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DbVisualizer Pro 24.2.1 (x64)

DbVisualizer Pro 24.2.1 (x64)
DbVisualizer Pro 24.2.1 (x64)

The database client with the highest user satisfaction. DbVisualizer has a long history of being the preferred database tool for the world’s leading data professionals. Built for navigating complexity. DbVisualizer has everything you need to build, manage and maintain state-of-the-art database technologies. Each feature has been thoughtfully crafted to solve real world problems.
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Gammadyne Clyton 33.0

Gammadyne Clyton 33.0
Gammadyne Clyton 33.0

Clyton is a feature-rich email client designed to keep your emails private and filter spam messages.The spam filter is highly configurable and supports DNS blacklist checking (DNSBL). Expect 85% of spam to be eliminated with the default configuration. Email that is suspicious but not obviously spam is quarantined for 24 hours and then retested. The built-in address book supports personalized mass-mailings. Received email cannot run scripts, download multimedia, or use embedded objects without the user's approval.
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DevExpress Components for .NET v23.2.6.24166

DevExpress Components for .NET v23.2.6.24166
DevExpress Components for .NET v23.2.6.24166

The DevExpress WinForms Subscription ships with a comprehensive suite of Office-inspired user interface components. From our award-winning Data Grid and Ribbon to our Excel-inspired Spreadsheet and Word-inspired Rich Text Editor for Windows Forms, this subscription has everything you'll need to create apps that are both beautiful and easy-to-use.
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ProfExam Suite 8.0.24176.6676

ProfExam Suite 8.0.24176.6676
ProfExam Suite 8.0.24176.6676

Being a teacher also requires you to put your students’ progress and knowledge to a test via exams and written assignments. While some still prefer the traditional pen and paper to build up questions in a test, others use, what do you think, an app! Because there is an app for everything in the era of technology, right?
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DbVisualizer Pro 24.1.6 (x64)

DbVisualizer Pro 24.1.6 (x64)
DbVisualizer Pro 24.1.6 (x64)

The database client with the highest user satisfaction. DbVisualizer has a long history of being the preferred database tool for the world’s leading data professionals. Built for navigating complexity. DbVisualizer has everything you need to build, manage and maintain state-of-the-art database technologies. Each feature has been thoughtfully crafted to solve real world problems.
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