Materials for 20.12.2016 » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!

MaxMind GeoIP ASNum, GeoIP City, GeoIP ISP Databases Binary Format (2016 Update 3)

MaxMind GeoIP ASNum, GeoIP City, GeoIP ISP Databases Binary Format (2016 Update 3)
MaxMind GeoIP ASNum, GeoIP City, GeoIP ISP Databases Binary Format (2016 Update 3) | 32 Mb

Determine the Internet Service Provider, organization name, and autonomous system organization and number associated with an IP address. The organization name is available for about 40% of corporate, government, and educational networks. In situations where we are not able to identify a specific business entity, we return the ISP name instead of the name of the business.
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Stimulsoft Reports.Net 2016.3 Retail

Stimulsoft Reports.Net 2016.3 Retail
Stimulsoft Reports.Net 2016.3 Retail | 24 Mb

Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate is a comprehensive solution to render reports for the .NET Framework platform. The product includes a complete set of tools to build reports under WinForms, ASP.NET, Silverlight and WPF environments. Report Designers, which can be run at design time and runtime, including a unique report designer for Web. Viewers for displaying reports. Powerful system of exporting reports, which supports many different types of formats. Simple but very powerful report engine. One of the basic principles of using Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate is different technologies but common approaches in creating reports. When migrating applications to new technology, principles of working with reports remain unchanged.
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