Download Winsoft Libre 3.3 Full Source for Delphi 7 - 12 Athens

Winsoft Libre 3.3 Full Source for Delphi 7 - 12

Winsoft Libre 3.3 Full Source for Delphi 7 - 12
Winsoft Libre 3.3 Full Source for Delphi 7 - 12

Delphi library for automating LibreOffice.

complete LibreOffice API supported
available for Delphi 7 - 12
source code included in registered version
distributing library in applications is royalty free

ELibreError = class(Exception)

ILibre = interface
function CreateInstance(const Service: WideString): Variant;
function OpenDocument(const FileName: WideString; ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Preview: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XComponent;
function OpenDocumentUrl(const Url: WideString; ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Preview: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XComponent;

function CreateDrawPagesSupplier: XDrawPagesSupplier;
function CreateFunction: XFunction;
function CreatePresentationSupplier: XPresentationSupplier;

function CreateTextDocument(ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Preview: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XTextDocument;
function CreateHtmlDocument(ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Preview: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XTextDocument;
function OpenTextDocument(const FileName: WideString; ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Preview: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XTextDocument; overload;
function OpenTextDocumentUrl(const Url: WideString; ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Preview: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XTextDocument; overload;

function CreateSpreadsheetDocument(ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Preview: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XSpreadsheetDocument;
function OpenSpreadsheetDocument(const FileName: WideString; ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Preview: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XSpreadsheetDocument; overload;
function OpenSpreadsheetDocumentUrl(const Url: WideString; ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Preview: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XSpreadsheetDocument; overload;

function CreateChartDocument(ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Preview: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XChartDocument_2;
function OpenChartDocument(const FileName: WideString; ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Preview: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XChartDocument_2;
function OpenChartDocumentUrl(const Url: WideString; ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Preview: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XChartDocument_2;

function CreateDatabaseDocument(ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XOfficeDatabaseDocument;
function OpenDatabaseDocument(const FileName: WideString; ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XOfficeDatabaseDocument;
function OpenDatabaseDocumentUrl(const Url: WideString; ReadOnly: Boolean = False; Hidden: Boolean = False): XOfficeDatabaseDocument;

property ComponentLoader: XComponentLoader read _GetComponentLoader;
property DatabaseContext: XDatabaseContext read _GetDatabaseContext;
property DatabaseRegistrations: XDatabaseRegistrations read _GetDatabaseRegistrations;
property Desktop: XDesktop2 read _GetDesktop;
property DriverManager: XDriverManager read _GetDriverManager;
property IdlReflection: XIdlReflection read _GetIdlReflection;
property MailMerge: IMailMerge read _GetMailMerge;
property MultiServiceFactory: XMultiServiceFactory read _GetMultiServiceFactory;
property Terminate: Boolean read _GetTerminate write _SetTerminate;

CoLibre = class(TInterfacedObject, ILibre)
constructor Create(Terminate: Boolean = False);

procedure Check(Assertion: Boolean; const ErrorMessage: string);
function VarIsValid(const Value: Variant): Boolean;
function EmptyVarArray: Variant;
function ToUrl(const Url: WideString): WideString;
function ToFileUrl(const FileName: WideString): WideString;

What's new

Version 3.3
updated API to the newest LibreOffice 24.2

Only for V.I.P
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