Download Chilkat Mono Library v9.5.0.94 MultiOS

Chilkat Mono Library v9.5.0.94 MultiOS

Chilkat Mono Library v9.5.0.94 MultiOS
Chilkat Mono Library v9.5.0.94 MultiOS

Download and unzip to any directory. The unzipped directory structure is shown here:

The chilkatCs directory contains the C# source files for the Chilkat classes. These use the standard P/Invoke to call into a native library containing the implementation. Native shared libraries for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X are provided.
On Windows, open a Mono Command Prompt. On Linux or Mac OS X, start a terminal. Navigate to the chilkatMono-9.5.0 directory.
On Linux and Mac OS X, make sure the bash shell scripts (.sh) files have execute permission:
chmod a+x *.sh
(Optional) If desired, generate a new Strong Key by running (or createSnk.bat on Windows). This script contains the following command:
sn -k chilkat.snk
Create the Chilkat Mono managed assembly (chilkatMono.dll) by running (or makeChilkat.bat on Windows). This script contains the following command:
csc -keyfile:chilkat.snk -target:library -out:chilkatMono.dll chilkatCs/*.cs
Copy the native shared library that matches your system's architecture to the chilkatMono-9.5.0 directory (i.e. the same directory where chilkatMono.dll that was just created is located). For example, if running on 64-bit Linux:
cp nativeDll/linux/x64/ .
Build the chilkatTest.cs sample program by running (or makeTest.bat on Windows). This script contains the following command:
csc -lib:. -r:chilkatMono.dll chilkatTest.cs
The sample program can be run. For example:
(on Windows)

(on Linux, Mac OS X, etc.)
mono chilkatTest.exe
Sample Script for Install/Testing on 64-bit Linux
Note: The download URL is for v9.5.0.76. At the time of this writing, it was the latest version of Chilkat.

#!/bin/bash -ef

curl "" -o ""
cd chilkatMono-9.5.0
sn -k chilkat.snk
csc -keyfile:chilkat.snk -target:library -out:chilkatMono.dll chilkatCs/*.cs
cp nativeDll/linux/x64/ .
csc -lib:. -r:chilkatMono.dll chilkatTest.cs
mono chilkatTest.exe
cd ..
Sample Script for Install/Testing on MAC OS X
Note: The download URL is for v9.5.0.76. At the time of this writing, it was the latest version of Chilkat.

#!/bin/bash -ef

curl "" -o ""
cd chilkatMono-9.5.0
sn -k chilkat.snk
csc -keyfile:chilkat.snk -target:library -out:chilkatMono.dll chilkatCs/*.cs
cp nativeDll/mac/libchilkatMono-9_5_0.dylib .
csc -lib:. -r:chilkatMono.dll chilkatTest.cs
mono chilkatTest.exe
cd ..

Only for V.I.P
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