Stimulsoft BI Server 2023.2

Stimulsoft BI Server 2023.2
Stimulsoft BI Server is a client-server system that allows you to efficiently and effectively implement a full cycle of working with reports and dashboards that starts from the designing and automation of execution information processing tasks and ends on preparing for convenient presentation of results to users. Functionality and power of the reporting module are implemented using a fast and modern technology of Stimulsoft, which flexibility and reliability are time-tested.
Among the tasks that Stimulsoft BI Server successfully solves, one can highlight:
Data conversion from popular data sources into bright and colored multi-page documents with graphic elements and different charts;
Creating and editing reports and dashboards using the built-in designer;
Centralized storage of reports and dashboards in the workspace of the server;
Planned data processing using the built-in scheduler;
Notification of the server events related to data processing.
To control the functionality of our server, we offer several useful client applications that provide an opportunity to work with the most modern computers and portable devices. Stimulsoft Server is simpler than you think. It has an intuitively understandable interface of applications. There are several ways of using them, quick installation, and extensive automation capabilities make it easy to get started without specific skills and specialized knowledge. Reasonable pricing policy makes our product accessible and beneficial for using in any amount of data being processed.
Stimulsoft BI Server is designed on the base of the "client-server" computing architecture. It is based on the interaction of multiple clients with the server. The client-side provides data visualization and user interface. The server side provides data processing, storing, and passing the necessary information to the client application. Such a system organization has many advantages, including scalability, high reliability and security because of the isolation of levels, optimal use of network resources and data channels, and the ability to use a variety of clients for a variety of platforms.
Stimulsoft BI Server includes the server and client parts, as well as an open documented API for different platforms. All this opens the opportunity to interact with any modern programming language with our system. So it is easy to integrate Stimulsoft Server in a closed corporate environment and merge the necessary applications into a single system. Ability to change the server functionality allows doing unique enhancements suitable for special situations.
The interior architecture of the reports and dashboards server is built on the concept of streams that are asynchronous handlers of information. Server operation requires the solution of several classes of tasks, each of which has its types of streams. The number of threads of different types is optimized for efficient server tasks. The load is distributed between them to provide maximum system performance.
For storing system and user information, we use one of the relational databases, Microsoft SQL Server or MySQL. Both of them have high performance and reliability. They provide storing vast volumes of information and easy integration into the infrastructure.
All components of Stimulsoft BI Server are easy to install and configure. Thanks to the detailed instructions provided, even an IT- specialist with poor experience can manage with installing the system.
Ease of Use
Impressions of the program are formed not only on the basis of the functionality. The essential thing is the interaction between the man and the system. We paid a lot of attention to this aspect. As a result, Stimulsoft BI Server gets a well-thought and intuitive interface, easy to use, and quick to work. On all platforms, client applications use maximum capabilities of the platform for which they are created, do not violate the routine concept in the interface of an operating system and intuitive for users of any level of experience. Asynchrony of the interface provides responsiveness and speed; intuitive and familiar controls provide fast adoption.
Each type of the client application is characterized by unique and at the same time typical for the platform controls and control methods.
Support for Touch
The rapid development of the technology has led to the emergence of a new concept for corporations, BYOD (Bring your own device), which allows using personal devices of employees in the enterprise. And there is no secret that these devices are tablets and smartphones. Therefore, our client applications are designed to work with multi-touch screens which have become an integral part of modern mobile devices. Now, creating reports and managing data processing has become even more comfortable and convenient.
User RolesStimulsoft BI Server includes several tools that considerably improve the safety and security of data. This is critical for the functioning of the corporate environment. In the "ecosystem" of the reports and dashboards server, we use a role-based user control of access to the data and various components of the system. It allows you to flexibly configure the rights for different categories of users, disabling them some functionality to reduce the potential risk of data loss or damage.
Also, the system of versioning reports and dashboards, and their snapshots allow preventing data loss in case of software errors of connected data sources and user actions. If you modify the report template in the designer, the old version of the report is still available and, if necessary, can be activated. Rendered report with data is called a report snapshot. It also has versions accessible from the user interface or API. Moreover, the server can create data snapshots from the selected data source to display a report with data at the required time.
Using different data formats allows integrating Stimulsoft BI Server in the corporate environment without any changes from other services. Importing data goes through data sources. The current version supports such popular DBMS like MS SQL Server and MySQL Server, as well as ODBC and OLE DB interfaces. So it is easy to connect the input data stream to the server. Using schedulers, you can provide automatic synchronization between various components of the corporate system.
Output data looks like electronic documentation (reports) in different formats – from our own (for internal use) to the traditional corporate documents Adobe PDF, MS XPS, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, Open Document Writer, Open Document Calc, and others. A significant advantage of our system is that exports to all formats are implemented using internal libraries without the need to install third-party products.
System requirements for deployment of Stimulsoft BI Server on the local network are very humble – 2-core processor and 4 GB of RAM is enough to experience the benefits of the reporting server before obsolete single-user applications.
The following requirements are for the program part – any operating system of the Windows family (Windows 7, Windows 8.x, Windows 10, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012 and higher) with the installed version of the software platform Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, as well as the installation of Microsoft SQL Server or MySQL, and IIS for client applications (in the case of local installation).
The requirements get higher when using Stimulsoft BI Server with increasing activity or increasing the number of users. In this case, the system is scaled vertically, which entails the expansion of infrastructure.
SchedulerWhatever the functionality and performance of the system are, the weakest link is the human factor. Reduce its impact on the server performance helps process automation, which is implemented in Stimulsoft BI Server using schedulers.
Automation system of Stimulsoft Server allows you to create complex workflows and customize them for running in fully automatic mode. When the workflow is adjusted, you can forget about the technical side of it and enjoy the result – the rest things the system will do for you. Adjust Stimulsoft Server to play by your rules!