Download UniTwain v3.1.1.12

UniTwain v3.1.1.12

UniTwain v3.1.1.12
UniTwain v3.1.1.12

The virtual TWAIN device allows you to import any kind of document into the application from the scanning interface. UniTwain acts as a scanner which allows you to pull images from your documents instead of a physical device.

UniTwain, a virtual scanner, appears in your application just like any physical scanning device. When you select it as a scanning source, the UniTwain interface appears allowing you to import documents, images, snapshots from cameras, and even scans from other scanners, and then return all of those images to the application. You can scan any type of document directly into your application.

UniTwain mobile application
Convert your mobile phone into a TWAIN scanner. Use a smartphone to scan into an application running on your PC. Scanning your patient data into your healthcare application or house interiors for your real estate managment software with the UniTwain mobile application you can skip the long and tedious process of getting your images into your enterprise applications.

Import a wide selection of image formats into UniTwain, sort and edit them, before importing the images into any scanning application. Easily manage existing images of documents and include them into your document management platform.

Import PDF Documents
As with images, you have the same functionality for PDF documents. Once you import them into UniTwain, you can remove pages, edit or even insert new ones. With UniTwain, document management application will be more versatile with the increased document types you can store.

Import Camera
Besides existing digital documents, you can now take snapshots from the web camera connected to a PC, and directly import those images. For example, this enables health care professionals to take images of their clients or patients and import them into any EMR, CRM, etc., just like normally scanning their IDs.

Extend Scanner
UniTwain acts as a virtual scanner and can also be used as a layer between applications and an existing scanners. This converts your small office scanner into a high end scanning device, which comes with all earlier mentioned features.

Built in Image Editor
The built-in image editor includes all the bells and whistles you expect with a modern image-editing tool. This saves both time and money, as you do not need another image editing application.

Easy and fast setup
Just a couple of clicks on the Next button, and you're practically good to go. UniTwain will install itself as a scanner driver and will be visible as a virtual scanner in all applications which have an option to scan.

ScanSnap TWAIN driver
You can finally use your ScanSnap scanner for scanning without compatibility issues. No need for additional configuration or scanning into folders hoping you can import those documents later. By selecting the UniTwain scanner in your application, take advantage and use all your ScanSnap options, and more.

ONLY for V.I.P/Platinum Members
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