Materials for 30.01.2023 » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!

TMS FNC UI Pack v4.1.0.1 Full Source Code for RAD Studio XE7-11 Alexandria

TMS FNC UI Pack v4.1.0.1 Full Source Code for RAD Studio XE7-11 Alexandria
TMS FNC UI Pack v4.1.0.1 Full Source Code for RAD Studio XE7-11 Alexandria

Powerful, feature-rich UI controls for 4 frameworks and 5+ operating systems.

Column Persistence
Fixed cell single and range selection
Autosizing columns / rows on double-click
Highly configurable and flexible grid
Various cell types available and built-in as well as support for custom cell types
Fixed columns left and/or right, fixed rows at top and/or bottom.
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TMS FNC Dashboard Pack v1.2.6.4 Full Source Code for RAD Studio XE8-11 Alexandria

TMS FNC Dashboard Pack v1.2.6.4 Full Source Code for RAD Studio XE8-11 Alexandria
TMS FNC Dashboard Pack v1.2.6.4 Full Source Code for RAD Studio XE8-11 Alexandria

TTMSFNCWidgetProgress: Circular progress indicator
TTMSFNCWidgetSetPoint: Value indicator with range & and setpoint
TTMSFNCWidgetMultiProgress: Concentric circle based progress indicator for multiple values
TTMSFNCWidgetDistributionIndicator: Values distribution indicator in various modes: donut, pie, horiz. bar, vert. bar, funnel
TTMSFNCWidgetMarqueeProgress: Continuous running or marquee style progress indicator
TTMSFNCWidgetLCDLabel: 7-segment LCD based value indicator
TTMSFNCWidgetGauge: Highly configureable gauge control
TTMSFNCWidgetArrow: Arrow control for indicating trends via arrow up/down
TTMSFNCWidgetTrendIndicator: Trend-indicator chart control with line, area & bar type
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SDL 2 from September 22, 2022

SDL 2 from September 22, 2022
SDL 2 from September 22, 2022

Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D. It is used by video playback software, emulators, and popular games including Valve's award winning catalog and many Humble Bundle games.
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DevExpress Components for .NET v22.1.5.22269

DevExpress Components for .NET v22.1.5.22269
DevExpress Components for .NET v22.1.5.22269

The DevExpress WinForms Subscription ships with a comprehensive suite of Office-inspired user interface components. From our award-winning Data Grid and Ribbon to our Excel-inspired Spreadsheet and Word-inspired Rich Text Editor for Windows Forms, this subscription has everything you'll need to create apps that are both beautiful and easy-to-use.
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Acronis Cloud Manager 6.0.22241.161 (x64)

Acronis Cloud Manager 6.0.22241.161 (x64)
Acronis Cloud Manager 6.0.22241.161 (x64)

Acronis Cloud Manager provides advanced monitoring, management, migration, and recovery for Microsoft Cloud environments of all shapes and sizes, including single and multi-tenant public, private, and hybrid cloud configurations. Acronis Cloud Manager is the only platform to provide unified public, private, and hybrid cloud management, migration, monitoring, backup, and recovery for the Microsoft Cloud from a single, easy-to-use, and cost-efficient access point. Our platform eliminates the need for point solutions and non-integrated tools, each of which features a different interface and learning curve. By replacing these tools, Acronis Cloud Manager dramatically reduces the complexity of managing your decentralized cloud environments, allowing you to reduce IT costs, achieve peak performance, and satisfy customer and employee demand.
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TMS FNC WX Pack v1.5.1.0 Full Source Code for Delphi XE8-11 Alexandria

TMS FNC WX Pack v1.5.1.0 Full Source Code for Delphi XE8-11 Alexandria
TMS FNC WX Pack v1.5.1.0 Full Source Code for Delphi XE8-11 Alexandria

With TMS FNC WX Pack, you can leverage existing web libraries in VCL Windows applications, FMX cross-platform applications for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android & Linux, or TMS WEB Core Web applications for any device running a modern browser. The integration is seamless and in almost all cases the functionality is offline usable as components from your Delphi or C++Builder applications. No extra files need to be deployed along with your applications, the components are designed in such a way they look, feel, behave just like other framework components.
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