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Progress Telerik Report Server R2 2022 ( Retail

Progress Telerik Report Server R2 2022 ( Retail
Progress Telerik Report Server R2 2022 ( Retail

Use Telerik Report Server as a standalone report management solution or integrate it easily with your application. Manage all server assets through RESTful APIs. Create custom business objects as report data. Authenticate users with Active Directory integration. Enjoy flexible rebranding. You can use Telerik Report Server as a standalone report management solution out of the box, with no additional coding required. You just need to make an initial set up through the web management console on the server to enable report creation, management, previewing and sharing. Utilize a variety of line-of-business features with just a few clicks.

Integration with Other Systems
You can easily integrate Telerik Report Server with your desktop or web application. Through extensive RESTful APIs, you can manage all report server assets including report definitions and report delivery tasks as well as users and their permission levels. Utilize any .NET business classes that pull data as report data sources. You can also take advantage of the Active Directory Federation Service (AD FS) authentication provider to enable your users to authenticate using their Windows domain or Azure AD credentials. Enjoy the web management console rebranding to make the Report Server truly yours.

Easy Report Creation Powered by Telerik Reporting
The standalone Report Designer of Telerik Report Server uses the latest UI standards to help you create and analyze interactive reports directly on your machine. Ready reports can be stored, shared via e-mail, managed with a variety of line-of-business capabilities, exported to any format and printed.

Perfect Positioning, Sizing and Aligning of Report Items
Telerik Report Server provides a WYSIWYG canvas in its standalone Report Designer. It simulates graph paper and implements techniques used in drawing software, such as gridlines, item snapping, item rotation and on-canvas item dimensions to simplify positioning and aligning report elements.

Format Reports Based on Data
Telerik Report Server Conditional Formatting uses a powerful reporting expression engine with data conditions to control text color, font and background, much like Microsoft Excel.

Powerful CSS-like Styling
Telerik Report Server provides an advanced styling mechanism which closely follows CSS specifications. The model provides quick yet detailed visual customization of all your report items. You have full control over the item’s properties. Styles can also be copied and applied to other items in a report.

Bring Interactive Reports to Your Users
Add drill-down and drill-through actions to your reports, insert a document map to jump to a report section and add hyperlinks to external web pages. These interactive features are available in all report viewers and standalone report designer, powered by Telerik Reporting. The HTML5 report viewer also offers screen-optimized touch capabilities.

Telerik Report Designer Integration
Seamlessly connect to Telerik Report Server directly through the standalone Report Designer to upload new reports on the server or edit existing ones. Just fill in the Report Server location and your credentials. The report designer will also provide a list of the available server data connections and offer options for adding new ones.

Leverage White Label Rebranding
Boost your brand visibility with a fully developed, field-tested solution that’s updated regularly. Progress enables you to white label Report Server reports for the same price. Enhance the quality of your work and strengthen customer loyalty with a sophisticated, branded solution.

User Management, Authentication and Authorization
Limit report access to registered users. Create and manage user roles with predefined permissions, add new licensed users and assign them to user roles, or set individual user permissions. Forms authentication is the currently supported provider.

Active Directory Integration
Telerik Report Server provides support for Active Directory Federation Service (AD FS) authentication provider, enabling your users to authenticate using their Windows domain or Azure AD credentials. The integration is quick, seamless and takes no longer than ten minutes to complete. You have full control in assigning roles, be it administrator or read-only.

Report Scheduling
Schedule and automatically run reports stored on the Report Server, all at once or at regular intervals. Scheduled reports can be automatically delivered to your end users in PDF, Excel or HTML format via email, or saved locally for further reference. End users don’t need a license to receive reports, and there is no limit to the number of users who can receive reports, or the number of tasks you can schedule.

Data Alerts and Email Notifications
Stay informed about the most pertinent report data, regardless of how much information you collect. Pre-defined data alerts and e-mail notifications help report users to stay aware of any changes in the reporting data. They can be run and used on a recurrent basis (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).

Free Report Viewing from External Applications
Deliver interactive reports directly to your business application (responsive HTML5, Angular and .NET web apps, Azure, WPF and WinForms desktop apps). View reports in one of the six supplied report viewers, where we guarantee a uniform look regardless of the platform. View your reports directly in SharePoint via the ASP.NET viewer and fully leverage the system’s advantages. No additional client access licenses are needed for viewing reports embedded in your application. The report viewer controls require Telerik Reporting or Telerik DevCraft Ultimate license.

Store Reports (Web-Based Report Server Management)
Telerik Report Server is a one-stop shop for advanced report management and enables you to store all reports in a single server-side repository. With a standalone web interface, Report Server also empowers you to load, view and deliver reports in the most user-friendly way.

Report Versioning
With Telerik Report Server, you are always protected from accidental mistakes when managing reports. Users can keep track of the different versions and revert to an older version, if needed.

Fast Report Loading
Built-in caching functionality leads to optimized memory consumption and helps multiple users load the same report faster.

Access Reports From Any Device
Telerik Report Server was built with responsiveness in mind. Whether accessed via phone, tablet or PC, the report preview will always provide a user experience tailored for the specific screen size. You can manage the available reports in any modern desktop browser.

Comprehensive Report Server Management APIs
Get complete programmatic control over your reports. Use comprehensive APIs to create, modify and work with reports, sections and report items with code.

Create Once, Deliver Everywhere

Show your created reports in feature rich web preview. It allows all authorized server users to review, print and export the report content.
Additionally, integrate the reports into your applications. Achieve this with the report viewer controls included in Telerik Reporting solution. You can get it as an individual product or take advantage of Telerik DevCraft Ultimate bundle which contains both Telerik Report Server and Telerik Reporting.

