Download ZappySys ODBC/SSIS PowerPack Enterprise v4.1.3.10907

ZappySys ODBC/SSIS PowerPack Enterprise v4.1.3.10907

ZappySys ODBC/SSIS PowerPack Enterprise v4.1.3.10907
ZappySys ODBC/SSIS PowerPack Enterprise v4.1.3.10907

ZappySys ODBC Drivers built using standard which is widely adopted by industry for a long time. Which mean the majority of BI Tools / Database Engines / ETL Tools already there will support native / 3rd party ODBC Drivers. Below is the small list of most popular tools / programming languages our Drivers support. If your tool / programming language doesn’t appear in the below list, which means we have not documented use case but as long as your tool supports ODBC Standard, our drivers should work fine.

ODBC PowerPack is a collection of high-performance ODBC API Drivers for various API data source (i.e. REST API, JSON, XML, CSV, Amazon S3 …). Using familiar SQL query language you can read/query data from API sources or JSON / XML / CSV Files inside SQL Server (T-SQL) or your favorite Reporting (i.e. Power BI, Tableau, Qlik, SSRS, MicroStrategy, Excel, MS Access), ETL Tools (i.e. Informatica, Talend, Pentaho, SSIS). You can also call our drivers from programming languages such as JAVA, C#, Python, PowerShell etc.

Using our API drivers you can consume data from local files or connect to virtually any API data source (internal or cloud API) such as Amazon AWS API, Salesforce API, Google API (i.e. Analytics, AdWords, DoubleClick), Facebook, Twitter, Zendesk, eBay and many more…

SSIS PowerPack is a collection of 70+ high performance, drag and drop connectors/tasks for SSIS (i.e. Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services). SSIS PowerPack is designed to boost your productivity using easy to use, coding-free components to connect many cloud as well as on-premises data sources such as REST API Services, Azure Cloud, Amazon AWS Cloud, MongoDB, JSON, XML, CSV, Excel, Salesforce, Redshift, DynamoDB, Google API (i.e. Analytics, AdWords), SOAP/Web API, Facebook, Twitter, Zendesk, eBay and many more.

ZappySys Drivers for REST API, JSON, XML – Integrate with Power BI, Tableau, QlikView, QlikSense, Informatica PowerCenter, Talend, SQL Server, SSIS, SSAS, SSRS, Visual Studio / WinForm / WCF, Python, C#, JAVA,, PHP. PowerShell

SSIS Web API Integration Pack (Call REST API, SOAP Web Service)
SSIS Web API Integration Pack is your complete toolset to automate REST API/Web API/SOAP/OAuth/OData Service integration in SSIS. Using simple drag and drop interface you can consume data from any Web Service in few clicks (XML or JSON format). You can also send Ad-hoc request to any web server including file upload requests. It includes JSON Source Connector, XML Source Connector and REST API Task.

Consume any RESTful Web API (like this) or XML SOAP Web Service (like this) in few clicks
Send Ad-hoc Http Web Request (e.g. GET, POST) and save response into SSIS variable or file
Filter, Pivot, De-normalize nested XML or JSON into flat document just like regular database table
Read data from JSON/XML files or RESTful API services (such as Twitter, Zendesk)
Support for JSONPath style expression to extract sub-documents or array
Support for OAuth 1.0 and 2.0 security standard which is adopted by major cloud services (e.g. Google API, Facebook, Salesforce, Dynamics CRM, Office 365, MailChimp and many more)
Support for OData format (see)
Support for Basic authorization (Passing UserID and Password to REST API Service)
Support for looping through multiple files using wild card pattern (e.g. *.json).
Support for HTTP Request with Custom Headers.
Support for REST API Paging (3 different methods) – Loop through multiple requests (explained here and here)
Support for very large JSON files
Support for Pivoting (Convert Columns to Rows)
Ability to output and indent raw JSON from inner array
Support for SSL3 and TLS 1.2 protocol for encryption
Support for passing cookies

SSIS XML Integration Pack (Files, SOAP, REST)
SSIS XML Integration Pack is your complete toolset to automate XML integration scenarios in SSIS (e.g. Consume/Produce/Parse). Using simple drag and drop interface you can read data from XML files or XML Web Services (i.e. REST API/SOAP). It includes XML Source Connector, Export XML File Task, XML Parser Transform and XML Generator Transform.

