Download Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v16.0.6 Retail

Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v16.0.6 Retail

Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v16.0.6 Retail
Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v16.0.6 Retail

RAD web application development framework for Delphi and C++. Develop like a VCL Forms application, but deploy to the web as standard HTML and jаvascript.

Faster Template Processor
The template processor has been rewritten and is up to 3x faster. The template processor is a commonly used feature and will create faster applications and lower CPU usage.

Fastest zlib Library
We now have the fastest zlib in the Delphi world, 3x faster than std XE8 zlib x64.

16.0.6 Version History

What’s New

ServerController Options Wizard for Lazarus (at design time, right-click on ServerController datamodule and select the first item of the popup menu).
New event in IWButton, IWLabel, IWLink, IWUrl and descendants: OnAsyncBeforeClick. This is a new async event that is triggered before the AsyncClick event and requires an OnAsyncClick event handler. This event allows the user to handle complex scenarios (for instance, updating a complicated UI) before the actual action happens (the one that is tirggered by the AsyncClick event).
ServerController.jаvascriptOptions.EnableFirebug property renamed to EnableDebugConsole. The old Firebug library doesn’t exist anymore and we replaced it by Eruda debug console. Great for debugging web applications on various mobile devices.
ASPX feature: Allow receiving generic/raw content (See updated PostDataDemo). Requires new IntraWeb.dll version is to be deployed with any IW ASPX library build with IntraWeb 16.0.6 or later.
IWjQGrid, TIWjQPageControl and TIWjQAccordion and descendants now show a drop down list of jQueryUI theme names at design time in the Object Inspector. This makes much easier to change/select a visual theme for your IWjQuery UI control
New properties TIWApplication.ProxyAddr and THttpRequest.ProxyAddr. Contains the Proxy server IP address in case one is being used/detected (and properly configured).
Debugging aid methods ToString() in THttpReply/THttpRequest
New IWCheckBox.Toggle() method
New TIWjQGrid/TIWjQDBGrid FilterOptions properties:
SearchOnEnter: controls if search will be performed after user pressing enter. Default False
AutoSearch: controls if search will be performed as you type (requires SearchOnEnter = False). Default True
EnableClear: controls if filter can be cleared (through a small “x” button on the right hand side of the edit box). Default True

Bug fix

Fixing/extending setButtonCaption in jаvascript to allow using raw HTML in the caption. Other minor jаvascript fixes
Small memory leak in TIWCanvas (also affects TIWSignaturePad and TIWChartJS)

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