Download RandPass Pro 2.2 Multilingual

RandPass Pro 2.2 Multilingual

RandPass Pro 2.2 Multilingual
RandPass Pro 2.2 Multilingual

Random password generator. A simple tool for generating random passwords using either random symbols or random words.

User can easily select groups of characters used for passwords, including lower case letters, upper case letters, digits, specify custom character set and formatting of the password, check for uniqueness, eliminate similar characters and more. Word list based password generation provides several common word lists, including Diceware and EFF, with an option of using a custom word list file.

Application also supports command line execution for unattended generation of passwords.

Technical details
Latest stable version: 2.2 released 20 days ago
Latest development version: released 5 days ago
Requirements: Windows 2000 and later
Product birth date: 13 years ago

ONLY for V.I.P/Platinum Members
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