Read XML data from any SOAP/REST API Web Service using methods such as GET/POST.
Read XML data from single or multiple XML files (use of wildcard allowed. e.g. c:\data\*.xml)
Support for Path expression to extract data from any level (e.g. Extract Orders nested under Customer Node).
Support for passing custom headers to SOAP or REST Web service
REST API Paging support to loop through multiple requests (see)
Parse source XML String/Documents into multiple columns/rows.
Ability to de-normalize nested XML data into flat structure
Create simple or nested XML documents inside DataFlow Task using simple drag and drop approach
Ability to create nested XML from Multiple datasets
Ability to create single XML document for all input records or create one document for each input row from ROOT dataset
Export multiple tables/views to XML files (e.g. Sales% or do SalesJan|SalesFeb)
Export SQL query output to XML file
Inbuilt Layout Editor for creating complex XML with nested structure (Document Array, Value Array, Nested attributes
Automatically Split exported XML data into multiple files by Size or Number of records
Automatically Split exported XML data into multiple files by Split By Column (e.g. SplitBy=Country will create new file for each country)
Support for SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012 (32/64 bit) and now Azure Data Factory
Articles/Tutorials: XML related articles

SSIS Salesforce Integration Pack
SSIS Salesforce Integration Pack is your complete toolset to automate Salesforce integration scenarios in SSIS. Using simple drag and drop interface you can read data from Salesforce or Bulk insert/update data into Salesforce. You can also execute any valid Salesforce API calls inside SSIS. It includes Salesforce Source Connector, Salesforce Destination Connector, Salesforce Connection Manager and Salesforce API Task.

Multiple modes to read data from Salesforce CRM (i.e. Table or Query)
Support for SOQL Query Language (Salesforce Object Query Language)
Support for automatic conversion between UTC date/time and Local date/time
Intuitive user interface with Salesforce Object Browser
Load data into from any source with drag and drop user interface
Support multiple write operations (e.g. Bulk Insert, Update, Delete, Upsert)
Support for executing assignment rule after Update/Insert operation for Case, Lead or Account
Support for saving RawResult (e.g. JSON response) into SSIS variable
Support for calling any Salesforce REST API (RESTful API)
Support for calling any Salesforce SOAP API (XML API)
Call REST Style HTTP Web Service from SSIS (e.g. Perform HTTP GET, POST, LIST )
Save response to variable or file
Filter JSON response using JSONPath to extract specific value inside response text
Filter XML response using XPath to extract specific value inside response text
Support for SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012 (32/64 bit) and now Azure Data Factory
Articles/Tutorials: Salesforce related articles

SSIS Dynamics CRM 365 Integration Pack
SSIS Dynamics CRM Integration Pack is your complete toolset to automate Dynamics CRM integration scenarios in SSIS. Using simple drag and drop interface you can read data from Microsoft Dynamics CRM or Bulk insert/update data into Dynamics CRM. It includes Dynamics CRM Source Connector, Dynamics CRM Destination Connector and Dynamics CRM Connection Manager for Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Online) and CRM on-Premises.

Support for Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Online) and CRM on-premises
Multiple modes to read data from Dynamics CRM (i.e. Table or Query)
Support for FetxhXML Query Language (FetchXML is Dynamics CRM Query Language)
Support for automatic conversion between UTC date/time and Local date/time
Intuitive user interface with Dynamics CRM Object Browser
Load data into Dynamics from any source with drag and drop user interface
Support multiple write operations (e.g. Bulk Insert, Update, Delete, Upsert)
Support for executing assignment rule after Update/Insert operation for Case, Lead or Account
Support for SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012 (32/64 bit) and now Azure Data Factory
Articles/Tutorials: Dynamics CRM related articles

SSIS JSON Integration Pack
SSIS JSON Integration Pack is your complete toolset to automate JSON integration scenarios in SSIS (e.g. Consume/Produce/Parse). Using simple drag and drop interface you can read data from JSON files or JSON Web Service (i.e. REST API). It includes JSON Source Connector, Export JSON File Task, JSON Parser Transform and JSON Generator Transform.

Read JSON data from any REST API Web Service using methods such as GET/POST.
Read JSON data from single or multiple JSON files (use of wildcard allowed. e.g. c:\data\*.json)
Support for Path expression to extract data from any level (e.g. Extract Orders nested under Customer Node).
Support for passing custom headers to API Web service
REST API Paging support to loop through multiple requests (see)
Parse source JSON String/Documents into multiple columns/rows.
Ability to de-normalize nested JSON data into flat structure
Create simple or nested JSON documents inside DataFlow Task using simple drag and drop approach
Ability to create nested JSON from Multiple datasets
Ability to create single JSON document for all input records or create one document for each input row from ROOT dataset
Export multiple tables/views to JSON files (e.g. Sales% or do SalesJan|SalesFeb)
Export SQL query output to JSON file
Inbuilt Layout Editor for creating complex JSON with nested structure (Document Array, Value Array, Nested attributes
Automatically Split exported JSON data into multiple files by Size or Number of records
Automatically Split exported JSON data into multiple files by Split By Column (e.g. SplitBy=Country will create new file for each country)
Support for SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012 (32/64 bit) and now Azure Data Factory
Articles/Tutorials: JSON related articles

SSIS Google Analytics Source
SSIS Google Analytics Source connector can be used to read data from Google Analytics Service without learning complex API. Easy to use interface allows you extract large amount of data adjusting parameters such as dimensions, metrics, filters, sortby, date range etc. You can also use inbuilt reports or specify direct query URL to get desired data.

