Download Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v16.0.5 Retail

Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v16.0.5 Retail

Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v16.0.5 Retail
Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v16.0.5 Retail

RAD web application development framework for Delphi and C++. Develop like a VCL Forms application, but deploy to the web as standard HTML and jаvascript.

Faster Template Processor
The template processor has been rewritten and is up to 3x faster. The template processor is a commonly used feature and will create faster applications and lower CPU usage.

Fastest zlib Library
We now have the fastest zlib in the Delphi world, 3x faster than std XE8 zlib x64.

16.0.5 Version History

What’s New

Adding LockOnAsyncEvents works for IWBS4DropDown and IWBSDropDown
New inherited form creator. This is specially relevant for Lazarus once the built-in component creator doesn’t work correctly for when working with resources other than TForm/TDataModule. Look for a new menu item under Tools -> IntraWeb menu on both Delphi and Lazarus.


ajaxCall() now also accepts strings that represent json objects (e.g. ‘{“from”: 3, “to”: 5}’) besides real json objects ( e.g. {from: 3, to: 5} )
Add {$codepage utf8} to all source code created via IntraWeb wizards under Lazarus. This is absolutely required in order to use unicode strings as constans.

Bug fix

(Lazarus only) Fixes Content handler resolution error
(Lazarus only): Fixes IWSignaturePad rendering
Fix for ajaxCall when keyPress (and other async event handlers) also exists
IWjQGrid and IWjQDBGrid could fail to encode certain chars (CR, LF)
Fix: IWjQGrid could fail to render icons for navigation buttons depending on the theme used

ONLY for V.I.P/Platinum Members
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