Download DevExpress v23.1.3 Components Extreme Source Code

DevExpress v23.1.3 Components Extreme Source Code

DevExpress v23.1.3 Components Extreme Source Code
DevExpress v23.1.3 Components Extreme Source Code

From Angular and React to Vue, DevExtreme includes a comprehensive collection of high-performance and responsive UI components for use in traditional web and next-gen mobile applications. The suite ships with a feature-complete data grid, interactive charts components, data editors, and much more. With DevExtreme, you’ll deliver amazing user experiences for today’s modern web browsers.

A Feature-Complete jаvascript Data Grid Widget
The blazing-fast DevExtreme Data Grid is a feature-rich data shaping and editing client-side widget which allows your end users to easily manage information and display it on-screen as business requirements dictate.

Client-Side Widget Optimized for Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis
The Pivot Grid ships with an optimized client side data engine which can process up to 1,000,000 records on the fly directly inside the browser.

Collection of High-Performance Data Visualization Components
DevExtreme data visualization components allow you to transform data to its most concise and readable visual representation. All chart, gauge and range selector components can be composed into beautiful, informative dashboards that effectively convey intelligence at a single glance.

Google, Bing, and Vector Maps
DevExtreme Map components provide interactive maps that can be customized by using different providers and data sources.

50+ Touch-Optimized Client Side Controls
DevExtreme ships with a comprehensive collection of touch-enabled accessibility-ready UI components with full keyboard support. They were built to create amazing user experiences for desktop and mobile browsers.

Angular/React/Vue, TypeScript and More
Built-in low-level integration allows you to use DevExtreme components in Angular, Vue, React, Ionic frameworks. Data bind using the familiar concepts of modern jаvascript frameworks — use the technologies you know and love.

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