Download DBi Tech dbiSchedule Silverlight v3.0.0.3

DBi Tech dbiSchedule Silverlight v3.0.0.3

DBi Tech dbiSchedule Silverlight v3.0.0.3
DBi Tech dbiSchedule Silverlight v3.0.0.3

Solutions Schedule for Silverlight is a comprehensive control for managing and presenting enterprise information in Gantt style presentations, for planning and scheduling multiple resources within the Microsoft .NET Silverlight 5 Framework. It enables developers to create fully functional Resource Gantt, Planning and Scheduling solutions in minutes using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (and later).

Solutions Schedule for Silverlight's optimized architecture and design make this control ideally suited for the most demanding applications, handling thousands of activities, resources, constraints and reservations. Solutions Schedule for Silverlight is designed for every industry in which valuable resources, including people, machines and raw materials, need to be scheduled and planned.

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