Materials for 26.06.2014 » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!

SmarDraw 2013 Enterprise

SmarDraw 2013 Enterprise
SmarDraw 2013 Enterprise | 54 Mb

SmartDraw is the World's First Visual Processor TM - Just as the word processor makes it possible for anyone to create beautifully formatted written documentation, the visual processor makes it possible for anyone to create presentation-quality visuals just as easily.
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AlphaControls v9.04 Beta Retail (Delphi/BCB All Version)

AlphaControls v9.04 Beta Retail (Delphi/BCB All Version)
AlphaControls v9.04 Beta Retail (Delphi/BCB All Version) | 18 Mb

AlphaControls - a set of common and some unique components that support skins (AlphaSkins), as well as having some additional features. All skin elements can have their own properties for advanced drawing the gradient, realistic framework, semi-transparent and blurry shadows. Graphics functions produce all the calculations and drawing in real-time. Added property BoundLabel for editing elements. Handled various mouse events, which gives some additional features components. Manager prompts controls the tips in the application and gives them a beautiful view with a lot of settings that can be changed by a special designer. Analogs of standard components provide all the functionality and add a lot of new solutions to improve software quality and their appearance.

Delphi : D5 D6 D7 D2005 D2006 D2007 D2009 D2010 DXE DXE2 DXE2_x64 DXE3 DXE3_x64 DXE4 DXE4_x64 DXE5 DXE5_x64 DXE6 DXE6_x64
C++ Builder : CB6 BCB2006 BCB2007 BCB2009 CB2010 BuilderXE BuilderXE2 BuilderXE3 BuilderXE4 BuilderXE5 BuilderXE6
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TSPlus Corporate

TSPlus Corporate
TSPlus Corporate | 144 Mb

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of TSplus Version 6 (major release). This powerful new release incorporates a wide range of new features and functionality, including: Integrated secure gateway to multiple TSplus Hosts with Single Sign On (SSO), HTLML5, Java and Windows Web Access clients, Highly secured TS WEB with Tunneling and Port Forwarding... and much more.
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CodeLobster PHP Edition Pro 5.0.4

CodeLobster PHP Edition Pro 5.0.4
CodeLobster PHP Edition Pro 5.0.4 | 24 Mb

Code Lobster PHP Edition - Our goal is to create product which would simplify and speed up to the maximum process of developing full-featured web sites on php. For now, it includes all standard abilities for operating with code and many advanced features for PHP developing. Full description for all features you can find on Features tour page.
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Alive Software ePageCreator

Alive Software ePageCreator
Alive Software ePageCreator | 27 Mb

ePageCreator allows you to create Flash, HTML5, ePub, Mobi, EXE and Zip format. With iCreateApp, you can also create native App for iOS and Android in minutes without coding. Flash format for PC and Mac, HTML5 for mobile devices, ePub and Mobi for eReader. EXE and Zip for putting into CD/USB, hard drive or email to others for offline reading. iOS App for AppStore. Android App for Google Play
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