Download PSScriptPad 2022.4.1

PSScriptPad 2022.4.1

PSScriptPad 2022.4.1
PSScriptPad 2022.4.1

PSScriptPad is the tiny editor for Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7. It requires no installation or configuration. It weighs in around 4Mbs, can edit, execute and debug PowerShell scripts, design Windows Forms, WPF Windows, and Package Executables.

Integrated Version
The integrated version uses the PowerShell host within PSScriptPad rather than starting an external PowerShell process.

Editing PowerShell
PSScriptPad supports editing PowerShell scripts. It supports syntax highlighting, syntax checking, IntelliSense and code folding.
Creating a New PowerShell File
Click the New File button on the toolbar to create a new file.

IntelliSense is automatically invoked. It will complete PowerShell cmdlet names, variables, paths, and parameter names. You can also press Ctrl+Space to manually invoke IntelliSense. As you type, the IntelliSense list will be filtered. Pressing tab will select and insert the current option.

Code Folding
Code Folding collapses blocks of PowerShell script that you wish to hide. You can collapse blocks such as if blocks, script blocks and functions blocks. Just click the minus and plus sign to close and open blocks.

PSScriptAnalyzer Support
PSScriptPad will show PSScriptAnalyzer warnings if it is installed. You can customize your PSScriptAnalyzer settings by placing a configuration file in $Env:AppData\PowerShell Pro Tools\PSScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1.

PSScriptPad can also debug PowerShell scripts. It supports executing scripts, setting breakpoints, stepping through scripts and viewing the output of scripts in the terminal window.

Only for V.I.P
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