Intuitive user interface makes google analytics data integration super easy and fast without learning complex APIs or scripting language
Support for OAuth 2.0 Authentication and Google service account (*.p12 certificate file)
Support for Proxy Server
Easy to use interface with three different ways to query google analytics data (1) Build query from UI (2) Use built in query templates (3) Use direct query
Support for dynamic dimensions, metrics, segments, filters and sortby fields (e.g. supply these values at runtime)
Live preview support at design time
Support for AdWords, AdSense, Ad Exchange and DoubleClick for Publisher (DFP)

SSIS MongoDB Integration Pack
SSIS MongoDB Integration Pack is your complete toolset to automate MongoDB integration scenarios in SSIS. Using simple drag and drop interface you can read data from MongoDB or Bulk insert/update data into MongoDB. You can also execute any valid MongoDB API commands inside SSIS (e.g. Create Table/ Drop Table/Get Count). It includes MongoDB Source Connector, MongoDB Destination Connector and MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task.

Bulk extract/output MongoDB data using SSIS Custom Adapter
Support for SQL Like queries using proprietary Query engine, no need to learn complex MongoDB APIs
Bulk insert/update/upsert data into MongoDB Table
Bulk delete data from MongoDB Table
Support for loading Raw JSON documents from any source or generated by JSON Generator Transform
Intuitive user interface with many examples makes MongoDB learning super easy and fast
Support for executing DDL statements such as Create/Drop table
Support for executing custom MongoDB Shell functions / server side jаvascript
Support for saving RawResult (e.g. JSON response) into SSIS variable
Support for SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012 (32/64 bit) and now Azure Data Factory
Articles/Tutorials: MongoDB related articles

Command line for Amazon S3
20+ commands to perform various operations on S3 Files
Multi threaded fast Download/Upload files to S3
Sync folder structure between local storage and S3 storage
Upload/download entire folder structure
Delete S3 files/buckets
Most of commands support wild card pattern for search
Create new files with simple one line command
Assign Permissions to bucket or S3 Files
List properties of S3 files, buckets

SSIS Amazon S3 Task (SSIS AWS S3 Task)
30+ Amazon S3 operations for S3 buckets and files (e.g. Download, Upload, Copy, Delete…)
Download small or very large S3 Files (i.e. AWS S3 file) to local machine
Upload small or very large local file(s) to AWS S3 service
Delete, Rename, List, Get Property, Copy, Move, Create, Set Permission … and many more operations
Support IAM Role for EC2 instances. Check this article.
Encrypt data using Client Side and Server Side Encryption Options (AES 256, RSA 1024)
Generate PreSigned URL to transfer to other cloud systems (such as Google Cloud or Azure Cloud)
Support for Get List operation so you can use SSIS ForEachLoop to loop through files
Download, Upload, Copy, Delete are multi threaded (i.e. fast parallel operations)
Support for SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012 (32/64 bit) and now Azure Data Factory

SSIS Amazon DynamoDB Integration Pack
SSIS Amazon DynamoDB Integration Pack is your complete toolset to automate DynamoDB integration scenarios in SSIS. Using simple drag and drop interface you can read data from DynamoDB or Bulk insert/update data into DynamoDB. You can also execute any valid DynamoDB API commands inside SSIS (e.g. Create Table/ Drop Table/Get Count). It includes DynamoDB Source Connector, DynamoDB Destination Connector and DynamoDB ExecuteSQL Task.

Bulk extract/output Amazon DynamoDB data
Support for SQL Like queries using proprietary Query engine, no need to learn complex AWS APIs
Support for both SCAN and QUERY Mode available in DynamoDB
Bulk insert data into Amazon DynamoDB Table
Bulk delete data from Amazon DynamoDB Table
Support for loading Raw JSON documents from any source or generated by JSON Generator Transform
Interact and write data like a normal table, no need to learn complex APIs
Intuitive user interface with many examples makes DynamoDB learning super easy and fast
Support for executing DDL statements such as Create/Drop table
Support for executing DML statements such as Select/Insert/Update/Delete
Support for saving RawResult (e.g. JSON response) into SSIS variable
Support for saving SingleValue from response such as count or size from getStats function response.
Support for SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012 (32/64 bit) and now Azure Data Factory
Articles/Tutorials: Amazon DynamoDB related articles

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