Download SalePro v4.2.0 Nulled POS, Inventory Management System

SalePro v4.2.0 - POS, Inventory Management System with HRM & Accounting

SalePro v4.2.0 - POS, Inventory Management System with HRM & Accounting
SalePro v4.2.0 - POS, Inventory Management System with HRM & Accounting

SalePro POS – Ultimate Inventory Management Software with POS (Point of Sale) is an open source php script. Based on latest laravel framework, this stock/inventory management software allows you to manage your inventory, sales, purchases, customers, invoices, payments, employees, accounting and much more.

Update your stock information, make purchases and view sales information from anywhere anytime. Whether you are running a small business or a big enterprise – SalePro POS is the solution you need.

Awesome Features


Overview of Sale, Purchase, Sale Return, Purchase Return and profit.
Date filter option
Cash Flow chart of the last 6 months
Donut chart of Sale, Purchase and expense of the current month
Yearly bar Chart of Sale and Purchase
List of latest 5 Sales, Purchases, Quotation and Payments
Top 5 best-selling products monthly & yearly


Standard Product, Digital Product, Combo Product and Service
Product Variants with combination between multiple variants.
Product Batches and Expiry dates feature
IMEI or Serial number
Weight Scale Machine integration
Sale or purchase a product in various product units
Product Category
Product Tax and Tax method (Exclusive or Inclusive)
Indian GST ready
Promotional Price
Multiple image upload feature through drag and drop
Product details with lots of customization option including uploading image
Initial stock and automatic purchase
Alert quantity and Daily Sale Objective
Add, edit, delete & view products and categories
Import by product and category from CSV
Print Barcodes


Add, edit, delete & view purchases
Date choosing option for previous purchases
Set batches and expiry dates
Set order discount
Set order tax
Set shipping cost
Currency conversion between multiple currencies
Unit conversion between multiple product units
Attach document
Multiple Payments for a specific purchase (add, edit, delete)
Take payment with cash, cheque
Receive Payments online with Stripe
Import purchase from the CSV file
Purchase return


Add, edit, delete & view sales
Date choosing option for previous sales
Set order discount
Set order tax both percentage and flat basis
Set shipping cost
Coupon code and discount
Currency conversion between multiple currencies
Unit conversion between multiple product units
Attach document
Multiple Payments for a specific sale (add, edit, delete)
Take payment with cash, cheque, reward points and gift card
Receive Payments online with Stripe and PayPal
Import sale from the CSV file
A4 and thermal invoice
Mail notification to customer with sale details
Sales return
Mail notification to customer with sale return details
Add, edit, delete & view deliveries of sale


User oriented design, touchscreen friendly
Suspend sales, print order & bill
Draft/Hold sale
Create customer
Filter products by category and brand
Display of featured products
Add product to order table by clicking on the image of featured products
Set order discount
Set order tax both percentage and flat basis
Set shipping cost
Coupon code and discount
Currency conversion between multiple currencies
Unit conversion between multiple product units
Can show bill screen to customers
Accept multiple payments (cash, cheque, gift card, reward points, Stripe and PayPal)
Add sale, payment & staff notes
Edit and delete recent sales (last 10)
Quick cash facility
Open and close cash register
Today sale report
Today’s profit report


Add, edit, delete and view expense categories.
Add, edit, delete and view expenses.


Add, edit, delete & view quotation
Set order discount, order tax and shipping cost
Attach document
Add sale from quotation
Add purchase from quotation
Mail notification to customer with quotation details

Stock Transfer

Transfer products between multiple warehouses
Add, edit, delete & view transfers with status
Set shipping cost
Attach Document
Import by CSV

Stock Count and Adjustment

Create Stock count to count physical stock
Compare physical stock and software stock
Create adjustment from the counted stock if any difference found
Create manual adjustment to adjust the stock


Add bank account
Money transfer between bank accounts
Account statement
Balance sheet
Relate bank account with transaction and payments


Add/view/edit/delete department
Add/view/edit/delete employee
Employee attendance
Holiday application


Add, edit, delete & view users and assign roles
Add, edit, delete & view customers
Add, edit, delete & view billers
Add, edit, delete & view suppliers
Make a person both supplier and customer
Create user account for customer
Money deposit facility for customers
Mail notification to user email with user/pass
Import customers, billers, suppliers by CSV


Summary Report of all transactions warehouse wise
Profit/loss report based on average COGS (cost of goods sold).
Best seller chart of last 3 months
Product report with all transaction’s summary
Daily sale report
Monthly sale report
Daily purchase report
Monthly purchase report
Product wise sale report with date filter
Product wise purchase report with date filter
Payment report
Customer report with all transaction details
Customer due report
Supplier report with all transaction details
Supplier due report
Sale report chart with lots of filtering options
Warehouse report with all transaction details
Warehouse stock chart
Product Expiry report
Alert quantity report
Daily sale objective report
User report with all transaction details


Edit Logo, Site title
Change POS settings
Edit user profile, change password
Create roles for users
Cash register
Add, edit, delete & view customer groups
Add, edit, delete & view warehouses
Add, edit, delete & view Tax rates
Add, edit, delete & view brands
Add, edit, delete & view units
Add, edit, delete & view currencies
Add, edit, delete & view custom fields
Add, edit, delete & view discount plan and discounts
Table Management
Role permission
SMS with Twilio and Clickatell
General setting
POS setting
HRM setting
Reward point setting
Backup Database


Multilingual (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Indonesian, Malay, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Hindi, Chinese, Lao, Dutch. More will be added soon)
Automatic purchase feature if a product exceeds alert quantity
Send notification/message between user accounts
Full screen option
Dark mode and Light mode
Table sorting (column wise)
Column visibility control
Export table contents to CSV, PDF or Print (chosen columns)

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