Download ChartDirector for .NET v7.1 Cracked

ChartDirector for .NET v7.1 Cracked

ChartDirector for .NET v7.1 Cracked
ChartDirector for .NET v7.1 Cracked

Pie, donut, bar, line, spline, step line, regression, curve-fitting, inter-line filling, area, band, scatter, bubble, floating box, box-whisker, waterfall, contour, heat map, surface, vector, finance, gantt, radar, polar, rose, pyramid, cone, funnel ... even includes meters and gauges.

Layered Architecture
Combine multiple chart layers to plot combo charts and graphs. You can also use layers to add symbols to highlight specific points, add markers, thresholds, zones, error bands ... The possibilities are endless.

Real Time, Interactive, Big Data Charts
Real time charts with programmable track cursors and tooltips. Plot charts and graphs with millions of data points. Viewport with zooming and panning facilitates visualization of large data sets. Custom mouse and touch event handlers for chart objects.

PDF, SVG and Images
Apart from displaying on screen, charts be created as PDF and SVG, as well as PNG, JPG, GIF and BMP images. This means you send the charts by email, insert them into reports, or save them as records.

ChartDirector is suitable for various application types (desktop, web, console, batch, realtime ...) and supports many programming languages and operating systems. This means your investment in ChartDirector will be useful for your current as well as future projects.

.NET Real-Time Charts in C# and VB
Plot multi-threading real-time charts with programmable track cursors for measurements, and take snapshots as PDF or images. Plot charts with large data sets that can zoom and pan with viewports. Extensive chart types and meter styles. Develop professional WPF, Windows Forms, ASP.NET MVC, Razor Pages and Web Forms charting applications in C#, VB and other .NET CLR compliant languages. Supports both .NET Framework and .NET Core.

WPF and Windows Forms Charting Features
WPF and Windows Forms Chart Controls
ChartDirector includes chart controls that not only display the charts, but also provide user interaction features such as tooltips, zooming and scrolling controls, and programmable track cursors. Most chart objects supports full suite of mouse events for customizing user interactions. Includes plenty of C# charting and VB charting examples.
Large Data Sets and Zooming and Scrolling
Plotting millions of data points are common with ChartDirector. With that much data, zooming and scrolling features are useful. With ChartDirector, in additional to using the mouse wheel and click and drag to zoom and scroll, there is a Viewport control that can display the full data range with a highlighted box showing the visible range in the main chart. Users can resize the box to zoom in/out and move the box to scroll in both X and Y directions.
Zoomable Realtime Charts with Snapshot
Realtime charts in ChartDirector is not limited to appending new data points. You can also update existing data points in realtime, like in a spectrum analyzer in which the spectrum changes in realtime. Realtime charts can be zoomable and scrollable. You can take snapshots as raster images (PNG, JPG, BMP) or as vector graphics in PDF.

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