Download Winsoft Controller v1.2 Full Source for Delphi/C++ Builder 6 - 11 and Lazarus

Winsoft Controller v1.2 Full Source for Delphi/C++ Builder 6 - 11 and Lazarus

Winsoft Controller v1.2 Full Source for Delphi/C++ Builder 6 - 11 and Lazarus
Winsoft Controller v1.2 Full Source for Delphi/C++ Builder 6 - 11 and Lazarus

Delphi and C++ Builder component that allows applications to receive input from the Xbox Controller.

uses Windows XInput API
available for Delphi/C++ Builder 6 - 11 and Lazarus 2.0.12
source code of component is included in registered version
royalty free distribution

  EControllerError = class(Exception)
    property ErrorCode: Cardinal read;

  TFeature = (ftVoice, ftForceFeedback, ftWireless, ftPlugins, ftNoNavigation);
  TFeatures = set of TFeature;

  TBatteryType = (btDisconnected, btWired, btAlkaline, btNiMH, btUnknown);

  TBatteryLevel = (blEmpty, blLow, blMedium, blFull, blUnknown);

  TButton = (btUp, btDown, btLeft, btRight, btStart, btBack,
    btLeftThumb, btRightThumb, btLeftShoulder, btRightShoulder,
    btA, btB, btX, btY);
  TButtons = set of TButton;

  TSubType = (stUnknown, stGamepad, stWheel, stArcadeStick, stFlightStick,
    stDancePad, stGuitar, stGuitarAlternate, stDrumKit, stGuitarBass, stArcadePad);

  TController = class(TComponent)
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
    procedure Disable;
    procedure Enabled;
    procedure Vibrate(LeftSpeed, RightSpeed: Word);

    property BatteryLevel: TBatteryLevel read;
    property BatteryType: TBatteryType read;
    property Buttons: TButtons read;
    property Features: TFeatures read;
    property HeadsetBatteryLevel: TBatteryLevel read;
    property HeadsetBatteryType: TBatteryType read;
    property LeftThumbstickDeadZone: SmallInt read;
    property LeftThumbstickX: SmallInt read;
    property LeftThumbstickY: SmallInt read;
    property LeftTrigger: Byte read;
    property PacketNumber: Cardinal read;
    property RightThumbstickDeadZone: SmallInt read;
    property RightThumbstickX: SmallInt read;
    property RightThumbstickY: SmallInt read;
    property RightTrigger: Byte read;
    property SubType: TSubType read;
    property TriggerThreshold: Byte read;
    property About: string read;
    property Device: Integer read write;

What's new

Version 1.2
added Delphi/C++ Builder 11 files

Only for V.I.P
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