Download ICS for FMX and VCL for Delphi v9.3

ICS for FMX and VCL for Delphi v9.3

ICS for FMX and VCL for Delphi v9.3
ICS for FMX and VCL for Delphi v9.3

ICS is a Delphi library composed of many internet components supporting all major protocols and applications. All components are event driven and non-blocking, with blocking versions for simpler applications. ICS includes OpenSSL versions 3.0.15, 3.2.3 and 3.3.2, for Win32 and Win64, as resource files that will conditionally link into applications.

There are a lot of changes between ICS V8/V9.0, and ICS V9.1 and later, and some
less major changes with ICS V9.3 that will require OverbyteIcsTypes being added to
most applications.

Opening project forms with the IDE should automatically add any new units required,
but OverbyteIcsTypes and OverbyteIcsSslBase may need adding manually if ICS components
are created in code.

Installation for Delphi 10.4 and later all now use the same install groups and projects,
and may need the library path updating for versions, you must uninstall earlier packages
before installing new packages, due to the package names having changed.

The default locations for the OpenSSL DLLs has moved.

There are several new DEFINES relating to building SSL/TLS applications that need adding to
the file, if it is not replaced during installation.

ONLY for V.I.P/Platinum Members
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