delphi and C++Builder and supports Win32 and Win64.

2. Package names
TurboPack PNGComponents package names have the following form:

PNGComponentsD.bpl (Delphi Runtime)
PNGComponentsDDesign.bpl (Delphi Designtime)
PNGComponentsD.bpl (C++Builder Runtime)
PNGComponentsDDesign.bpl (C++Builder Designtime)
3. Installation
PNGComponents are available via the GetIt Package Manager where you can quickly and easily install and uninstall it.

To manually install TurboPack PNGComponents into your IDE, take the following steps:

Unzip the release files into a directory (e.g., d:\PNGComponents).

Start RAD Studio.

Add the source subdirectory (e.g., d:\PNGComponents\source) to the IDE's library path. For CBuilder, add the hpp subdirectory (e.g., d:\PNGComponents\source\hpp\Win32\Debug) to the IDE's system include path.

Open & compile the runtime package specific to the IDE being used.

Open & install the designtime package specific to the IDE being used. The IDE should notify you the components have been installed.

Only for V.I.P
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