Download Telerik UI for Blazor 3.1.0 Retail

Telerik UI for Blazor 3.1.0 Retail

Telerik UI for Blazor 3.1.0 Retail
Telerik UI for Blazor 3.1.0 Retail

Blazor gives you the ability to write rich web apps with C# rather than jаvascript. Telerik UI for Blazor components have been built from the ground-up to ensure you experience shorter development cycles, quick iterations and cut time to market.

Template Support
With native components, the Telerik UI for Blazor Grid templates can fully utilize the best features of Blazor to highly customize the user experience.

Native Blazor Validation Integration
The UI for Blazor suite supports and integrates seemlessly into Blazor's Forms and Validation infrastructure. All Telerik UI for Blazor Input components work out of the box when placed inside an EditForm, respond to EditContext changes and provide default invalid styles.

Modern design
Telerik UI for Blazor provides Material, Bootstrap and Default themes that you can use to achieve modern design of your Blazor application. Thanks to the Theme Builder you can even customize the existing themes or create a new one to fit your needs.

What is Blazor

Blazor is a new framework by the Microsoft ASP.NET team that introduces a next generation component model that allows developers to write Single Page Applications (SPA) without jаvascript. If Blazor sounds new to you that’s because it has only been in development less than a year, and as an experimental project. Initially the Blazor framework targeted the Mono WebAssembly runtime (the .NET runtime compiled to wasm), thus allowing .NET to run on the client’s browser inspiring the name “Blazor” (Browser + Razor).

In this configuration the application’s resources including .dll files are delivered to the client and executed the Mono WebAssembly runtime. While the WebAssembly deployment of Blazor is sill in active development a server-side deployment option was introduced called Razor Components.
Blazor Component Model

The Blazor component model is refreshingly simple in its design. Components can contain markup (HTML) and logic (C#) in a single Razor (cshtml) file. The component is capable of handling data binding, events, and dependency injection all without jаvascript.

The Counter Component below demonstrates the basic composition of a Blazor component.

The counter component uses a basic HTML button to increment a counter field which is displayed within a paragraph tag. Because Blazor operates as a single page application all of the interactions in the component happen on the client. Updates to the browser’s Document Object Model (DOM) are handled by the Blazor framework though data binding.

What is Razor Components

Recently Microsoft has announced plans to support the framework when running server-side in a mode called Razor Components. Even more recently, an announcement was made that the same component model will be backwards compatible with ASP.NET Core (MVC) and Razor Pages. All of these cutting edge news and bits dropping around Blazor has our team at Telerik excited for the future of ASP.NET development. Much like Blazor running on WebAssembly, Razor Components allows developers to write Single Page Applications (SPA) without jаvascript.

The key difference between Blazor and Razor Components is the way the application is deployed. Instead of Blazor running via WebAssembly on the client, the Blazor framework runs on the server as an executable. In this mode, ASP.NET Core hosts the application and provides a communication channel using SignalR technology. Using SignalR the application sends UI updates and receives changes and events as binary packets of data over a web socket connection. Since only the changes are sent over the connection, the payload is small and efficient.

Since Razor Components utilizes the Blazor framework, components can be used in both deployment types.

UI for Blazor 3.1.0


New Filter Component
New FloatingLabel Component
Update DPL version to 2022.1.217
Material Theme - v.5.2.0
Bootstrap Theme - v.5.2.0
Default Theme - v.5.2.0


Add series gradient parameter
Add plot area parameters


ColorPickerGradientView HEX textbox ignores ShowOpacityEditor setting


Add HideAsync method


DatePicker loses focus when the input date starts with 0 (nullable DateTime value). Using format yyyy-MM-dd loses focus as well


DatePicker loses focus when the input date starts with 0 (nullable DateTime value). Using format yyyy-MM-dd loses focus as well


Filterable DropDownList Scrolls the Page on Open


Allow Video nested source tags


Add ButtonsLayout parameter
Generate editors based on the EditorType parameter


Add Editable parameter to GanttColumn
Date Header template for timeline
OnExpand & OnCollapse Events
Customize dateformat of columns
Zoom to fit functionality
Expose HeaderTemplate, Template and EditorTemplate for the Gantt columns
Generate filter editors based on the FilterEditorType parameter
Add OnEdit Event
Introduce Gantt EditModes
Allow customizing popup editing window
Generate editors based on the EditorType parameter


Add OnAdd event
Generate filter editors based on the FilterEditorType parameter
Customize default filter components
Allow customizing popup editing window
Generate editors based on the EditorType parameter


State is populated with filters even when the component is not filtered
State is populated with filters when the user clicks the "Clear" button in a filter menu
Dynamic Grid columns cannot be resized
Second Grid on the page clears first Grid SearchBox
Grid Popup edit window is not responsive and goes off the screen. Use the GridPopupEditSettings configuration to set the max-height of the window.


Add Closeonclick parameter


Add placeholder parameter


QRCode generates a wrong result with long strings


Allow customizing popup editing window


DatePickers in the Scheduler EditForm should be width 100%


Add series gradient parameter
Add plot area parameters


PersistTabContent does not work when switching to an item that is not yet rendered and is positioned before the current item


Expose aria-label parameter as it is required when multiple toolbars are present


Navigating using keyboard focuses items that should not be focusable
Theme settings options should be exposed for all built-in buttons


Add OnAdd event
Generate filter editors based on the FilterEditorType parameter
Customize default filter components
Add OnRowClick, OnRowDoubleClick, OnRowContextMenu events
Allow customizing popup editing window
Generate editors based on the EditorType parameter


Search icon should be rendered at the begining of the searchbox input field
State is populated with filters even when the component is not filtered
State is populated with filters when the user clicks the "Clear" button in a filter menu
Second Grid on the page clears first Grid SearchBox


TreeView Child Item Checkboxes not Checked or Lose Checked State on Collapse


Add MinWidth, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MaxHeight parameters

Only for V.I.P
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