Telerik UI for Xamarin R1 2022 SP1 (version 2022.1.222.500) Retail

Telerik UI for Xamarin R1 2022 SP1 (version 2022.1.222.500) Retail
Telerik UI for Xamarin uses the Xamarin.Forms technology, which makes it possible for developers to build native iOS, Android and Windows Phone apps from a single shared C# code base. The Telerik Chart and Calendar for Xamarin enables developers to easily implement various charting functionalities in their Xamarin.Forms projects and achieve the same scenarios across platforms using a single shared C# code base.
UI for Xamarin is built on top of the Telerik native controls for iOS and Android to offer Xamarin users truly native UI for their apps. UI for Xamarin capitalizes on the innate benefits of the native UI but exposes all objects and properties in C#, providing “no-compromise” customization and flexibility. The product ships Xamarin wrappers for UI for iOS, Xamarin wrappers for UI for Android and Xamarin.Forms controls (Chart and Calendar are available currently, more are coming).
Telerik Chart for Xamarin.Forms complements the UI controls set available with Xamarin.Forms. The control enables you to easily add various charting scenarios to your shared C# codebase.
Building on the native controls for Android, iOS and Windows Phone, UI for Xamarin offers fast loading, excellent drawing capabilities and pixel-perfectness the quality performance only native code can deliver.
Telerik UI for Xamarin follows an aggressive release schedule, with three releases per year. Our roadmap is customer-driven and very transparent.The Telerik team is dedicated at providing a full range of Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms components so developers can create one-of-a-kind app experiences for their customers. Coming next in February 2015 are ListView for Xamarin.iOS and ListView for Xamarin.Android.
Dedicated support is available directly from the developers who build the suite, even during your trial.To help you get off to a fast start with the controls, we’ve created extensive online documentation.
UI for Xamarin R1 2022 SP (version 2022.1.222.500)
[iOS] Chat is not auto-scrolled to bottom on initial load.
[iOS] Chat content moves when the keyboard is shown and the content is higher than the keyboard.
[iOS] ScrollIndicator is wrong when keyboard is opened.
[iOS] Chat ScrollTo and AutoScrollMode:Always doesn't work.
Added support for Type 3 fonts.
Introduce support for digital signature for .NET Standard.
Provided API for setting different permissions when exporting encrypted PDF documents.
The measured size of the block inside the nested table is wrong.
A NullReferenceException is thrown when converting nested tables to PDF and the vertical alignment is set.
An ArgumentException is thrown when importing documents containing Font`s Widths array with entries defined as Indirect references.
An InvalidCastException is thrown when importing a not embedded TrueType Font.
UriFormatException is thrown when merging/cloning a document containing UriAction with an invalid URI.
Converting PNG to Jpeg processes only a part of the image on .NET 6.
[Android] Wrong context menu is displayed and the app crashes when tapping on any context menu item on API level 31 apps.
[Android API level 31] Native context menu is displayed instead of the RichTextEditor context menu
NullReferenceException when importing a document that contains notes shapes with no row and column.
AnIndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when exporting a file in Russian culture under Windows 7 and the target platform is .NET Standard version.
Notes are not updated after inserting or removing cells.
PdfFormatProvider: A NullReferenceException is thrown when converting nested tables to PDF and the vertical alignment is set.
InvalidOperationException is thrown while importing DOCX file with nested content controls over the contents of a table cell with more than one paragraphs.
Importing empty content control that is the first element of a table cell leads to NullReferenceException.
The value of a Page field with numberInDash format is not exported to PDF.
Update Telerik UI for Xamarin to latest SkiaSharp official version 2.80.3
[iOS] Chat is not auto-scrolled to bottom on initial load.
[iOS] Chat content moves when the keyboard is shown and the content is higher than the keyboard.
[iOS] ScrollIndicator is wrong when keyboard is opened.
[iOS] Chat ScrollTo and AutoScrollMode:Always doesn't work.
Added support for Type 3 fonts.
Introduce support for digital signature for .NET Standard.
Provided API for setting different permissions when exporting encrypted PDF documents.
The measured size of the block inside the nested table is wrong.
A NullReferenceException is thrown when converting nested tables to PDF and the vertical alignment is set.
An ArgumentException is thrown when importing documents containing Font`s Widths array with entries defined as Indirect references.
An InvalidCastException is thrown when importing a not embedded TrueType Font.
UriFormatException is thrown when merging/cloning a document containing UriAction with an invalid URI.
Converting PNG to Jpeg processes only a part of the image on .NET 6.
[Android] Wrong context menu is displayed and the app crashes when tapping on any context menu item on API level 31 apps.
[Android API level 31] Native context menu is displayed instead of the RichTextEditor context menu
NullReferenceException when importing a document that contains notes shapes with no row and column.
AnIndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when exporting a file in Russian culture under Windows 7 and the target platform is .NET Standard version.
Notes are not updated after inserting or removing cells.
PdfFormatProvider: A NullReferenceException is thrown when converting nested tables to PDF and the vertical alignment is set.
InvalidOperationException is thrown while importing DOCX file with nested content controls over the contents of a table cell with more than one paragraphs.
Importing empty content control that is the first element of a table cell leads to NullReferenceException.
The value of a Page field with numberInDash format is not exported to PDF.
Update Telerik UI for Xamarin to latest SkiaSharp official version 2.80.3

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