The supported report viewer technologies are:

ASP.NET AJAX (Web Forms)
Windows Forms
Azure Cloud

Export to 15+ Formats

Export Telerik reports to the most common formats for further data analysis and report sharing:

Microsoft Excel 97+ (XLS and XLSX)
Microsoft Word 2007+
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007+
Adobe PDF
Comma Separated Values (CSV)
Rich Text Format (RTF)
All image formats supported by GDI+ (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, etc.)

Print Reports
When you are ready to print or export, switch to Print Preview to view the report exactly as it would appear on paper. This functionality is provided in all report viewers and designers. True printing through the ASP.NET and HTML5 viewers and Silverlight native printing capabilities are also supported.

Report Viewer Themes
Telerik Report Server ensures smooth integration into your application by supporting themes and skinning for all its report viewers. You can choose to use the predefined themes, or create a new one.

Microsoft SQL Server
Native support lets you leverage one of the most popular databases, configuring its connection either directly in report definitions or using named data connections, registered in Report Server.

ODBC Data Sources
ODBC provides you connectivity with many databases through a common interface, using third party drivers. Telerik Report Server can use virtually any compatible ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) and fetch data from a database that isn’t natively supported.

Inline CSV Data
If you don’t need real-life data, you can use the CSV data source. It’s very convenient for creating a quick report example that utilizes mockup data.

Domain Specific Business Objects
This feature lets you expose your specific Business Objects, declared in Report Server domain, using the ObjectDataSource component.

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Telerik Report Server
Release History
Progress® Telerik® Report Server R2 2022 (

May 11, 2022
Web Report Designer is now compatible with the theming and widgets of the latest generation of Kendo UI (Kendo UI R1 2022 SP1+)

Web Report Designer now uses the latest generation of Kendo UI themes and widgets - Kendo UI R1 2022 SP1 (version 2022.1.301).

Web Report Designer now provides a comprehensive search function

Web Report Designer introduces a great UX improvement - the ability to search throughout all the designer areas: components, existing report items, or available properties. Now you can add a new component, navigate to the required report item or change a property value with just a few keystrokes.

The Report Server Manager now has improved views, supporting different page sizes and custom column sortings

The views containing tables/grids in Report Server Manager now allow users to set page size and apply sorting, which will be persisted in the local browser storage.

What's Improved

Reordering reports in report books from the design surface has better visualization of the place of the dropped item
IDefinitionstorage methods are now asynchronous
Editors that invoke Assets Manager have better design and improved UX
Table columns in Assets Manager grid view now support resizing
ReportServer.HttpClient now exposes a Publish method
The Reports node in Assets Manager now supports category hierarchy

What's Changed

Telerik.WebReportDesigner.Services.IDefinitionstorage interface is extended with new members to support more scenarios for working asynchronously with report definitions. All custom implementations of this interface need to include the new members.
Telerik.WebReportDesigner.Services.IResourceStorage interface now extends a new interface: Telerik.WebReportDesigner.Services.IAssetsStorage. All explicit implementations of IResourceStorage interface must reference the new interface.

Desktop Designer

A NullReferenceException might be thrown when trying to add a new column in an existing Table or Crosstab item
Crosstab layout gets broken when inserting a child group and there is a spanned cell across the reference group item and the new group's item
Crosstab layout gets broken when inserting a column/row after a column/row containing merged cells and not crossing the Body
Crosstab layout gets broken when inserting a column/row before or after a column/row so that the new column/row crosses a merged cell
Selecting a column/row in the table designer does not behave correctly when there are merged cells in it
When a column/row containing a merged cell and crossing the Body is selected and a new column or a row is inserted before/after it, it gets positioned before/after the merged cell

Web Designer

The WebReportDesigner widget cannot be disposed
Assets Manager allows creating folders with starting and trailing spaces
Report item's overlay is misaligned when you set only one of its borders
A removed file from the Asset Manager upload cannot be added again
Assets Manager folders cannot be expanded by clicking on the arrow icon next to the item's text
Chart wizard type is not shown again if the report component selection is not changed
Clicking the "Browse" button and canceling the operation removes all previously added files when uploading in Asset Manager
Control key is "sticky" and is not released sometimes when item in Explorer tree is selected
Create button is disabled after you add data source fields using a Graph or Table wizard if there is another Graph or Table wizard opened
Date format specified on step 5 of CsvDataSource wizard is not being respected when the data is previewed on the last wizard page
Design surface leaves unnecessary space around the report surface
InlinePropertyEditor Source is not expandable in CSV and JSON data source properties
Longer filenames show too few characters in Asset Manager list view
PictureBox Value Type, CheckBox Image Type, CSV Data Source Type, and JSON Data Source Type editors are not aligned with other editors
The Asset Manager Upload dialog closes when not all files are successfully uploaded
Web Report Designer does not perform validation on report parameter names
Background color is not white when alphabetical order of properties is selected
Boolean editor checkbox is displayed with the half of its height in dialog windows


A NullReferenceException is thrown when adding a parent column group in a Crosstab item

Data Binding

SQL Query using the "i" character fails when using Turkish culture settings

Excel Rendering

A generic error occurred in GDI+ when trying to export to XLSX format in Azure environment using a report that contains SVG


IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown if Day of Week is not selected when creating a Scheduled Task or Data Alert with weekly occurrence


The /api/reports/version endpoint requires a logged-in user or an enabled Guest account


The disposal of the Report Viewer component does not remove its resize window event handlers

Only for V.I.P
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