PVS Studio 7.18.59865
PVS Studio 7.18.59865
PVS-Studio performs static code analysis and generates a report that helps a programmer find and fix bugs. PVS-Studio performs a wide range of code checks, it is also useful to search for misprints and Copy-Paste errors. Examples of such errors: V501, V517, V522, V523, V3001.
The main value of static analysis is in its regular use, so that errors are identified and fixed at the earliest stages. There is no point in wasting 50 hours looking for a bug that could be found with static analysis. So, let's point out that again - the main idea of static analysis is not to find one hidden bug on the day before the release, but to fix dozens of bugs day by day.
The analyzer can be run at night on the server and warn about suspicious code fragments. Ideally, these errors can be detected and fixed before getting into the repository. PVS-Studio can automatically be launched immediately after the compiler for the files that have been just modified.
PVS-Studio can integrate into Visual Studio development environment 2010-2017. If you use this IDE, then most likely you will just have to go to the menu of PVS-Studio plugin and choose "Check Current Project".
Main features of PVS-Studio
Simple and seamless integration with Visual Studio 2010-2017
Automatic analysis of individual files after their recompilation
Online reference guide concerning all the diagnostics available in the program, on the web site and documentation (presented as a .pdf file) Up to 550 pages of documentation
Saving and loading analysis results allow doing overnight checks - during the night the analyzer does the scanning and provides you with the results in the morning.
You can save analysis results as HTML with full source code navigation.
Project analysis run from the command line: helps integrate PVS-Studio into overnight builds; a new log will be issued in the morning.
Great scalability Support of multi-core and multi-processor systems with the possibility to specify the number of the cores to use; IncrediBuild support.
Interactive filtering of the analysis results (the log file) in the PVS-Studio window: by the diagnostic number, file name, the keyword in the text of the diagnostic.
Automatic check of PVS-Studio updates (during the work in IDE and overnight builds).
BlameNotifier utility. The tool allows you to send e-mail notifications to the developers about bugs that PVS-Studio found during a night run.
Supported languages and compilers
Windows. Visual Studio 2010-2017 C, C++, C++/CLI, C++/CX (WinRT), C#
Windows IAR Embedded Workbench, C/C++ Compiler for ARM C, C++
Windows Keil µVision, DS-MDK, ARM Compiler 5/6 C, C++
Windows Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio, ARM Code Generation Tools C, C++
Windows GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain, Arm Embedded GCC compiler, C, C++
Windows Clang C, C++
Windows MinGW C, C++
Windows Java
Only for V.I.P
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