Materials for 27.06.2017 » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!

Devart Entity Developer 6.1.284

Devart Entity Developer 6.1.284
Devart Entity Developer 6.1.284 | 37 Mb

Entity Developer is a powerful ORM designer for ADO.NET Entity Framework, NHibernate, LinqConnect, and LINQ to SQL. You can use Model-First and Database-First approaches to design your ORM model and generate C# or Visual Basic .NET code for it. It introduces new approaches for designing ORM models, boosts productivity, and facilitates the development of database applications.
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Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 5.0.1

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 5.0.1
Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 5.0.1 | 73 Mb

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder is a comprehensive and lightweight software that provides users with a simple means of creating, editing and personalizing websites. The aforementioned application is worth having when you need to create complete and customized websites. By using the WYSIWYG algorithm helps you to display all the elements in the exact position as in the designer. Quick 'n Easy Web Builder is a website building utility that aims to design and build full-featured web pages without the need to add HTML code scripts.
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yaldex 1st JavaScript Editor Pro 5.1 PRO

yaldex 1st JavaScript Editor Pro 5.1 PRO
yaldex 1st jР°vascript Editor Pro 5.1 PRO | 9 Mb

Beside rich possibilities of editing scripts, Ajax editor offers large snippets library with full collection of HTML tags, HTML attributes, HTML events, ajax scripts, jР°vascript events and jР°vascript functions, attributes, statements and operators (such as window, document, frame, history, location, navigator, date, math, string, etc - at whole over 1200), allowing you to insert them into web page by click.
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