Download Winsoft WebAssembly v1.0 for Delphi/C++ Builder XE2 - 11.2 Alexandria Full Source

Winsoft WebAssembly v1.0 for Delphi/C++ Builder XE2 - 11.2 Alexandria Full Source

Winsoft WebAssembly v1.0 for Delphi/C++ Builder XE2 - 11.2 Alexandria Full Source
Winsoft WebAssembly v1.0 for Delphi/C++ Builder XE2 - 11.2 Alexandria Full Source

WebAssembly runtime for Delphi and C++ Builder.
uses WasmEdge WebAssembly runtime
supports Windows 64
available for Delphi/C++ Builder XE2 - 11.2
source code included in registered version
distributing library in applications is royalty free

  EWebAssembly = class(Exception);

// Version

function GetVersion: string;
procedure GetVersion(out Major, Minor, Patch: UInt32);

// Logging

  TLogLevel = (Off, Error {default}, Debug);

procedure SetLogLevel(Level: TLogLevel);

// Value

  IValue = interface
    property F32: Single read write;
    property F64: Double read write;
    property I32: Int32 read write;
    property I64: Int64 read write;
    property V128: Int128 read write;
    property Value: WasmEdge_Value read;

function CreateI32(I32: Int32): IValue;
function CreateI64(I64: Int64): IValue;
function CreateV128(V128: Int128): IValue;
function CreateF32(F32: Single): IValue;
function CreateF64(F64: Double): IValue;

// String

  IString = interface
    property Bytes: TArray<Byte> read write;
    property &String: WasmEdge_String read;
    property Text: string read write;

function CreateString(const Bytes: TArray<Byte>): IString;
function CreateString(const Text: string): IString;

// Result

  IResult = interface
    property Category: WasmEdge_ErrCategory read;
    property Code: UInt32 read;
    property Message: string read;
    property Ok: Boolean read;
    property Result: WasmEdge_Result read;

// Config

  THostRegistrations = set of WasmEdge_HostRegistration;
  TProposals = set of WasmEdge_Proposal;

  IConfig = interface
    property Context: WasmEdge_ConfigureContextPtr read;
    property CostMeasuring: Boolean read write;
    property DumpIR: Boolean read GetDumpIR write;
    property ForceInterpreter: Boolean read write;
    property GenericBinaryOutput: Boolean read write;
    property HostRegistrations: THostRegistrations read write;
    property InstructionCounting: Boolean read write;
    property InterruptibleCompilation: Boolean read write;
    property MaxMemoryPages: UInt32 read write;
    property OptimizationLevel: WasmEdge_CompilerOptimizationLevel read write;
    property OutputFormat: WasmEdge_CompilerOutputFormat read write;
    property Proposals: TProposals read write;
    property TimeMeasuring: Boolean read write;

function CreateConfig: IConfig;

// Statistics

  IStatistics = interface
    procedure Clear;

    property Context: WasmEdge_StatisticsContextPtr read;
    property InstructionCount: Int64 read;
    property InstructionCountPerSecond: Double read;
    property TotalCost: Int64 read;

function CreateStatistics: IStatistics;

// Compiler

  ICompiler = interface
    procedure Compile(const Input: TArray<Byte>; const OutputFile: string);
    procedure Compile(const InputFile, OutputFile: string);

    property Context: WasmEdge_CompilerContextPtr read;

function CreateCompiler(Config: IConfig = nil): ICompiler;

// VirtualMachine

  IVirtualMachine = interface
    procedure Cleanup;
    procedure Instantiate;
    procedure Load(const Input: TArray<Byte>);
    procedure Load(const InputFile: string);
    function Run(const InputFile, FunctionName: string; const Parameters: TArray<IValue>): IValue;
    function Run(const InputFile, FunctionName: string; const Parameters: TArray<IValue>; ResultCount: Integer): TArray<IValue>;
    procedure Validate;

    property Context: WasmEdge_VMContextPtr read;

function CreateVirtualMachine(Config: IConfig = nil): IVirtualMachine;

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