Download EasyXLS™ Professional Excel Library v9 for .NET/COM

EasyXLS™ Professional Excel Library v9 for .NET/COM

EasyXLS™ Professional Excel Library v9 for .NET/COM

EasyXLS™ Professional Excel Library v9 for .NET/COM

Use EasyXLS™ to create XLSX, XLSM, XLS, XLSB, XML, HTML, CSV, TXT file formats without Microsoft Excel installed and without Excel Automation. Excel library for .NET Excel file manipulation to read Excel files, write Excel files and convert Excel files from C#, VB.NET, C++.NET, ASP.NET, WinForms. Excel component for programming languages that support COM technology like PHP, Classic ASP, C++, VB6, VBS.

EasyXLS™ library supports all types of data in cells: strings, numbers, dates, booleans, formulas or errors. EasyXLS™ library allows to create Excel files with multiple sheets. The sheets can be worksheets or chart sheets.

EasyXLS™ library supports to format the cells with font settings, alignment, number or date format, borders, background and pattern, merge cells and themes.

EasyXLS™ library enables you to set row height and column width for Excel worksheets or automatically to fit cell content.

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