Download ESEGECE sgcWebSockets Enterprise v2023.5.0 Full Source

ESEGECE sgcWebSockets Enterprise v2023.5.0 Full Source

ESEGECE sgcWebSockets Enterprise v2023.5.0 Full Source
ESEGECE sgcWebSockets Enterprise v2023.5.0 Full Source

sgcWebSockets is a complete package providing access to WebSockets protocol, allowing to create WebSockets Servers, Intraweb Clients or WebSocket Clients in VCL, Lazarus/FPC and Firemonkey applications. WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. The WebSocket protocol was standardized by the IETF as RFC 6455 in 2011. WebSocket is designed to be implemented in web browsers and web servers, but it can be used by any client or server application. The WebSocket protocol makes possible more interaction between a browser and a web site, facilitating live content and the creation of real-time game.

Fully functional multithreaded WebSocket server according to RFC 6455.
Supports Firemonkey (Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android).
Supports Linux 64.
Supports Lazarus / FreePascal.
Supports CBuilder.
Supports C# .NET through sgcWebSockets.dll
Supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer (including iPhone, iPad and iPod)
Binary and Full Unicode Messages Support
Message compression using PerMessage_Deflate extension.
Flash FallBack for Web Browsers without native WebSockets (like Internet Explorer 6-9).
Multiple Threads Support
Server component providing WebSocket and HTTP connections through the same port.
Client WebSocket supports connections through Socket.IO Servers.
Client WebSocket supports connections through HTTP Proxy Servers.
WatchDog and HeartBeat built-in support.
Events Available: OnConnect, OnDisconnect, onmessage, onerror
Built-in sub-protocols: JSON-RPC 2.0(Transactional Messages, PubSub, RPC, Queues, QoS and more), MQTT, Datasets, Binary Files, WebRTC and WAMP.
Built-in jР°vascript libraries to support browser clients.
Easy to setup
jР°vascript Events for a full control
Async Events using Ajax
SSL/TLS support on Server and Client components

Custom Objects
Every time a new WebSocket connection is established, sgcWebSockets creates a TsgcWSConnection class where you can access to some properties like identifier, bytes received/sent, client IP... and there is a property called Data where you can store objects in memory like database access, session objects...

implements Basic Access Authentication, only applies to VCL Websockets (Server and Client) and HTTP Requests (client webbrowsers don't implement this type of authentication). When a client tries to connect, it sends a header using AUTH BASIC specification.

Secure Connections
SSL support is based on Indy implementation, so you need to deploy openssl libraries in order to use this feature. In Compiled Demos file, there is a directory called Third-Parties/ openssl, where you can find the libraries need for every Delphi Version.

This is a feature that works very well when you need to send a lot of data, usually using a binary message, because it compresses WebSocket message using protocol "PerMessage_Deflate" which is supported by some browsers like Chrome.

Usually Server have more than one IP, if you enable a WebSocket Server and set listening port to 80, when server starts, tries to listen port 80 of ALL IP, so if you have 3 IP, it will block port 80 of each IP's.

Bindings allows to define which exact IP and Port are used by the Server. Example, if you need to listen on port 80 for IP (internal address) and (public address).

Quality of Service (QoS)
SGC Default Protocol implements a QoS (Quality of Service) for message delivery, there are 3 different types:

Level 0: "At most once"
where messages are delivered according to the best efforts of the underlying TCP/IP network. Message loss or duplication can occur. This level could be used, for example, with ambient sensor data where it does not matter if an individual reading is lost as the next one will be published soon after.

Level 1: "At least once"
where messages are assured to arrive but duplicates may occur.

Level 2: "Exactly once"
where message are assured to arrive exactly once. This level could be used, for example, with billing systems where duplicate or lost messages could lead to incorrect charges being applied.

SGC Default Protocol implements Queues to add persistence to published messages (it's only available for Published messages)

Level 0
Messages are not queued on Server

Level 1
only last message is queued on Server, and is sent every time a client subscribes to a new channel or connects to server.

Level 2
All messages are queued on Server, and are sent every time a client subscribes to a new channel or connects to server.

sgcWebSockets SGC Protocol supports transactional messaging, when a client commits a transaction, all messages sent by client are processed on server side. There are 3 methods called by client

Creates a New Transaction on server side and all messages that are sent from client to server after this method, are queued on Server side, until client calls to Commit or Rollback

When a client calls to commit, all messages queued by server are processed.

When a client calls to RollBack, all messages queued by server are deleted and not processed on server side.

TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer is a component that allows to handle WebSocket and HTTP connections using the SAME port. Is very useful when you need to setup a server where only HTTP port is enabled (usually 80 port). This component supports all TsgcWeBSocketServer features and allows to serve HTML pages.

You can serve HTML pages statically, using DocumentRoot property, example: if you save test.html in directory "C:\inetpub\wwwroot", and you set DocumentRoot to "C:\inetpub\wwwroot". If a client tries to access to test.html, it will be served automatically, example:


Or you can serve HTML or other resources dynamically by code, to do this, there is an event called OnCommandGet that is fired every time a client requests a new HTML page, image, jР°vascript file...

Bandwidth Throttling is supported by Server and Client components, if enabled, can limit the amount of bits per second sent/received by socket. Indy uses a blocking method, so if a client is limiting its reading, unread data will be inside client socket and server will be blocked from writing new data to client. As much slower is client reading data, much slower is server writing new data.

Server-Sent Events
SSE are not part of WebSockets, defines an API for opening an HTTP connection for receiving push notifications from a server.

SSEs are sent over traditional HTTP. That means they do not require a special protocol or server implementation to get working. In addition, Server-Sent Events have a variety of features that WebSockets lack by design such as automatic reconnection, event IDs, and the ability to send arbitrary events.

On Server components, automatically sends a ping to all active WebSocket connections every x seconds.

On Client components, automatically sends a ping to server every x seconds.

On Server components, automatically restart server after unexpected disconnection.

On Client components, automatically reconnect to server after unexpected disconnection.

Client WebSocket components support WebSocket connections through proxies

Load Balancing allows to distribute work between several back-end servers, every time a new client request a connection, it connects to a load balancer server (which is connected to back-end servers) and returns a connection string with information about host, port... which is used by client to connect to a server. If you have for example 4 servers, with this method all servers will have, more or less, the same number of connections, and work load will be similar.

If a client want to send a message to all clients of all servers, just use broadcast method, and this message will be broadcast to all servers connected to Load Balancer Server.

Web Browsers without WebSockets support, can use Flash to connect to WebSocket Server (example: Internet Explorer from version 6 to 9).

If Flash is not enabled, then tries to connect using Server-Sent Events + XHR.


[+] : New TsgcAIOpenAIChatBot, is an OpenAI ChatBot Component, allowing to build a Voice Command ChatBot for Windows using OpenAI APIs and Text-To-Speech Providers like Google or Amazon.
[+] : New TsgcAIOpenAITranslator, is an OpenAI Translator Component, allowing to build a Voice Command Translator Application for Windows using OpenAI APIs and Text-To-Speech Providers like Google or Amazon.
[+] : New Component TsgcAudioRecorderMCI, allowing to record microphone audio and store into a wave file.
[+] : New Component TsgcAudioPlayerMCI, allowing to play mp3 files.
[+] : New Component TsgcTextToSpeechSystem, (for windows only) converts text to speech without the need of using an external mp3 file.
[+] : New Component TsgcTextToSpeechGoogle: converts text to speech using any of the Google Cloud voices available.
[+] : New Component TsgcTextToSpeechAmazon: converts text to speech using any of the Amazon AWS voices available.
[+] : New Demos are located in the folder "15.AI\02.Applications".
[+] : Improved SignalRCore Client, now supports Basic Authentication.

  • : Fixed Bug OpenAI Client, utf-8 characters were not encoded properly.
  • : Fixed Bug Indy EPOLL Server, Deadlock while stopping the server on Linux64.
  • : Fixed Bug Amazon AWS Client, signature error sending a POST request were the payload had UTF-8 chars.
  • : Fixed Bug OpenAPI Client, the TsgcOpenAPI_AdditionalProperties class was not destroyed automatically. (Thanks to Waldemar for the fix).
  • : Fixed Bug HTTP API Client, response to the POST requests were not UTF-8 encoded.
  • : Fixed Bug SignalRCore Client when authentication is enabled and try to reconnect an stackoverflow error is raised.
  • : Fixed Bug SignalRCore Demo, the client cannot connect to the default server.
  • : Fixed Bug EPOLL Server, the OnDisconnect event was not called in some cases (Thanks to Andrea for the fix).
  • : Fixed Bug IOCP Server, the OnDisconnect event was not called in some cases (Thanks to Andrea for the fix).
  • : Fixed Bug IOCP Server, using SSL connections, some internal events were not linked properly.
  • : Fixed Bug AMQP Client sending a message with a frame size greater than allowed.
  • : Fixed Bug AMQP Client receiving a message splitted in multiple frames, the message was received as multiple different messages, now is delivered as a single message.

  • Only for V.I.P
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