Download DBi Tech Studio Controls for .NET v1.5.0.4

DBi Tech Studio Controls for .NET v1.5.0.4

DBi Tech Studio Controls for .NET v1.5.0.4
DBi Tech Studio Controls for .NET v1.5.0.4

Studio Controls for .NET offers enterprise developers a complete set of Windows design and data presentation software components targeted for developers looking for industry tested commercial scheduling and UI presentation controls. Studio Controls for .NET includes 17 royalty-free .NET Windows Forms controls for Outlook style scheduling, snap in reporting, standard Windows design and intuitive end user navigation and data presentation functionality.

Adding Outlook style scheduling, calendaring and navigation is quick and easy with Studio Controls for .NET. The product comes with 17 royalty free - appointment scheduling, Outlook Bar style navigation, calendar, date selection and UI presentation components, as well, DBI's top of class List and TreeView controls. Also found in Studio Controls for .NET are a selection of Navigation, Data Edit and Input controls, a tabbed interface control, digital display, customizable button, Tool Tip, Label...

Appointment Scheduling, Time Tabling, Day Timer ... you name it DBI's Scheduling component software is the number one choice of Visual Studio developers. Don't settle for less - when integrating Microsoft Outlook is not an option get the number one appointment scheduling and modern Windows UI design controls - all found in Studio Controls for .NET!

Time management and resource scheduling are success driven activities. Studio Controls for .NET is a comprehensive set of controls for managing and presenting enterprise information for planning and scheduling multiple resources within Visual Studio.

Only for V.I.P
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