Materials for 02.01.2018 » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!

ComponentAce FlexCompress 6.91 Full Source

ComponentAce FlexCompress 6.91 Full Source
ComponentAce FlexCompress 6.91 Full Source

FlexCompress is a high-speed compression library developed to provide archive functionality for your applications. This solution provides flexible compression and strong encryption algorithms that allows you to integrate archiving or backup features into your programs in a fast and easy way. FlexCompress includes our new unique technology, a transaction system. This innovative solution gives you a rapid and simple way of updating archive files providing data integrity like a reliable database system.
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MySQL Data Access Components 9.0.2 Professional

MySQL Data Access Components 9.0.2 Professional
MySQL Data Access Components 9.0.2 Professional

MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) is a library of components that provides direct access to MySQL from Delphi, C++Builder, Lazarus (and Free Pascal) on Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, Linux, and FreeBSD for both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. Applications based on MyDAC can connect directly to MySQL server or work through the MySQL client library. MyDAC is designed to help programmers develop faster and cleaner MySQL database applications. MyDAC is a complete replacement for standard MySQL connectivity solutions and presents an efficient alternative to the Borland Database Engine (BDE) and standard dbExpress driver for access to MySQL.
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RealThinClient SDK Starter Editions v9.00

RealThinClient SDK Starter Editions v9.00
RealThinClient SDK Starter Editions v9.00

Delphi components for building reliable cross-platform HTTP(S), Clients, Servers, Routers, Proxies, Load Balancers & more …RealThinClient components development, marketing, sales and customer support are being handled by “DeltaSoft” d.o.o. from Croatia, with Danijel Tkalčec as CEO and main product developer. “DeltaSoft” d.o.o. was founded by Danijel Tkalčec in 1998, with main focus on software development.
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Telerik UI for Xamarin R3 2017 (version 2017.3.1214.240) Retail

Telerik UI for Xamarin R3 2017 (version 2017.3.1214.240) Retail
Telerik UI for Xamarin R3 2017 (version 2017.3.1214.240) Retail

Telerik UI for Xamarin uses the Xamarin.Forms technology, which makes it possible for developers to build native iOS, Android and Windows Phone apps from a single shared C# code base. The Telerik Chart and Calendar for Xamarin enables developers to easily implement various charting functionalities in their Xamarin.Forms projects and achieve the same scenarios across platforms using a single shared C# code base.
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Telerik UI for PHP R3 SP2 2017 (version 2017.3.1026) Retail

Telerik UI for PHP R3 SP2 2017 (version 2017.3.1026) Retail
Telerik UI for PHP R3 SP2 2017 (version 2017.3.1026) Retail

Telerik UI for PHP is a complete framework for building modern HTML5 web and mobile apps using PHP. The package includes a suite of 40+ jQuery-based UI widgets that come with PHP server wrappers, an MVVM framework, customizable themes and templates. You can easily build rich, modern web applications in your preferred server-side language because Telerik UI for PHP renders the j@vascript.
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Telerik UI for JSP R3 2017 SP2 (2017.3.1026) Retail

Telerik UI for JSP R3 2017 SP2 (2017.3.1026) Retail
Telerik UI for JSP R3 2017 SP2 (2017.3.1026) Retail

Telerik UI for JSP includes a Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) framework. It lets you write JSP code to generate widgets that seamlessly integrate with your server-side backend. With MVVM you can manage complex HTML and j@vascript UI with declarative bindings and two-way syncing between views and models. You don’t have to manually keep the view and model in sync; the MVVM framework does it for you.
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